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abortCinematic() - Method in class Cinematic
Abort the current cinematic.
AbstractArcher - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Archer.
AbstractArcheryRange - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Archery Range.
AbstractArmory - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Armory.
AbstractBarracks - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Barracks.
AbstractCart - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Cart.
AbstractCavalry - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Cavalry.
AbstractDock - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Dock.
AbstractFarm - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Farm.
AbstractFortress - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Fortress.
AbstractGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
AbstractGadget() - Constructor for class AbstractGadget
AbstractInfantry - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Infantry.
AbstractMonument - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Monument.
AbstractPharaoh - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Pharaoh.
AbstractScout - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Scout.
AbstractSettlement - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Settlement.
AbstractSiegeWeapon - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Siege Weapon.
AbstractStable - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Stable.
AbstractTemple - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Temple.
AbstractTitan - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Titan.
AbstractTradeUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be traded with.
AbstractVillager - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Villager.
AbstractWall - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some part of a Wall.
accelerator - Variable in class SubMenu
Defines the hotkey that can be used to jump to this entry.
AccountID - Variable in class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
The internal ID of your ESO account.
AccountIDHex - Variable in class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
The same value as AccountID, but now in hexadecimal.
AccountService - Interface in aom.scripting.eso
This is an interface specifying what functionality the Account Service offers.
AccountService.AuthenticateResponse - Class in aom.scripting.eso
The response data from an authentication request.
Action - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of Actions.
ActionAttack - Variable in class UnitType
ActionBuild - Variable in class UnitType
ActionGather - Variable in class UnitType
ActionTrain - Variable in class UnitType
ActionTrickle - Variable in class UnitType
ActivateProductKey(String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Register a product key.
addGadget(AbstractGadget) - Method in class Layout
addRadioButton(RadioButton) - Method in class RadioSetGadget
addressServer - Variable in class ServerConfig
Sets the address of the address-grabbing-server for LAN/Direct IP modes.
addSubMenu(SubMenu) - Method in class MenuGadget
addSubMenu(SubMenu) - Method in class SubMenu
Age1Building - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Age 1 Building.
Age1Temple - Variable in class UnitType
Age2Building - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Age 2 Building.
Age3Building - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Age 3 Building.
AgeLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether the player has advanced to a specific age yet.
aiAttemptResign() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Asks the player if its ok to resign
aiAutoSavegame(string) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Saves the auto, debugging savegames.
aiBreakAtStart - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Automatically insert a breakpoint at the start of an AI script.
aiBreakpointGo(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
aiBreakpointSet(int, string, int, bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
aiBuyResourceOnMarket(int) - Method in class Economy
Buys (+100) the given resource.
aiCalculateMostHatedPlayerID(int) - Method in class Military
Returns the playerID for the player the AI thinks it should be attacking.
aiCastGodPowerAtPosition(int, vector) - Method in class GodPower
Casts the given God power tech, at the specified position.
aiCastGodPowerAtUnit(int, int) - Method in class GodPower
Casts the given God power tech, at the specified unit.
aiChat(int, string) - Method in class Communication
aiCommsGetRecordData(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the data of a given record.
aiCommsGetRecordPlayerID(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the player ID of a given record.
aiCommsGetRecordPosition(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the position of a given record.
aiCommsGetRecordPromptType(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the prompt type of a given record.
aiCommsGetRecordResponse(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the response type of a given record.
aiCommsGetRecordType(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the type of a given record.
aiCommsGetResponseData(int) - Method in class Communication
Get the response data of a given record.
aiCommsSendOrder(int, int, int) - Method in class Communication
Sends an order to the designated player.
aiCommsSendOrderWithVector(int, int, int, vector) - Method in class Communication
Sends an order to the designated player.
aiCommsSendPrompt(int, int, int, float, int, int, int) - Method in class Communication
Sends a prompt to the designated player and sets up a response.
aiCommsSendPromptWithVector(int, int, int, float, int, int, int, vector) - Method in class Communication
Sends a prompt to the designated player and sets up a response.
aiCommsSendStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class Communication
Sends a statement to the designated player.
aiCommsSendStatementWithVector(int, int, int, vector) - Method in class Communication
Sends a statement to the designated player.
aiCommsSetEventHandler(string) - Method in class Communication
Sets the handler for the communications system (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiCommsSetSpecificEventHandler(long, string) - Method in class Communication
Sets the handler for a specific chat record in the comms system (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiDebug - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Enables AI debugging options.
AIDebug - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning AI Debugging.
AIDebugGathererToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the AI gatherer distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugInfoRefresh() - Method in class AIDebug
Shows the AI debug menu with new data.
AIDebugInfoToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the AI debug menu is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugOutputToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the AI output window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugPastResourceNeedToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the AI past resource needs window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugPopToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the AI pop distribution window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugTimedStatsToggle() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles whether the KB timed statistics window is up, refreshing if first showing.
AIDebugToggleBPText() - Method in class AIDebug
Toggles the showing of building placement value text.
aiDifficulty() - Method in class Templates
The current difficulty level, i.e.
aiEcho(string) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
CP AI echo.
aiErrorMessage(string) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
CP AI error.
aiFindBestAttackGodPowerPlan() - Method in class GodPower
Find a valid god power plan to attach to an attack plan
aiFindBestTownDefenseGodPowerPlan() - Method in class GodPower
Find a valid god power plan to use for town defense
aiGetAllowAutoDropsites() - Method in class Economy
Returns allow auto dropsites on/off.
aiGetAllowBuildings() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns allow buildings on/off.
aiGetAttackResponseDistance() - Method in class Military
Returns the attack response distance.
aiGetAutoFarmEscrowID() - Method in class Economy
Returns the auto Farm escrow ID.
aiGetAutoFavorGather() - Method in class Economy
Returns auto favor gather on/off.
aiGetAutoGatherEscrowID() - Method in class Economy
Returns the auto gather escrow ID.
aiGetAutosaveOn() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns whether or not its cool to turn AI autosaves on.
aiGetAvailableEconomyPop() - Method in class Economy
Returns the available economy pop for this player.
aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop() - Method in class Military
Returns the script-defined military pop for this player.
aiGetCaptainPlayerID(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the captain for the given player's team.
aiGetCurrentResourceNeed(int) - Method in class Economy
Returns the current resource need for the given resource.
aiGetEconomyPercentage() - Method in class Economy
Returns the economy priority percentage.
aiGetEconomyPop() - Method in class Economy
Returns the script-defined economy pop for this player.
aiGetExploreDangerThreshold() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Gets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value.
aiGetFarmLimit() - Method in class Economy
Returns the per plan farm build limit.
aiGetGameMode() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the game mode.
aiGetGodPowerProtoIDForTechID(int) - Method in class GodPower
Translate a granted tech id into a protopower id
aiGetGodPowerTechIDForSlot(int) - Method in class GodPower
Get the god power tech id from the given slot.
aiGetGodPowerType(int) - Method in class GodPower
Get the type for a ProtoPower
aiGetMarketBuyCost(int) - Method in class Economy
Returns the amount required to buy 100 units of the given resource.
aiGetMarketSellCost(int) - Method in class Economy
Returns the amount received for selling 100 units of the given resource.
aiGetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Gets the limit for how many LOS Protounits (e.g.
aiGetMilitaryPercentage() - Method in class Military
Returns the militarypriority percentage.
aiGetMilitaryPop() - Method in class Military
Returns the script-defined military pop for this player.
aiGetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressives() - Method in class Economy
Gets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals.
aiGetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives() - Method in class Economy
Gets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals.
aiGetMostHatedPlayerID() - Method in class Military
Returns the script-defined most hated player ID for this player.
aiGetNumberIdlePlans(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the of idle plans of the given type.
aiGetPauseAllAgeUpgrades() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Gets the pause all age upgrades flag from the AI.
aiGetPersonality() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Gets the player's personality.
aiGetPopNeeds() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Gets the current Pop needs of all the plans.
aiGetResourceBreakdownNumberPlans(int, int, int) - Method in class Economy
Gets the number of plans for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourceBreakdownPercentage(int, int, int) - Method in class Economy
Gets the percentage for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourceBreakdownPlanPriority(int, int, int) - Method in class Economy
Gets the priority of the plans for the given breakdown.
aiGetResourceGathererPercentage(int, int) - Method in class Economy
Returns the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource.
aiGetResourceGathererPercentageWeight(int) - Method in class Economy
Returns the RGP weight.
aiGetTrainedDropsiteUnitTypeID() - Method in class Economy
Returns the trained dropsite PUID.
aiGetWorldDifficulty() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the world difficulty level.
aiGetWorldDifficultyName(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the name of the level.
aiGoalGetIDByIndex(int, int, bool, int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the ID of matching goal.
aiGoalGetNumber(int, int, bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the number of matching goals.
aiIsMultiplayer() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns true, if this is a multiplayer game.
aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentages(int) - Method in class Economy
Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages to 1.0.
aiNormalizeResourceGathererPercentageWeights() - Method in class Economy
Normalizes all of the resource gatherer percentages weights to 1.0.
aiNumberUnassignedUnits(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the number of unassigned units of the given type.
aiNumberUnassignedUnitsByGoal(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns the number of unassigned units based on the goal's unit type(s).
aiPlanAddUnit(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds a unit to the plan.
aiPlanAddUnitType(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds a unit type to the plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableBool(int, int, string, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds the variable to the given plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableFloat(int, int, string, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds the variable to the given plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableInt(int, int, string, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds the variable to the given plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableString(int, int, string, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds the variable to the given plan.
aiPlanAddUserVariableVector(int, int, string, int) - Method in class Plan
Adds the variable to the given plan.
aiPlanAddWaypoint(int, vector) - Method in class Plan
Adds the waypoint to the given plan.
aiPlanCreate(string, int) - Method in class Plan
Creates a plan of the given name and type.
aiPlanDestroy(int) - Method in class Plan
Destroys the given plan.
aiPlanDestroyByName(string) - Method in class Plan
Destroys the plan of the given name.
aiPlanGetActive(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the active-ness of the given plan.
aiPlanGetActualPriority(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the priority of the given plan.
aiPlanGetAllowUnderAttackResponse(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the UA response-ness of the given plan.
aiPlanGetAttack(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the attack flag of the given plan.
aiPlanGetBaseID(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the plan's base id.
aiPlanGetDesiredPriority(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the priority of the given plan.
aiPlanGetEconomy(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the economy flag of the given plan.
aiPlanGetEscrowID(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the escrow for the plan.
aiPlanGetID(string) - Method in class Plan
Returns the ID of the plan with the given name.
aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the ID of the plan with the given active index.
aiPlanGetIDByIndex(int, int, bool, int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the ID of matching plan.
aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Returns the ID of the plan with the given parms.
aiPlanGetInitialPosition(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the initial positon that was set for this plan.
aiPlanGetLocation(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the location for this plan.
aiPlanGetMilitary(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the military flag of the given plan.
aiPlanGetName(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the name of the given plan.
aiPlanGetNoMoreUnits(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the noMoreUnits-ness of the given plan.
aiPlanGetNumber(int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Returns the number of matching plans.
aiPlanGetNumberUnits(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the number of units currently assigned in the given plan.
aiPlanGetNumberUserVariableValues(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the number of values for this variable index.
aiPlanGetNumberVariableValues(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the number of values for this variable index.
aiPlanGetOrphan(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the orphan-ness of the given plan.
aiPlanGetState(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the state of the given plan.
aiPlanGetType(int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the type of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUnitByIndex(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Returns the unit ID of a particular unit in the plan
aiPlanGetUnitStance(int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the unit stance of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableBool(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableInt(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableString(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetUserVariableVector(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetVariableBool(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetVariableFloat(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetVariableInt(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetVariableString(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanGetVariableVector(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Gets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariable(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Removes the user variable.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariables(int) - Method in class Plan
Removes all of the user variables from the given plan.
aiPlanRemoveUserVariableValue(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Removes the index-th value of the user variable.
aiPlanRemoveVariableValue(int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Removes the index-th value of the variable.
aiPlanSetActive(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets active on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetAllowUnderAttackResponse(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets under attack response on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetAttack(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets attack flag on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetBaseID(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the plan's base id.
aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the priority of the given plan.
aiPlanSetEconomy(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets economy on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetEscrowID(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the escrow for the plan.
aiPlanSetEventHandler(int, int, string) - Method in class Plan
Sets event handler function for the given plan and event.
aiPlanSetInitialPosition(int, vector) - Method in class Plan
Sets the initial positon for this plan.
aiPlanSetMilitary(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets military on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetNoMoreUnits(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets noMoreUnits on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetNumberUserVariableValues(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets the number of values for this variable.
aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets the number of values for this variable.
aiPlanSetOrphan(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets orphan on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetRequiresAllNeedUnits(int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets 'requiresAllNeedUnits' on/off for the given plan.
aiPlanSetUnitStance(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets unit stance for the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableBool(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableFloat(int, int, int, float) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableInt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableString(int, int, int, string) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetUserVariableVector(int, int, int, vector) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetVariableBool(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetVariableFloat(int, int, int, float) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetVariableInt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetVariableString(int, int, int, string) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetVariableVector(int, int, int, vector) - Method in class Plan
Sets the given variable of the given plan.
aiPlanSetWaypoints(int, int) - Method in class Plan
Sets the waypoints of the given plan to the waypoints of the given path.
aiQueueAutoSavegame(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Queues the auto savegame.
aiRandInt(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns a random number (mod'ed by max if provided).
aiRandLocation() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Returns a random location guaranteed to be on the map.
aiRandSetSeed(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the seed of the random number generator.
aiRemoveResourceBreakdown(int, int, int) - Method in class Economy
Removes the given breakdown.
aiResign() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Reigns the current player..
aiResourceCheat(int, int, float) - Method in class Economy
Gives your wimpy CP AI free resources because it can't handle the truth, or something like that.
aiSellResourceOnMarket(int) - Method in class Economy
Sells (+100) the given resource.
aiSendChatToAllies(string) - Method in class Communication
aiSendChatToEnemies(string) - Method in class Communication
aiSendChatToEveryone(string) - Method in class Communication
aiSet(string, int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
aiSetAgeEventHandler(int, string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for the given age (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetAllowAutoDropsites(bool) - Method in class Economy
Sets allow auto dropsites on/off.
aiSetAllowBuildings(bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets allow buildings on/off.
aiSetAttackResponseDistance(float) - Method in class Military
Set the attack response distance.
aiSetAutoFarmEscrowID(int) - Method in class Economy
Sets the auto Farm escrow ID.
aiSetAutoFavorGather(bool) - Method in class Economy
Sets auto favor gather on/off.
aiSetAutoGatherEscrowID(int) - Method in class Economy
Sets the auto gather escrow ID.
aiSetAutoGatherMilitaryUnits(bool) - Method in class Military
Turns auto gathering of military units at bases on/off.
aiSetBuildEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for building completed events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetDefaultStance(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets your default stance for all of your units.
aiSetEconomyPercentage(float) - Method in class Economy
Set the economy priority percentage.
aiSetEconomyPop(int) - Method in class Economy
Set the script-defined economy pop for this player.
aiSetExploreDangerThreshold(float) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the ai's Explore Danger Threshold value.
aiSetFarmLimit(int) - Method in class Economy
Sets the per plan farm build limit.
aiSetFavorNeedModifier(float) - Method in class Economy
Sets favor need modifier.
aiSetGodPowerEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for god power casting events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetMaxLOSProtoUnitLimit(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the limit for how many LOS Protounits (e.g.
aiSetMilitaryPercentage(float) - Method in class Military
Set the military priority percentage.
aiSetMilitaryPop(int) - Method in class Military
Set the script-defined military pop for this player.
aiSetMinNumberNeedForGatheringAggressvies(long) - Method in class Economy
Sets the min number of needed units to gather aggressive animals.
aiSetMinNumberWantForGatheringAggressives(long) - Method in class Economy
Sets the min number of wanted units to gather aggressive animals.
aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(int) - Method in class Military
Sets the script-defined most hated player ID for this player.
aiSetPauseAllAgeUpgrades(bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the pause all age upgrades flag in the AI.
aiSetPersonality(string) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the player's personality.
aiSetRandomMap(bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the RM bool in the AI.
aiSetRelicEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for relic events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetResignEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for resign events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetResourceBreakdown(int, int, int, int, float, int) - Method in class Economy
Sets a subtype breakdown for a resource.
aiSetResourceGathererPercentage(int, float, bool, int) - Method in class Economy
Sets the resource gatherer percentage for the given resource (if normalized is true, the percentages will be normalized to 1.0).
aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight(int, float) - Method in class Economy
Sets the RGP weight.
aiSetRetreatEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for retreat events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetTrainedDropsiteUnitTypeID(int) - Method in class Economy
Sets the trained dropsite PUID.
aiSetUpdateResourceEventHandler(string) - Method in class Economy
Sets the handler for the update resource event (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetUpdateResourceLimit(int, float) - Method in class Economy
Sets the limit for the given resource for the update resource event.
aiSetWaterMap(bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Tells the AI if this is a water map or not.
aiSetWaterMap() - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Tells us if the AI thinks this is a water map or not.
aiSetWonderDeathEventHandler(string) - Method in class EventHandler
Sets the handler for wonder death events (invalid name unsets the handler).
aiSetWorldDifficulty(int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Sets the world difficulty level.
aiShowBPValueText - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Shows the Building placement values over each position.
aiStatementsAsChat - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Make AI Prompts that are statements show up as chats instead.
aiSwitchMainBase(int, bool) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Switch the newBaseID to be the main base.
aiTaskUnitBuild(int, int, vector) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) build tasking of the given unit to build the given building.
aiTaskUnitDelete(int) - Method in class Task
Deletes the given unit.
aiTaskUnitMove(int, vector) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) move tasking of the given unit to the given location.
aiTaskUnitResearch(int, int) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given tech ID.
aiTaskUnitSpecialPower(int, int, vector) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) research tasking of the given unit for the given special power.
aiTaskUnitTrain(int, int) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) train tasking of the given unit for the given target unit type.
aiTaskUnitTransform(int) - Method in class Task
Takes the given unit, and transforms it according to the unit transform table in world.
aiTaskUnitWork(int, int) - Method in class Task
Does a lightweight (no plan) work tasking of the given unit on the given target unit.
aiTribute(int, int, float) - Method in class Economy
Tributes the given player.
aiUnitCreateCheat(int, int, vector, string, int, int) - Method in class ArtificialIntelligence
Creates unit(s) with the given parms.
aiWallFromAToB(string, vector, vector, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Wall
Walls from point a to point b.
aiWallInArea(string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Wall
Walls in the given area.
aiWallInAreas(string, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Wall
Walls around all 3 areas at once.
aiWallRingAroundPoint(string, vector, float, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Wall
Walls a ring around the center, with a given radius.
alignResources - Variable in class GameConfig
Aligns resource placement in the editor.
alignResources() - Method in class Console
Realigns all resources in the world to tile boundaries.
alignSelectedUnits() - Method in class Console
Realigns all selected units to tile boundaries.
All - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates any protounit whatsoever.
allowLowPolyLogic - Variable in class EngineConfig
Allows old-style lowpolylogic.
allowMovingAttacks - Variable in class GameConfig
Allow units to move while attacking.
allowmp1 - Variable in class ServerConfig
Allows one person to host a multiplayer game.
allowMultipleBinds - Variable in class InputConfig
Completely messes up your hotkey configuration.
alphaJumpProtoList - Variable in class UIConfig
Enables jumping through the protounit list by pressing the first letter of the item.
alphaObscuredUnits - Variable in class UIConfig
Render obscured units with alpha on.
alphaObscuringUnits - Variable in class UIConfig
Render obscuring units with alpha on.
alphaSort - Variable in class PaletteGadget
alwaysActive - Variable in class EngineConfig
If enabled, the game remains active even if minimized.
alwaysDrawCursor - Variable in class InputConfig
alwaysLogSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
alwaysShowWindowsCursor - Variable in class InputConfig
Forces Windows cursor to always be displayed.
ambientColor(int, int, int) - Method in class Lightning
Set ambient color to given RGB (0-255)
ambientGetColor() - Method in class Lightning
Get ambient color.
AnimalPredator - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Predator Animal, i.e.
AnimalPrey - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Prey Animal, i.e.
AnimalReactive - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Reactive Animal, i.e.
AnimationGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
AnimationGadget() - Constructor for class AnimationGadget
Creates a new animation gadget.
AnimationSliderGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
AnimationSliderGadget() - Constructor for class AnimationSliderGadget
Creates a new animation slider gadget.'
animDir - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
Specifies what anim directory the game will use.
aom.scripting.anim - package aom.scripting.anim
This package contains a list of possible Logics that can be used in animation scripts.
aom.scripting.datatypes - package aom.scripting.datatypes
This package contains primitive type definitions used in XS that are not native to java.
aom.scripting.eso - package aom.scripting.eso
This package contains an overview of the various web services offered by ESO.
aom.scripting.eso.stats - package aom.scripting.eso.stats
This package contains a list of queries that the ESO Stats Sever can process.
aom.scripting.taglet - package aom.scripting.taglet
This package contains some additional java taglets used throughout this reference.
aom.scripting.ui - package aom.scripting.ui
This package contains classes describing the basic structure of UI files.
aom.scripting.ui.config - package aom.scripting.ui.config
This package contains configuration flags and related functions.
aom.scripting.ui.console - package aom.scripting.ui.console
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in UI scripts, in Hotkeys and in the Console. - package
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in AI scripts.
aom.scripting.xs.kb - package aom.scripting.xs.kb
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in AI, TR and VC scripts.
aom.scripting.xs.rm - package aom.scripting.xs.rm
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in RM scripts. - package
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in TR and VC scripts. - package
This package contains classes with constants and functions that are part of trigger extension frameworks.
aom.scripting.xs.xs - package aom.scripting.xs.xs
This package contains classes with constants and functions that can be executed in AI, TR and VC scripts.
applyLightingSet(string) - Method in class Lightning
Applies a Lighting set.
ArcherShip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Archer Ship.
Area - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Areas and Locations on the map in general.
Area - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Areas.
AreaAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of performing an area attack, i.e.
areaDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI area debug text
areaGroupDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI area group debug text
areaIncrementAreaToRender(int) - Method in class Terrain
Increments the area to render.
Army - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Armies.
ArmyBanner - Class in aom.scripting.ui
This class represents the 9 in-game army banners available to form groups.
ArmyBanner(Size1024) - Constructor for class ArmyBanner
Creates a new set of army banners with given size.
ArtificialIntelligence - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.
assertOnOoS - Variable in class ServerConfig
Attach - Variable in class Action
Attack - Variable in class Action
attackRouteDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI attack route debug text
attractMode_Scenario_i - Variable in class UIConfig
A list of scenarios that are randomly chosen from to be loaded in the menu background.
Authenticate(String, String, String, int[]) - Method in interface AccountService
This method authenticates users trying to log in to ESO.
AuthenticateResponse() - Constructor for class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
AutoConvert - Variable in class Action
The action of a.o.
AutoGather - Variable in class Action
The action of automatically gathering resource over time, such as herdables.
AutoLOS - Variable in class Action
The action of an oracle expanding its LoS.
autoLosFlareDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
Sets duration of minimap flare on oracle max LoS.
autoLosQueueDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
Sets duration of minimap queue event on oracle max LoS.
AutoMover - Variable in class Action
autoPatchFile - Variable in class ServerConfig
Autopatch file name.
autoPatchMaxPacketSize - Variable in class ServerConfig
Autopatch max download packet size.
autoPatchRetryCount - Variable in class ServerConfig
Autopatch retry count.
autoPatchRetryDelay - Variable in class ServerConfig
Autopatch retry delay in milliseconds.
autoPatchUrl - Variable in class ServerConfig
Autopatch URL.
autoSaveScenario - Variable in class GameConfig
autoScreenshotOnly - Variable in class GameConfig
autoUpdateUrl - Variable in class ServerConfig
AutoUpdate URL.
AutoupgradedUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Auto Upgraded Unit.
AverageSpeed - Variable in class UnitType
aviDriverPatch - Variable in class EngineConfig
Applies the AVI driver patch.


backBufferCount - Variable in class EngineConfig
Number of backbuffers.
background - Variable in class AbstractGadget
background - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
The background image of this Scrollbar.
background - Variable in class StateEntry
background - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
The background image of this Scrollbar.
backgroundAlpha - Variable in class AbstractGadget
backgroundColor - Variable in class AbstractGadget
backgroundColor - Variable in class StateEntry
ballisticCollateralDamage - Variable in class EngineConfig
Allows projectiles to damage units other than their intended target.
ballisticFriendlyDamage - Variable in class EngineConfig
Allows projectiles to do friendly fire.
ballisticNewModel - Variable in class EngineConfig
Switches the ballistic model to the newest ballistic model.
ballisticPrecalcHits - Variable in class EngineConfig
Determines if we precalculate whether or not a projectile hits its target.
ballisticSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
bandwidthCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
bannerproto - Variable in class IdleBannerGadget
Indicates the texture that will be used to display this banner.
bannerSize - Variable in class ArmyBanner
Base - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Bases.
baseDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI base info text
battleCries - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Turns battle cries on/off.
battleCryLevel - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Determines when to play the battle cry.
battleMusicLevel - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Determines when to play the battle music.
beautifyWater - Variable in class WaterConfig
If defined, beautify water will be done at request.
bevel - Variable in class AbstractGadget
bevelButton - Variable in class CommandPanelGadget
Birth - Variable in class Action
The action of being born.
blackmap(int) - Method in class Console
Toggles or sets unexplored black map rendering.
blue - Variable in class RgbColor
bookmarkInterval - Variable in class GameConfig
Time in seconds between auto creating record game bookmarks.
bool - Class in aom.scripting.datatypes
A boolean value, either true or false.
bool(boolean) - Constructor for class bool
Boost - Variable in class Action
The action of boosting the surrounding units' stats, as done by Arkantos and Einherjars..
Bored - Variable in class Action
The action of a unit being bored.
bpp - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the display depth for the current resolution, 32bit or 64bit by default.
broadcasterCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
broadcastGame() - Method in class Multiplayer
Start broadcasting (a.k.a.
broadenMPSearchOption - Variable in class ServerConfig
The broaden search option used on ESO.
brushBias - Variable in class EngineConfig
DEBUG: the bias curve of the brush.
brushCircularSize(float) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the circular brush size.
brushMaskDialog_Pos - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the position of the Brush Mask Gadget.
brushMaxSize - Variable in class EngineConfig
Max brush size.
brushMinSize - Variable in class EngineConfig
Min brush size.
brushSize(int) - Method in class Terrain
Sets brush size.
brushSoftness - Variable in class EngineConfig
DEBUG: the softness of a brush.
brushTimeScale - Variable in class EngineConfig
Set brush time scaling.
BuckAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of performing a buck attack, as done by Battle Boars.
Build - Variable in class Action
The action of a unit building other units.
buildCinematic - Variable in class EngineConfig
Gathers cinematic information.
buildCinematic2 - Variable in class EngineConfig
Phase two of building cinematic.
buildDamageFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Controls the efficiency of damage v.s.
buildEfficiency - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines the default building efficiency.
buildEfficiency_Egyptian - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines the Egyptian building efficiency.
buildFoundationsUnderAttack - Variable in class GameConfig
Building - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building.
BuildingClass - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the Building Class (as found in the editor).
BuildingPlacement - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning BuildingPlacements.
buildingPlacementDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI BP debug text
BuildingsThatShoot - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building that can shoot.
buttonsize1024 - Variable in class MenuGadget


cActivationTime - Variable in class Rule
Holds the activation time of the current rule in milliseconds.
cAge1 - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Archaic Age.
cAge2 - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Classical Age.
cAge3 - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Heroic Age.
cAge4 - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Mythic Age.
cAge5 - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The fifth age, better known as Titan Age.
cAICommPromptAIAttack - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIAttackHere - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIBuildSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAILosingAgeRace - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAILostLastSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAILostSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIResignActiveEnemies - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIResignGatherers - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIResignSettlements - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIRetreat - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAITakeWater - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIWinningAgeRace - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptAIWonderDestroyed - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptEconomicGodPower - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptEnemyBuildSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptEnemyLostLastSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptEnemyLostSettlement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptGenericGodPower - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptHelpHere - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptHelpHome - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptIntro - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptNone - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptOffensiveGodPower - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptPlayerBuildingWalls - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptPlayerWonderDestroyed - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptResignQuestion - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptTakingAllyRelic - Variable in class Communication
cAICommPromptTakingEnemyRelic - Variable in class Communication
cAICommRecordOrder - Variable in class Communication
cAICommRecordPrompt - Variable in class Communication
cAICommRecordStatement - Variable in class Communication
cAICommResponseIncomingOrder - Variable in class Communication
cAICommResponseNo - Variable in class Communication
cAICommResponseNoneRequired - Variable in class Communication
cAICommResponseWaiting - Variable in class Communication
cAICommResponseYes - Variable in class Communication
cAIResourceSubTypeEasy - Variable in class Resource
cAIResourceSubTypeFarm - Variable in class Resource
cAIResourceSubTypeFish - Variable in class Resource
cAIResourceSubTypeHunt - Variable in class Resource
cAIResourceSubTypeHuntAggressive - Variable in class Resource
cAIResourceSubTypeTrade - Variable in class Resource
cAllResources - Variable in class Resource
callTrackerOn - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enable/disable call tracker.
Camera - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning the Camera.
cameraBackward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down.
cameraDown(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down.
cameraForward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down.
cameraLeft(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down.
cameraLimit(int) - Method in class Camera
Sets whether camera limiting is on.
cameraLocalYawLeft(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw left' key has gone up or down.
cameraLocalYawRight(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw right1 key has gone up or down.
cameraMinimapRadius - Variable in class UIConfig
cameraMovementLock - Variable in class GameConfig
Prevents the camera from being moved.
cameraNice() - Method in class Camera
Puts the camera in a reasonable orientation.
cameraPitchBackward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down.
cameraPitchForward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down.
cameraRight(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down.
cameraRotate(int) - Method in class Camera
Sets whether camera limiting is on.
cameraUp(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackwardLeft(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world backward 8, left key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldBackwardRight(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world backward 8, right key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForward(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForwardLeft(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world forward 8, left key has gone up or down.
cameraWorldForwardRight(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera world forward 8, right key has gone up or down.
cameraYawLeft(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down.
cameraYawRight(int) - Method in class Camera
Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down.
Campaign - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Campaigns.
Campaign - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Campaigns.
campaignAddScenario() - Method in class Campaign
Add a scenario to the campaign.
campaignAdvance() - Method in class Campaign
Advance to the next campaign.
campaignCreate() - Method in class Campaign
Create a new cpn/cpx file.
campaignDelScenario() - Method in class Campaign
Delete a scenario from the campaign.
campaignOuit() - Method in class Campaign
Quit the current campaign.
campaignPlayCurrent() - Method in class Campaign
Play the current campaign.
campaignResetCurScenario() - Method in class Campaign
Reset the current campaign scenario.
campaignResume() - Method in class Campaign
Resume the current campaign.
campaignSave() - Method in class Campaign
Save a campaign.
campaignSaveCurrent() - Method in class Campaign
Save the current campaign.
campaignSetHackyLoadScenarioMode(int) - Method in class Campaign
Used by the UI.
campaignStart() - Method in class Campaign
Start a campaign.
campaignSystemEnabled - Variable in class GameConfig
Sets whether or not the camaign system is enabled.
cancelAutoPatcher() - Method in class Console
Cancel the auto patcher.
CancelHostSession(long, String) - Method in interface MatchMakingService
Cancels the current session.
CanonicalAccountName - Variable in class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
The default format of your account name (i.e.
cAreaGroupTypeLand - Variable in class Area
cAreaGroupTypeWater - Variable in class Area
cAreaTypeForest - Variable in class Area
cAreaTypeGold - Variable in class Area
cAreaTypeImpassableLand - Variable in class Area
cAreaTypeSettlement - Variable in class Area
cAreaTypeWater - Variable in class Area
CarryTypeLogic(string, string, string, string, string) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit carries a specific resource.
categoryFlash(int, bool) - Method in class Console
Turns UI category flashing on/off.
cAttackRouteBackLeft - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteBackRight - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteFrontLeft - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteFrontRight - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteLeftBack - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteLeftFront - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteRightBack - Variable in class Path
cAttackRouteRightFront - Variable in class Path
cBuildingPlacementEventDone - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cBuildingPlacementEventFailed - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cBuildingPlacementPreferenceBack - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cBuildingPlacementPreferenceFront - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cBuildingPlacementPreferenceLeft - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cBuildingPlacementPreferenceNone - Variable in class BuildingPlacement
cCivAtlantean - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A random Atlantean Major God.
cCivEgyptian - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A random Egyptian Major God.
cCivGaia - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Gaia.
cCivGreek - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A random Greek Major God
cCivHades - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Hades.
cCivIsis - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Isis.
cCivKronos - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Kronos.
cCivLoki - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Loki.
cCivNature - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Nature representing Mother Nature.
cCivNorse - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A random Norse Major God.
cCivOdin - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Odin.
cCivOuranos - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Ouranos.
cCivPoseidon - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Poseidon.
cCivRa - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Ra.
cCivRandom - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A random Major God.
cCivSet - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Set.
cCivThor - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Thor.
cCivZeus - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Major God Zeus.
cConnectAllies - Variable in class Connection
cConnectAreas - Variable in class Connection
cConnectEnemies - Variable in class Connection
cConnectPlayers - Variable in class Connection
cCultureAtlantean - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Atlantean Culture.
cCultureEgyptian - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Egyptian Culture.
cCultureGreek - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Greek Culture.
cCultureNature - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Nature Culture.
cCultureNorse - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Norse Culture.
cDifficultyEasy - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The easiest difficulty.
cDifficultyHard - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The hard difficulty.
cDifficultyModerate - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
A moderate difficulty.
cDifficultyNightmare - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The Hardest difficulty, in AoT better known as "Titan".
cEconomyEscrowID - Variable in class Escrow
cFilename - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The filename of the current XS script.
cGameMode - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The current game mode, possible options: cGameModeSupremacy cGameModeConquest cGameModeLightning cGameModeDeathmatch
cGameMode - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The current game mode, possible options: cGameModeSupremacy cGameModeConquest cGameModeLightning cGameModeDeathmatch
cGameModeConquest - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cGameModeDeathmatch - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cGameModeLightning - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cGameModeSupremacy - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
ChargedRangedAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking from range after charging, as done by Centaurs and Manticores.
Chat - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Chats.
chat(string, int) - Method in class Chat
Adds a line of chat text from the given player (current if not provided).
Chat - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Chats.
chatDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
How long received chats stay on screen.
checkArchiveFirst - Variable in class EngineConfig
If set, checks the archive files before the file system.
checkborder1024 - Variable in class CheckButtonGadget
CheckButtonGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
CheckButtonGadget() - Constructor for class CheckButtonGadget
Creates a new checkbox button with default properties.
CheckButtonGadget(String, String, boolean, Size1024) - Constructor for class CheckButtonGadget
Creates a new checkbox button with given properties.
checkCheckedArt - Variable in class CheckButtonGadget
checkForRetailDB - Variable in class EngineConfig
checkHighlightArt - Variable in class CheckButtonGadget
checkUncheckedArt - Variable in class CheckButtonGadget
children - Variable in class SubMenu
Cinematic - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Cinematics.
Cinematic - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Cinematics, the Camera and Waypoints.
CinematicLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether the game is in cinematic mode.
cinematicSlerp - Variable in class EngineConfig
cInvalidVector - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The invalid vector.
cInvalidVector - Variable in class Triggers
The invalid vector (-1,-1,-1).
CivilizationLogic(string, string, string) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is owned by a specific civilization.
click() - Method in class Console
Plays the default UI click sound.
clickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse click command.
clickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse click command.
clickedState - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
cliffHeight - Variable in class EngineConfig
Relative height of the Cliff you want to paint.
cliffPaintOn - Variable in class EngineConfig
If defined, will paint cliff, else will paint canyon.
cliffRelative - Variable in class EngineConfig
Cliff painting is relative if set.
cliffSlopeTolerance - Variable in class EngineConfig
Tolerance for painting cliff/canyon side texture.
closeButton - Variable in class AbstractGadget
closeButtonUseAlpha - Variable in class AbstractGadget
closeCommLogs - Variable in class EngineConfig
closeLogOnWrite - Variable in class EngineConfig
cMapSize - Variable in class RandomMap
0 = normal size 1 = large size
cMilitaryEscrowID - Variable in class Escrow
cMovementTypeAir - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cMovementTypeLand - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cMovementTypeNone - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cMovementTypeNonSolid - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cMovementTypeWater - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cMyCiv - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The civilization ID.
cMyCiv - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The civilisation ID, can be: cCivZeus cCivHades cCivPoseidon cCivIsis cCivRa cCivSet cCivLoki cCivThor cCivOdin cCivGreek cCivNorse cCivEgyptian cCivRandom cCivNature
cMyCiv - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The civilization ID, can be: cCivZeus cCivHades cCivPoseidon cCivIsis cCivRa cCivSet cCivLoki cCivThor cCivOdin cCivGaia cCivKronos cCivOuranos cCivGreek cCivNorse cCivEgyptian cCivAtlantean cCivRandom cCivNature
cMyCulture - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The culture ID.
cMyCulture - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The culture ID, can be: cCultureGreek cCultureEgyptian cCultureNorse cCultureNature
cMyCulture - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The culture ID, can be: cCultureGreek cCultureEgyptian cCultureNorse cCultureAtlantean cCultureNature
cMyID - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The playerID of the player when the game started.
cMyID - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The current player number.
cMyID - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The current player number.
cMyName - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The nickname of the AI player.
cNumberNonGaiaPlayers - Variable in class RandomMap
Total number of players, mother nature excluded.
cNumberNonGaiaPlayers - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The total number of players in a game, mother nature excluded.
cNumberNonGaiaPlayers - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The total number of players in a game, mother nature excluded.
cNumberPlayers - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The number of players, mother nature included.
cNumberPlayers - Variable in class RandomMap
Total number of players, mother nature included.
cNumberPlayers - Variable in class Triggers
Total number of players, mother nature included.
cNumberTeams - Variable in class RandomMap
Total number of teams.
colorizeCost() - Method in class Templates
colorXFormHighlight - Variable in class UIConfig
Make selection highlight color transform.
combatComparison - Variable in class GameConfig
Combat comparison mode.
Command - Class in aom.scripting.ui
This element encapsulates a Console Command.
Command(String) - Constructor for class Command
commandPanelButtonSeparation1024 - Variable in class CommandPanelGadget
commandPanelButtonSize1024 - Variable in class CommandPanelGadget
CommandPanelGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
CommandPanelGadget(Size1024, Size1024, boolean) - Constructor for class CommandPanelGadget
Creates a new command panel gadget with given properties.
commandSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
commSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
Communication - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Communication.
Config - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This package provides a collection of Console commands concerning Configs, combined with a list of all known ones.
config(string) - Method in class Config
Changes configuration state just like a line in the *.cfg files.
configCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
configDef(string) - Method in class Config
Defines or enabled a configuration variable, i.e.
configDefined(int) - Method in class Templates
True if the given config is defined.
configDump() - Method in class Config
Sends to output a list of all current configuration variables.
configGetByID(int) - Method in class Config
Look up configuration by enumeration ID.
configHelp(string) - Method in class Config
Show all formally defined configuration variables that contain the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list.
configHelpPrefix(string) - Method in class Config
Show all formally defined configuration variables that start with the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list.
configIndex - Variable in class SubMenu
This field provides a shortcut to make this menu's command act as the configToggle(string config) command.
configSet(string, string) - Method in class Config
Sets a particular configuration variable to a string value.
configSetFloat(string, float) - Method in class Config
Sets a configuration variable to a floating point value.
configSetInt(string, int) - Method in class Config
Sets a configuration variable to an int value.
configToggle(string) - Method in class Config
Defined variable becomes undefined, and vice versa.
configUndef(string) - Method in class Config
Disables a configuration variable, i.e.
confirmAutoPatcher() - Method in class Console
Used to tell auto patcher user pressed OK on exit or error dialog.
Connection - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Connections.
Console - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.
console() - Method in class Console
Toggles the state of the console dialog.
consoleAlpha - Variable in class UIConfig
The console alpha setting.
consoleBackground - Variable in class UIConfig
The console background color.
consoleCommand - Variable in class Command
consoleCommand - Variable in class SubMenu
Defines the command to be executed when the user clicks on this menu item.
consoleFileEntire - Variable in class UIConfig
consoleHistory_i - Variable in class UIConfig
Keeps a record of recently used console commands.
consoleInputBackground - Variable in class UIConfig
The console input line background color.
consoleX1 - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the console position.
consoleX2 - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the console position.
consoleY1 - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the console position.
consoleY2 - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the console position.
Constraint - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Constraints.
ConstructionLogic(int, int, int) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is in an specific percentage of construction.
ContainLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit contains another unit.
ContinuousValueParameter() - Constructor for class MatchMakingService.ContinuousValueParameter
controlDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse control-double-click command.
controlDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse control-double-click command.
controlShiftDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse control-shift-double-click command.
controlShiftDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse control-shift-double-click command.
Convert - Variable in class Action
The action of set animals being converted.
ConvertableBuilding - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Convertable Building.
ConvertAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking by converting the unit, as done by Lampades.
Converter - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Converters.
copyModeTerrain - Variable in class EngineConfig
Sets the copy mode to terrain copy-n-paste, rather than unit copy-n-paste.
copyTerrainHeight - Variable in class EngineConfig
Includes height information in copy-n-paste operations.
copyTerrainHeightAvg - Variable in class EngineConfig
Height copies-paste relative.
copyTerrainTexture - Variable in class EngineConfig
Includes texture information in copy-n-paste operations.
copyTerrainUnits - Variable in class EngineConfig
Includes units in copy-n-paste operations.
copyUpDirectory - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
cOriginVector - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The origin vector.
cOriginVector - Variable in class Triggers
The vector indicating the bottom of the map, i.e.
CorpseDecay - Variable in class Action
The action of a corpse decaying.
countdown() - Method in class Templates
Holds the text for the current countdown.
cPlanAttack - Variable in class Plan
cPlanAttackStrategy - Variable in class Plan
cPlanBuild - Variable in class Plan
cPlanBuildWall - Variable in class Plan
cPlanData - Variable in class Plan
cPlanDefend - Variable in class Plan
cPlanDropoffResource - Variable in class Plan
cPlanEmpower - Variable in class Plan
cPlanEventDone - Variable in class Plan
cPlanEventFailed - Variable in class Plan
cPlanEventIdle - Variable in class Plan
cPlanEventPoll - Variable in class Plan
cPlanExplore - Variable in class Plan
cPlanFarm - Variable in class Plan
cPlanFish - Variable in class Plan
cPlanGather - Variable in class Plan
cPlanGatherGoal - Variable in class Plan
cPlanGatherRelic - Variable in class Plan
cPlanGoal - Variable in class Plan
cPlanGodPower - Variable in class Plan
cPlanHerd - Variable in class Plan
cPlanHunt - Variable in class Plan
cPlanHuntAggressive - Variable in class Plan
cPlanMove - Variable in class Plan
cPlanProgression - Variable in class Plan
cPlanRepair - Variable in class Plan
cPlanResearch - Variable in class Plan
cPlanReserve - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateAttack - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateBuild - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateCast - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateDone - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateDualPlace - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateEmpower - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateEnter - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateEvaluate - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateExit - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateExplore - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateFailed - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateGather - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateGoto - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateNone - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStatePatrol - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStatePlace - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateResearch - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateRetreat - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateTrain - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateTransport - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateUnknown - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateVillagerAttack - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateWait - Variable in class Plan
cPlanStateWorking - Variable in class Plan
cPlanTower - Variable in class Plan
cPlanTrade - Variable in class Plan
cPlanTrain - Variable in class Plan
cPlanTransport - Variable in class Plan
cPlanWork - Variable in class Plan
cPlayerRelationAlly - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cPlayerRelationAny - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cPlayerRelationEnemy - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cPlayerRelationSelf - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
cPowerAncestors - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerBlessingofZeus - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerBolt - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerBronze - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerBronzeXP05 - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerCarnivora - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerCeaseFire - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerCeaseFireNomad - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeCaladria - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeChimera - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeCyclops - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeHydra - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeManticore - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChangeNemean - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChaos - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerChickenStorm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerCitadel - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerCurse - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerDeconstruction - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerDwarvenMine - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerEarthquake - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerEclipse - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerFimbulwinter - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerFlamingWeapons - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerForestFire - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerFrost - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerGaiaForest - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerGaiaForestSPC - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerGoatunheim - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerGreatHunt - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerHealingSpring - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerHeroize - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerHesperides - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerImplode - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerLightningStorm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerLocustSwarm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerLure - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerMeteor - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerNidhogg - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerPestilence - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerPlagueofSerpents - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerPlenty - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerProsperity - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerRagnorok - Variable in class GodPower
Yeah, that's an o there.
cPowerRain - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerRestoration - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerReverseWonder - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSeedofGaia - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSentinel - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerShiftingSands - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSonofOsiris - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSPCLightningStorm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSPCMeteor - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSpiders - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerSpy - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTartarianGate - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTitanGate - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTornado - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTornadoXP05 - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTraitors - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTraitorsSPC - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTremor - Variable in class GodPower
Better known as schockwave.
cPowerTypeAnimalMagnet - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeBolt - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeBronze - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeCarnivora - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeChaos - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeClone - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeDamageUnit - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeDwarvenMines - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeEarthquake - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeEclipse - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeEnrage - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeFlamingWeapons - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeForestFire - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeFrost - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeGaiaForest - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeGeneric - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeHealing - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeHealingSpring - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeHeroize - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeHesperides - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeImplode - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeInferno - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeLightning - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeLocust - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeMeteor - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypePeace - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypePestilence - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypePlenty - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeProsperity - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeRain - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeRebellion - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeReverseTime - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeSandstorm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeShowUnit - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeSnowStorm - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeSpiders - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeSpy - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeSwapUnit - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTartarianGate - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTechActivate - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTeleport - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTempUnit - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTitanGate - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTornado - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTraitors - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeTremor - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeUndermine - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeVolcano - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerTypeVortex - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerUndermine - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerUnderworldPassage - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerVision - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerVolcano - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerVortex - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerWalkingBerryBushes - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerWalkingWoods - Variable in class GodPower
cPowerWellOfUrd - Variable in class GodPower
cProgressionPlanAdvanceOneStep - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanBuildAreaID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanBuildingPref - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanChildProgressions - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanCurrentGoalID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanCurrentGoalType - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanCurrentStep - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanCurrentStepPlanID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanGoalTechID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanGoalUnitID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanNumGoalUnitsToBuild - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanPaused - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanPollingTime - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanProgressionID - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanRunInParallel - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionPlanTrainUnitAtEnd - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionTechNode - Variable in class Progression
cProgressionUnitNode - Variable in class Progression
cpuTnL - Variable in class EngineConfig
If set, uses software TnL instead of hardware TnL (TnL = Transform and Lightning)
cRandomMapName - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The filename of the RMS script (without ".xs"/".xml") associated with the current map.
CreateAccount(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface AccountService
This is the second stage in the Create Account procedure.
cResignGatherers - Variable in class EventHandler
cResignMilitaryPop - Variable in class EventHandler
cResignSettlements - Variable in class EventHandler
cResignTeammates - Variable in class EventHandler
cResourceFavor - Variable in class Resource
cResourceFood - Variable in class Resource
cResourceGold - Variable in class Resource
cResourceWood - Variable in class Resource
cRGPActual - Variable in class Economy
cRGPCost - Variable in class Economy
cRGPScript - Variable in class Economy
cRootEscrowID - Variable in class Escrow
Crush - Variable in class UnitType
cTechStatusActive - Variable in class TechTree
cTechStatusAvailable - Variable in class TechTree
cTechStatusObtainable - Variable in class TechTree
cTechStatusPersistent - Variable in class TechTree
cTechStatusResearching - Variable in class TechTree
cTechStatusUnobtainable - Variable in class TechTree
cTransportPathTypeAreas - Variable in class Path
cTransportPathTypePoints - Variable in class Path
CultureLogic(string, string, string, string) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is owned by a specific culture.
cUnitFunctionBuilder - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionEmpower - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionFish - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionGatherer - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionTrade - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionUnknown - Variable in class Unit
cUnitFunctionWaterTransport - Variable in class Unit
cUnitQueryInvalidArmy - Variable in class Query
cUnitQueryNoArmy - Variable in class Query
cUnitStanceAggressive - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The aggressive unit stance.
cUnitStanceDefensive - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The defensive unit stance.
cUnitStancePassive - Variable in class ArtificialIntelligence
The passive stance.
cUnitStateAlive - Variable in class Unit
cUnitStateAliveOrBuilding - Variable in class Unit
cUnitStateAny - Variable in class Unit
cUnitStateBuilding - Variable in class Unit
cUnitStateDead - Variable in class Unit
cUnitStateNone - Variable in class Unit
cUpgradeTypeAny - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeArmor - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeAttack - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeHitpoints - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeSpeed - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeTrainPoints - Variable in class TechTree
cUpgradeTypeWorkRate - Variable in class TechTree
currentCampaign - Variable in class GameConfig
Current campaign the user is playing.
currentPlayerNum() - Method in class Templates
The current player's number.
currentPlayerTeam() - Method in class Templates
The current player's team.
currentUnitArmor(int) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's armor.
currentUnitArmorFloat(int) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's armor.
currentUnitArmorList() - Method in class Templates
Shows the current armor values.
currentUnitAttack(int) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's attack.
currentUnitAttackFloat(int) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's attack.
currentUnitAttackList() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's attack values.
currentUnitAttackRange() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's range.
currentUnitAttackRangeFloat() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's range.
currentUnitAttackstring() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's attack possibilities, including bonuses.
currentUnitAttackText(int) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's attack values.
currentUnitBounty(string) - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBountyFactor(string) - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildingWorkRate() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildingWorkRateFloat() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildPoints() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildPointsFloat() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildRate() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitBuildRateFloat() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitCapacity() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's capacity details, i.e.
currentUnitCurrentAnimLength() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's animation length.
currentUnitGatherRate(string) - Method in class Templates
The current unit's gather rate for the given resource: Fish, Huntable, WildCrops, Herdable, Farm, Wood, Gaia Forest tree, Gold.
currentUnitGatherRateFloat(string) - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitGatherRate, but with float values.
currentUnitGatherRateString() - Method in class Templates
A string representation of the current gather rates of the selected unit.
currentUnitGroup() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitHP() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's (starting) hit points.
currentUnitHPFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitHP, but with float values.
currentUnitID() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's (in-game) ID number.
currentUnitIFFcolor() - Method in class Templates
Friend-foe colors?
currentUnitInv() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitInvFloat() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitInvList() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitLogicalGroupID() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitLogicalGroupName() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitLOS() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's Line of Sight.
currentUnitLOSFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitLOS, but with float values.
currentUnitMaximumHP() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's maximum hit points.
currentUnitMaximumHPFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitMaximumHP, but with float values.
currentUnitMaxVelocity() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's speed (in m/s).
currentUnitMaxVelocityFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitMaxVelocity, but with float values.
currentUnitMinAttackRange() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's minimum attack range.
currentUnitMinAttackRangeFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitMinAttackRange, but with float values.
currentUnitName() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's name.
currentUnitOwnerID() - Method in class Templates
The playerID of the player that owns the current unit.
currentUnitPlayerIFF() - Method in class Templates
currentUnitRecharge() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's recharge time meter.
currentUnitScenarioName() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's scenario name, as can be chosen in the trUnitCreate() function.
currentUnitTrainPoints() - Method in class Templates
The current unit's train points.
currentUnitTrainPointsFloat() - Method in class Templates
Same as currentUnitTrainPoints, but with float values.
cWallTypeArea - Variable in class Wall
cWallTypeRing - Variable in class Wall
cWallTypeStraight - Variable in class Wall


D3Ddebug - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables the D3D11 debug layer.
DamageLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit has suffered (more than) a specific percentage of damage.
databaseFindByType(string) - Method in class Console
databaseHelp(string, string) - Method in class Help
Does simple queries on possible things in the DB.
DataGroup - Enum in aom.scripting.eso.stats
A list of Data Groups to which an entity can belong.
dataRefreshRate - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
Death - Variable in class Action
deathmatchAgeGPTime - Variable in class GameConfig
Increased time penalty per age for GP in Death Match.
deathmatchBaseGPTime - Variable in class GameConfig
Minimum time to get a GP in Death Match.
DebuggerGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
DebuggerGadget() - Constructor for class DebuggerGadget
debugRandomMaps - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Allows debugger to pop up on errors when generating random maps.
debugUIGadgets - Variable in class UIConfig
Debug UI Gadgets.
Decay - Variable in class Action
defaultAddressServer - Variable in class ServerConfig
The default address server.
defaultButtonSound - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
The default button sound.
defaultGadgetFont - Variable in class UIConfig
The default gadget font.
defaultGadgetFontSize - Variable in class UIConfig
The size of the default gadget font.
defaultHintsOnDiffLevel - Variable in class UIConfig
Set the max difficulty level to show hints.
defaultScenarioDir - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
Defines the default scenario folder to use for load/save.
defaultState - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
defaultUnitAttackMove - Variable in class GameConfig
Makes Attack move the default movement behavior for units.
defaultUnitStance - Variable in class GameConfig
Stores what the default unit stance is.
DeleteGame(String) - Method in interface GameListService
Deletes a game from the list with the given gameID.
demandLoadMeshes - Variable in class EngineConfig
Only load meshes on demand.
developer - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Enables developer mode.
difficultyLevel - Variable in class GameConfig
The difficulty level of the game.
directInput - Variable in class InputConfig
Forces windows mouse and keyboard.
DirectoryConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to specific files and folders.
disableAllSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
disableBuildingSnap - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables the helpful auto-placement of near-misses on buildings.
disabled - Variable in class SubMenu
Defines whether this menuitem is disabled or not.
disableMidUpdateRender - Variable in class EngineConfig
Turn off the distributed update rendering.
disableTriggerEcho - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Disables all trigger-echo outputs.
disableVSync - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables V-Sync.
display(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
With no arguments, toggles display on/off, otherwise, sets display.
displayOn - Variable in class EngineConfig
DisplayPanelGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
DisplayPanelGadget() - Constructor for class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelinventorysize1024 - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelmultiportraitbuttonseparation - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelpercenttextsize1024 - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelqueueportraitsize1024 - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelqueuesize1024 - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displaypanelselectionsize1024 - Variable in class DisplayPanelGadget
displayType - Variable in class EngineConfig
displayType(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
With no arguments, cycles through the various status display modes, otherwise sets display type.
DiveBomb - Variable in class Action
The action of performing a "Dive Bomb", the suicide attack of Special Shades.
doAlphaLogin - Variable in class ServerConfig
doMPSetup(bool) - Method in class Multiplayer
Enters LAN/DirectIP if useESO is false, else shows ESO login screen.
doNotShowStanceButtons - Variable in class UIConfig
Hides the unit stance buttons.
dontAllowLowPoly - Variable in class EngineConfig
If set, low poly setting is ignored -- used for PT builds where meshes are not updated properly.
dontDetectNat - Variable in class ServerConfig
Don't detect Network Adress Translation.
dontMeterWorkCommands - Variable in class EngineConfig
Dormant - Variable in class Action
The action of ???.
doTriggerImport() - Method in class Files
Load some triggers.
doubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse double-click command.
doubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse double-click command.
drawEditorUnits - Variable in class GameConfig
Toggles drawing of editor only units.
DropDownItem - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Define an item in a dropdown list.
DropDownItem(String) - Constructor for class DropDownItem
Dropoff - Variable in class Action
The action of transferring one's inventory to the target unit, as done with relics.
dropPalette - Variable in class EngineConfig
Dropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Dropsite.
dropToMainMenu() - Method in class Console
Drop back to the main menu.
dummyObjectSync - Variable in class SyncConfig


e - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural logarithms known as Euler's number.
e - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural logarithms known as Euler's number.
E3Class - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the E3 Class (as found in the editor).
EarlyFoodDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is am Early (simple) Food Dropsite, i.e.
EarlyGoldDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Early (simple) Gold Dropsite, i.e.
EarlyWoodDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Early (simple) Wood Dropsite, i.e.
easyDragMilitary - Variable in class GameConfig
Used to configure whether drag-select will de-prioritize villagers.
Eat - Variable in class Action
The action of removing resources from the target to gain health.
echo(string) - Method in class Console
Sends a message to the console output.
echoLocalized(int) - Method in class Console
Fetched a message from the language dll file and calls echo on that.
echoNum(string) - Method in class Console
Sends a number to the console output.
Economic - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Economic Unit.
EconomicBuilding - Variable in class UnitType
Economy - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Economy.
editBoxAlphaOnly - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
EditBoxGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
EditBoxGadget(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class EditBoxGadget
editBoxMaskChars - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editBoxMaxChars - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editBoxNumericOnly - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editBoxPosIntOnly - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editBoxPrompt - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editBoxReadOnly - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
editMode(string) - Method in class Console
Changes the edit mode.
EditorModeLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether the game is in editor mode.
EditorTaglet - Class in aom.scripting.taglet
This taglet indicates that a command can only be executed in Editor Mode.
EditorTaglet() - Constructor for class EditorTaglet
Eject - Variable in class Action
The action of ejecting garrisoned units.
EmbellishmentClass - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the Embellishment Class (as found in the editor).
Empower - Variable in class Action
The action of empowering, as dome by Pharaohs and Ra Priests.
EmpowerLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is being empowered by another unit.
enableCameraRotation - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables the rotation of the camera.
enableConsole - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Enables the console.
enableDynamicMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Enables dynamic music.
enableFriendOrFoeColors - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables Friend or Foe colors.
enableIdleMilitaryBanner - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables idle military banner.
enableIme - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines whether IME is enabled.
enableIME - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
enableMPAutoSave - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables auto saving in multiplayer in case of OoS.
enableOneClickGarrison - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables one click garrisoning.
enableStats - Variable in class ServerConfig
Allows ZoneStats reporting.
enableTessellation - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables hardware unit tessellation in D3D11 feature levels.
EngineConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to the game engine (a.k.a.
Enter - Variable in class Action
The action of entering (i.e.
enterEditorMode() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Switches the current mode to editor mode.
enterEditorMode() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Switches the current mode to editor mode.
enterKey - Variable in class EditBoxGadget
enterRecordGameMode(string) - Method in class Mode
Enter the mode used to play recorded games.
entityMovementSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
EntityType - Enum in aom.scripting.eso.stats
A list of EntityTypes a certain entity can be.
erodeBuildingFoundations - Variable in class EngineConfig
Makes building erode the terrain around them when they are placed.
erosionClear() - Method in class Console
Escrow - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Escrows.
escrowDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI escrow debug text
esoConfigUrl - Variable in class ServerConfig
The URL that contains the ESOnline configuration XML file.
esoPassword - Variable in class ServerConfig
The password used to log into the ESO Server.
esoProvider - Variable in class ServerConfig
The ESOnline provider to use ('dotnet' or 'server')
esoServerHostName - Variable in class ServerConfig
The hostname of the ESO Server.
esoServerPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
The port used by the ESO Server.
esoUserName - Variable in class ServerConfig
The name used to log into the ESO Server.
EventHandler - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Event Handling.
exit() - Method in class Console
Exits the game.
exitMPSetupSubScreen() - Method in class Console
Leave the current MP screen and return to the MP setup menu.
experienceKillCap - Variable in class GameConfig
The max number of kills that contribute to experience.
ExperienceLogic(int, int, int) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit has earned a specific percentage of experience.
experienceMaxDamageBonus - Variable in class GameConfig
The max amount of damage bonus for a fully experienced unit.
Explore - Variable in class Action
extConsole - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Maybe allows for an external console?
externalPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
ExternalSubroutines - Class in aom.scripting.xs.xs
This class provides a collection of XS commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.


fadeToColor(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Lightning
Fade in/out using color specified.
FairLoc - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Fair Locations.
FakeCounter(String) - Method in interface GameListService
I honestly have no clue what this does.
fakeSpecularSunColor(int, int, int) - Method in class Lightning
Set fake specular sun color (for water bumps) to given RGB (0-255)
fakeSpecularSunGetColor() - Method in class Lightning
Get the fake specular sun color.
FastSpeed - Variable in class UnitType
Favor - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit contains favor.
favorConversion - Variable in class GameConfig
FavorHelp() - Method in class Templates
Text on favor mouse over
fieldallowdropedits - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldnametextcolor - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldnametextfont - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldnametextfontsize - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldreadonly - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldrequireenter - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
fieldtextboxcolor - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
Files - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands converning saving, loading and browsing for certain files.
filterChat - Variable in class GameConfig
Chat is filtered for profanity.
finalReleaseSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
FindMatch(long, int, int, String, String, MatchMakingService.ContinuousValueParameter[], String, String[], String[], String[]) - Method in interface MatchMakingService
For every time the settings get broadened, a FindMatch query is issued.
findMatch(string, int, int, int) - Method in class Multiplayer
Use matchmaking service to find a matching peer.
FindMatchResponse() - Constructor for class MatchMakingService.FindMatchResponse
firelight - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables light on fires.
Fish - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Fish.
fixedUpdate - Variable in class EngineConfig
Test with a fixed update.
flareDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
How long the actual flare lasts.
flareMapDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
How long the flares last on the minimap.
flareNotificationTime - Variable in class UIConfig
The flare notification time.
flareQueueDuration - Variable in class UIConfig
How long do flares last in minimap event queue.
flashHitpointBarsOnDamage - Variable in class GameConfig
Flash HP bar on any damaged unit.
flushCommLogs - Variable in class EngineConfig
Flush communication logs.
flushLogOnWrite - Variable in class EngineConfig
Flush logs after every write.
FlyingUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can fly.
fog(int) - Method in class Console
Toggles or sets LOS fog.
fontOffset - Variable in class UIConfig
Food - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit contains Food.
FoodDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Food Dropsite.
footprints - Variable in class GameConfig
Enable footprints.
forceD3D10 - Variable in class EngineConfig
Forces the game to run in a Direct3D 10 feature level.
forceD3D9 - Variable in class EngineConfig
Forces the game to run in a Direct3D 9 feature level.
forceDetermineMachineSpec - Variable in class EngineConfig
Forces the game to check the machine specs upon startup.
forceDirectInput - Variable in class InputConfig
Uses directInput instead of any windows events.
forceFootprintsInCinematicMode - Variable in class GameConfig
Causes footprints to be seen even in cinematics.
foreground - Variable in class RadioButton
foreground - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
Forest - Enum in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This is an enumeration of all forest types.
formatTextBottomFill - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
formatTextConvertUserlf - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
FormatTextGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
FormatTextGadget() - Constructor for class FormatTextGadget
formatTextScrollToBottom - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
formatTextUseDataReplace - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
forwardingServerAddress - Variable in class ServerConfig
The address of the forwarding server.
foundationDamageFactor - Variable in class EngineConfig
Foundations under attack have their damage adjusted by this factor.
Freeze - Variable in class Action
The action of being frozen by e.g.
FreezeAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of performing a freeze attack, as done by Frost Giants.
friendsAdd() - Method in class Multiplayer
Add a user to your friends list.
friendsConnect() - Method in class Multiplayer
[re]connect to friends server.
friendsDisconnect() - Method in class Multiplayer
Disconnect from friends server.
friendsInvite() - Method in class Multiplayer
Send an invite request to a friend.
friendsMessage() - Method in class Multiplayer
Send a message to a friend.
friendsRemove() - Method in class Multiplayer
Remove a user from your friends list.
FrozenLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is frozen.
fullAllSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
fullCommLogs - Variable in class EngineConfig
fullWindow - Variable in class EngineConfig
Game will start up in a window that covers the whole desktop.


Gadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Gadgets.
gadgetFlash(string, bool) - Method in class Gadget
Turns gadget flashing on/off.
gadgetReal(string) - Method in class Gadget
Shows the requested gadget.
gadgetRealIfNotMP(string) - Method in class Gadget
Shows the requested gadget if the game made is not multiplayer.
gadgetRefresh(string) - Method in class Gadget
Refresh the contents of the named gadget.
gadgets - Variable in class Layout
gadgetScrolIDown() - Method in class Gadget
gadgetscrollLeft() - Method in class Gadget
gadgetScrollRight() - Method in class Gadget
gadgetScrollUp() - Method in class Gadget
gadgetToggle(string) - Method in class Gadget
Toggles the visibility of the named gadget.
gadgetUnreal(string) - Method in class Gadget
Hides the named gadget.
gadgetWheelScroll() - Method in class Gadget
Scrolling function for hooking wheel to gadget scrolling.
Game() - Constructor for class GameListService.Game
GameConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to in-game settings.
GameId - Variable in class GameListService.Game
gameID - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest
GameListService - Interface in aom.scripting.eso
This is an interface specifying what functionality the GameList Service offers.
GameListService.Game - Class in aom.scripting.eso
This class represents a game, defined by Key-Value Pairs storing the game settings.
GameListService.KeyValuePair - Class in aom.scripting.eso
This class represents a key-value pair.
GameListService.SimpleGameList - Class in aom.scripting.eso
This class represents a list of games, including the total game count.
GameMode - Enum in aom.scripting.eso.stats
A list of Game Modes for which statistics can be retrieved.
GameName - Variable in class GameListService.Game
Games - Variable in class GameListService.SimpleGameList
gamespeed() - Method in class Templates
gameStreamCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
gametime() - Method in class Templates
The current game time, in milliseconds if the configuration option showMilliseconds is activated.
gameTimingCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
gameVersion() - Method in class Templates
Shows the current game version.
gamma - Variable in class EngineConfig
Gamma correction setting for fullscreen.
Gate - Variable in class Action
The action of opening/closing a gate.
Gather - Variable in class Action
The action of gathering resources from a certain target, e.g.
GatherPoint - Variable in class Action
generalCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
Generic - Variable in class UnitType
GetCDKeyTicket(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Get a CDKey Ticket
GetConfig(String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Return configuration details about a game title.
GetMasterAndServiceTickets(ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Get A Master Ticket and Multiple Service Tickets (0-N).
GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest() - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest
GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest(String, String[]) - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest
GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse() - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse
GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse(ZoneAccessService.XMLBlobResult[]) - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse
GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResult - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse
GetMasterTicket(String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Get a master ticket.
getName() - Method in class EditorTaglet
getName() - Method in class LocalTaglet
getName() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
getName() - Method in class SyncTaglet
GetOnMover - Variable in class Action
GetServiceTicket(String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Get a service ticket.
getTime() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns a time string formatted as hh:mm:ss or mm:ss if the game does not last an hour yet.
getTime() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns a time string formatted as hh:mm:ss or mm:ss if the game does not last an hour yet.
getUnit(int, int, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the ID of a unit matching the following criteria:
getUnit(int, int, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the ID of a unit matching the following criteria:
globalBountyFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
GodPower - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning God Powers.
godPowersSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
godPowerUpdateTime - Variable in class GameConfig
Gold - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit contains Gold.
GoldDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Gold Dropsite.
goldlight - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables light on gold mines.
Gore - Variable in class Action
The action of hurling units in the air, like done by Minotaurs and Ajax.
gpRechargeSpeedMultiplier - Variable in class GameConfig
The global GP recharge speed multiplier.
GPRechargeTimeRemaining(int) - Method in class Templates
gpShieldRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines the circle radius of the surface which isis momuments protect.
graphicDetail - Variable in class EngineConfig
The detail level of the graphics.
green - Variable in class RgbColor
Groups - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Groups.
gruntPercent - Variable in class GameConfig
How often grunts fire.
Guard - Variable in class Action
The action of guarding another target.
Guide - Variable in class Action
guideInterval - Variable in class EngineConfig
gunDLLPath - Variable in class ServerConfig
The path used by the GUN Server to load the GunAPI DLL.
gunMOTDPath - Variable in class ServerConfig
The path used by the GUN Server to retrieve the Message of the Day.
gunNewsPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
The port used by the GUN Server to get News.
gunPassword - Variable in class ServerConfig
The password used to log into the GUN Server.
gunServerHostName - Variable in class ServerConfig
The hostname of the GUN Server.
gunServerPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
The port used by the GUN Server.
gunUserName - Variable in class ServerConfig
The name used to log into the GUN Server.


Hack - Variable in class UnitType
HammerShip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Hammer Ship.
HandAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking by hand.
handlePostGame() - Method in class Console
Opens the postgame dialog if allowed.
HasEmail - Variable in class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
Always shows false, even though all accounts do have an associated e-mail address.
HashCode - Variable in class MatchMakingService.MatchRecord
Heal - Variable in class Action
The action of healing units.
healableDeathRecoverTime - Variable in class GameConfig
How long you have to heal a healable-death creature before it truly shuffles off this mortal coil.
Help - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Help.
help(string) - Method in class Help
helpPrefix(string) - Method in class Help
helpText(string) - Method in class Help
Prints a list of all console commands whose helptext contains the given substring.
Herdable - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be herded.
Hero - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Hero.
HeroDeath - Variable in class Action
The action of dying and lying on the ground, waiting to be revived.
heroDeathRecoverTime - Variable in class GameConfig
Minimum time for SPC hero to revive.
heroDeathSearchRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
How much space must be clear of enemies to revive.
hidden - Variable in class AbstractGadget
Defines whether this Gadget is initially hidden or not.
hideGameMenu() - Method in class Console
Hide the in-game menu.
hideUI - Variable in class UIConfig
Prevents UI from rendering.
HorizontalScrollBar - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Represents a Horizontal Scrollbar.
HorizontalScrollBar(boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class HorizontalScrollBar
Create a new Horizontal Scrollbar with the given properties.
HorizontalScrollBar() - Constructor for class HorizontalScrollBar
Creates a new Horizontal Scrollbar with default properties.
hostPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
Alternate host port.
HumanSoldier - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Human Soldier.
Huntable - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Huntable.
HuntedResource - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a resource that can be "hunted".
Hunting - Variable in class Action
The action of hunting, i.e.


Idle - Variable in class Action
The action of of idle.
IdleBannerGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Represents an in-game idle banner used to locate certain types of idle units.
IdleBannerGadget(String, UnitType, boolean) - Constructor for class IdleBannerGadget
Creates a new idle banner with given properties.
idleHealBonus - Variable in class GameConfig
How much faster do we heal idle dudes?
idleType - Variable in class IdleBannerGadget
Indicates the unit type this idle banner will represent.
ignoreDDT - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables the loading of DDT textures.
IMEEnable(bool) - Method in class Console
Enables or disables IME.
imeOnByDefault - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables IME by default.
inConstructor() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inConstructor() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inConstructor() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inConstructor() - Method in class SyncTaglet
inField() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inField() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inField() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inField() - Method in class SyncTaglet
inGameButtonSound - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
inMethod() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inMethod() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inMethod() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inMethod() - Method in class SyncTaglet
innerText - Variable in class AbstractGadget
inOverview() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inOverview() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inOverview() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inOverview() - Method in class SyncTaglet
inPackage() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inPackage() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inPackage() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inPackage() - Method in class SyncTaglet
InputConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to keyboard and mouse input.
InsertGame(GameListService.Game) - Method in interface GameListService
Inserts a new game in the list.
internalPort - Variable in class ServerConfig
internetAdressServer - Variable in class ServerConfig
inType() - Method in class EditorTaglet
inType() - Method in class LocalTaglet
inType() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
inType() - Method in class SyncTaglet
InventoryHolder - Variable in class UnitType
InventoryItem - Variable in class UnitType
InventoryLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit has an amount of resource in its inventory.
isInlineTag() - Method in class EditorTaglet
isInlineTag() - Method in class LocalTaglet
isInlineTag() - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
isInlineTag() - Method in class SyncTaglet
ItemLogic() - Method in interface Logic


joystick - Variable in class InputConfig
Joystick support.
joystickButtonEvents - Variable in class InputConfig
joystickMouse - Variable in class InputConfig
Control the mouse cursor/buttons with the joystick.
joystickMoveEvents - Variable in class InputConfig
joystickNonExclusive - Variable in class InputConfig
joystickPositionEvents - Variable in class InputConfig
jpegScreenshotQuality - Variable in class UIConfig
Sets quality of jpegs screenshots on a 0-100 scale.
jpegScreenshots - Variable in class UIConfig
Screenshots are jpegs if this is defined, targas if not.
JumpAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of performing a jump attack, such as by an Anubite or Amanra.
JumpMove - Variable in class Action
The action of jump move.


K - Variable in class GameListService.KeyValuePair
kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreID(int) - Method in class Path
Ignore this area when finding the route.
kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreType(int) - Method in class Path
Ignore this area type when finding the route.
kbAddAttackRouteSector(int) - Method in class Path
Add a new sector to path to.
kbAreaCalculate() - Method in class Area
Creates areas and area groups.
kbAreaFindBestGatherAreaID(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the Area ID of the best area to gather the given unit type.
kbAreaGetBorderAreaID(int, long) - Method in class Area
Returns the Area ID of the index'th border area in the given area.
kbAreaGetCenter(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the center of the given area.
kbAreaGetClosetArea(vector, int, int, float) - Method in class Area
Returns the Area ID of the closest area, of the given types, to given position.
kbAreaGetIDByPosition(vector) - Method in class Area
Returns the ID of the given area.
kbAreaGetNumber() - Method in class Area
Returns the number of areas.
kbAreaGetNumberBlackTiles(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of black tiles in the given area.
kbAreaGetNumberBorderAreas(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of border areas for the given area.
kbAreaGetNumberFogTiles(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of fog tiles in the given area.
kbAreaGetNumberTiles(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of tiles in the given area.
kbAreaGetNumberUnits(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of units in the given area.
kbAreaGetNumberVisibleTiles(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the number of visible tiles in the given area.
kbAreaGetType(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the Type of area.
kbAreaGetUnitID(int, long) - Method in class Area
Returns the Unit ID of the index'th unit in the given area.
kbAreaGetVisibilityChangeTime(int) - Method in class Area
Returns the game time of the last visibility change for the given area.
kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(vector) - Method in class Area
Returns the ID of the given area group.
kbArmyAddUnit(int, int) - Method in class Army
Adds the unitID to the given army.
kbArmyCreate(string, bool) - Method in class Army
Creates a army with the given name.
kbArmyDebugText() - Method in class Templates
kbArmyDestroy(int) - Method in class Army
Destroys the given army.
kbArmyGetAPSDamageGiven(int, float) - Method in class Army
Returns the APS damage given by the given army.
kbArmyGetAPSDamageTaken(int, float) - Method in class Army
Returns the APS damage taken by the given army.
kbArmyGetAPSResourcesGathered(int, float, int) - Method in class Army
Returns the APS resources gathered by the given army.
kbArmyGetCreationTime(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the creation time for the given army.
kbArmyGetCurrentAICost(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the current AI cost (worth) for the given army.
kbArmyGetCurrentHitpoints(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the current total hitpoints for the given army.
kbArmyGetHealth(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the health for the given army.
kbArmyGetID(string) - Method in class Army
Returns the ID of the given army.
kbArmyGetIDByIndex(long) - Method in class Army
Returns the index'th army ID.
kbArmyGetLocation(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the vector location for the given army.
kbArmyGetMaximumAICost(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for the given army.
kbArmyGetMaximumHitpoints(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the maximum total hitpoints for the given army.
kbArmyGetMembershipTime(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the creation time for the given army.
kbArmyGetName(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the name of the given army.
kbArmyGetNumber() - Method in class Army
Returns the number of armies.
kbArmyGetNumberUnits(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the number of units in the given army.
kbArmyGetNumberWithHealth(int, float) - Method in class Army
Returns the number of units with at least the minimum amount of health specified for the given army.
kbArmyGetNumberWithinLocation(int, vector, float) - Method in class Army
Returns the number of units within range of the given point in the given army.
kbArmyGetPlanID(int) - Method in class Army
Returns the planID for the given army.
kbArmyGetUnitID(int, long) - Method in class Army
Returns the appropriate unitID from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnit(int, int) - Method in class Army
Removes the unitID from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnitByIndex(int, int) - Method in class Army
Removes the unitIndex'th unit from the given army.
kbArmyRemoveUnits(int) - Method in class Army
Removes all units from the given army.
kbAttackRouteAddPath(int, int) - Method in class Path
Returns true if path was added to attack route.
kbBaseAddUnit(int, int, int) - Method in class Base
Adds the given unit to the base.
kbBaseCreate(int, string, vector, float) - Method in class Base
Creates a base.
kbBaseDestroy(int, int) - Method in class Base
Destroys the given base.
kbBaseDestroyAll(int) - Method in class Base
Destroys all of the bases for the given player.
kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase(int, int) - Method in class Base
Finds/Creates a 'forward' military base against the given enemy base.
kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase(int, int, int) - Method in class Base
Finds/Creates a resource base.
kbBaseGetActive(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the active flag of the base.
kbBaseGetBackVector(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the back vector of the base.
kbBaseGetEconomy(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the economy flag of the base.
kbBaseGetForward(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the forward flag of the base.
kbBaseGetFrontVector(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the front vector of the base.
kbBaseGetIDByIndex(int, int) - Method in class Base
Returns the BaseID for the given base.
kbBaseGetLocation(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the location of the base.
kbBaseGetMain(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the main flag of the base.
kbBaseGetMainID(int) - Method in class Base
Gets the main base ID for the player.
kbBaseGetMaximumResourceDistance(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the maximum resource distance of the base.
kbBaseGetMilitary(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the military flag of the base.
kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the military gather point of the base.
kbBaseGetNextID() - Method in class Base
Returns the ID of the next base that will be created.
kbBaseGetNumber(int) - Method in class Base
Returns the number of bases for the given player.
kbBaseGetNumberUnits(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Base
Returns the number of units that match the criteria.
kbBaseGetSettlement(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the settlement flag of the base.
kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack(int, int) - Method in class Base
Returns the number of continuous seconds the base has been under attack.
kbBaseGetUnderAttack(int, int) - Method in class Base
Gets the under attack flag of the base.
kbBaseRemoveUnit(int, int, int) - Method in class Base
Removes the given unit to the base.
kbBaseSetActive(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the active flag of the base.
kbBaseSetEconomy(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the economy flag of the base.
kbBaseSetForward(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the forward flag of the base.
kbBaseSetFrontVector(int, int, vector) - Method in class Base
Sets the front (and back) of the base.
kbBaseSetMain(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the main flag of the base.
kbBaseSetMaximumResourceDistance(int, int, float) - Method in class Base
Sets the maximum resource distance of the base.
kbBaseSetMilitary(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the military flag of the base.
kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint(int, int, vector) - Method in class Base
Sets the military gather point of the base.
kbBaseSetSettlement(int, int, bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the settlement flag of the base.
kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaGroupID(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Adds the AreaGroup ID to the current Building Placement.
kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID(int, int, bool) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Adds the Area ID - with the given number of border area layers - to the current Building Placement.
kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence(vector, float, float) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Adds the position influence for the current building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence(int, float, float, long) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Adds the unit influence for the current building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementCreate(string) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Creates a building placement; returns the ID.
kbBuildingPlacementDestroy(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Destroys the given building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementGetResultPosition(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Returns the vector result position for given Building Placement ID.
kbBuildingPlacementGetResultValue(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Returns the result value for given Building Placement ID.
kbBuildingPlacementResetResults() - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Resets the current building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSelect(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Selects the given building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID(int, int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Sets the base ID and location preference for the current building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingType(int) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Sets the building type for the current building placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition(vector, float, float) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Sets up center position-based Building Placement.
kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler(int, string) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Sets event handler function for the current Building Placement and event.
kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue(float) - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Sets the minimum acceptable value for evaluated spots in the Building Placement.
kbBuildingPlacementStart() - Method in class BuildingPlacement
Starts the placement of current building.
kbCanAffordTech(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns true if the player can afford the technology.
kbCanAffordUnit(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the player can afford the proto unit.
kbCanPath2(vector, vector, long, float) - Method in class Path
Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB.
kbCanSimPath(vector, vector, long, float) - Method in class Path
Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB.
kbCheckConsistency() - Method in class AIDebug
Scans all KB entries for unit duplication.
kbCreateAttackRoute(string, int, int, int) - Method in class Path
Returns the Route ID if successful.
kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath(string, vector, vector) - Method in class Path
Returns the Route ID if successful.
kbDestroyAttackRoute(int) - Method in class Path
Returns true if the route was deleted.
kbDump(int, int) - Method in class Unit
KB dump for player2's units from player1's perspective.
kbDumpType(int, int, string) - Method in class Unit
KB dump for player2's units of the given type from player1's perspective.
kbEcho(string) - Method in class KnowledgeBase
Knowledge Base echo.
kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources() - Method in class Escrow
Reallocates the current resource stockpile into the escrows.
kbEscrowCreate(string, int, float, int) - Method in class Escrow
Creates an escrow.
kbEscrowDestroy(int, bool) - Method in class Escrow
Destroys an escrow.
kbEscrowFlush(int, int, bool) - Method in class Escrow
Removes all credits (and puts them into the root escrow) of the given resource type from the given escrow.
kbEscrowGetAmount(int, int) - Method in class Escrow
Returns the amount of credits in the given escrow for the given resource.
kbEscrowGetID(string) - Method in class Escrow
Returns the ID of the named escrow.
kbEscrowGetPercentage(int, int) - Method in class Escrow
Returns the percentage of the escrow.
kbEscrowSetCap(int, int, float) - Method in class Escrow
Sets the cap of the escrow.
kbEscrowSetPercentage(int, int, float) - Method in class Escrow
Sets the percentage of the escrow.
kbFindAreaGroup(int, float, int) - Method in class Area
Returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria.
kbFindAreaGroupByLocation(int, float, float) - Method in class Area
Returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria.
kbFindBestBuildingToRepair(vector, float, float, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the id of the best building to repair.
kbForceContextPlayerID() - Method in class Player
Important: use for debugging or manual scenario repair only!
kbGetAge() - Method in class Player
Returns the current age for the current player.
kbGetAgeForPlayer(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the current age for the player specified.
kbGetAICostWeight(int) - Method in class Resource
Returns the AI cost weight for the given resource.
kbGetAmountValidResources(int, int, int, float) - Method in class Resource
Returns the resource amount of valid KB resources for the resource types.
kbGetAttackRouteID(long, long) - Method in class Path
Returns the id of the routes from area1 to area2.
kbGetAutoBaseCreate() - Method in class Base
Returns the auto base creation value.
kbGetAutoBaseCreateDistance() - Method in class Base
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetAutoBaseDetect() - Method in class Base
Returns the auto base detection value.
kbGetAutoBaseDetectDistance() - Method in class Base
Returns the auto base creation distance.
kbGetBlockID(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns the UnitID of the given unit.
kbGetBlockPosition(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns the position of the given unit.
kbGetBuildLimit(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the number of the unit type you are allowed to have.
kbGetCiv() - Method in class Player
Returns the civilization ID for the current player.
kbGetCivForPlayer(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the civilization ID for the given player.
kbGetCivName(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the civilization name for the given civilization.
kbGetCombatEfficiency(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the combat efficiency of the comparison (in terms of playerID1's units).
kbGetCulture() - Method in class Player
Returns the culture for the player.
kbGetCulture(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the culture name for the given culture.
kbGetCultureForPlayer(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the culture for the given player.
kbGetMapCenter() - Method in class Area
Returns the center vector of the map.
kbGetMapXSize() - Method in class Area
Returns the X size of the map.
kbGetMapZSize() - Method in class Area
Returns the Z size of the map.
kbGetNumAttackRoutes(long, long) - Method in class Path
Returns the number of paths from start to goal area.
kbGetNumberMutualAllies() - Method in class Player
Returns the number of mutual allies.
kbGetNumberValidResources(int, int, int, float) - Method in class Resource
Returns the number of valid KB resources for the resource types.
kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPlan(int, int) - Method in class Resource
Returns the number of valid KB resources for the given plan/base.
kbGetPlayerHandicap(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the player's handicap multiplier (i.e.
kbGetPlayerTeam(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the player's team number.
kbGetPop() - Method in class Player
Returns the current population for the player.
kbGetPopCap() - Method in class Player
Returns the current population cap for the player.
kbGetPopCapAddition(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns amount of pop cap addition provided by the given unit type.
kbGetPopSlots(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the number of pop slots this unit takes.
kbGetPopulationSlotsByQueryID(int) - Method in class Query
Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by the results in the given query.
kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by this unit type.
kbGetProtoUnitAICost(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the AI cost for the given protoUnit type ID.
kbGetProtoUnitID(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns the ID of the protounit.
kbGetProtoUnitName(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the name of the protounit ID.
kbGetRandomEnabledPUID(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns a random, valid protounit ID that's of the given type.
kbGetResourceIncome(int, float, bool) - Method in class Resource
Returns the resource income over the last X seconds.
kbGetTechAICost(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the AI cost for the given technology ID.
kbGetTechName(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the name of the technology ID.
kbGetTechPercentComplete(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the percent complete for the the requested tech of the current player.
kbGetTechStatus(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the current technology status for the current player of the requested tech.
kbGetTownAreaID() - Method in class Area
Returns the area ID of the main town.
kbGetTownLocation() - Method in class Area
Returns the location of the main town.
kbGetUnitBaseTypeID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the base type ID of the unit.
kbGetUnitTypeName(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the name of the unit type.
kbHasPlayerLost(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the player's lost status.
kbIsGameOver() - Method in class KnowledgeBase
Returns whether the game is over or not.
kbIsMultiplayer() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Checks if the current game is played in singleplayer or multiplayer mode.
kbIsMultiplayer() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Checks if the current game is played in singleplayer or multiplayer mode.
kbIsPlayerAlly(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is an ally.
kbIsPlayerEnemy(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is an enemy.
kbIsPlayerHuman(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is a a human player.
kbIsPlayerMutualAlly(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is a mutual ally.
kbIsPlayerNeutral(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is a neutral player.
kbIsPlayerResigned(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the player's resigned status.
kbIsPlayerValid(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the given player is a valid player (i.e.
kbLocationVisible(vector) - Method in class Area
Returns true if the location is currently visible to the player.
kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap() - Method in class Unit
Updates the knowledge base for all players with the latest info.
kbMakeAttackRoutes() - Method in class Path
Find all the paths to the sector specified.
kbMaximumResourceGet(int) - Method in class Resource
Returns the maximum amount of the given resource you can have.
kbPathAddWaypoint(int, vector) - Method in class Path
Adds the waypoint to the given path.
kbPathCreate(string) - Method in class Path
Creates a path with the given name.
kbPathDestroy(int) - Method in class Path
Destroys the given path.
kbPathGetIDByIndex(long) - Method in class Path
Returns the index'th path ID.
kbPathGetLength(int) - Method in class Path
Returns the length of the given path.
kbPathGetName(int) - Method in class Path
Returns the name of the given path.
kbPathGetNumber() - Method in class Path
Returns the number of paths.
kbPathGetNumberWaypoints(int) - Method in class Path
Returns the number of waypoints in the given path.
kbPathGetWaypoint(int, long) - Method in class Path
Returns the appropriate waypoint from the given path.
kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost(int, int) - Method in class Progression
Returns the total cost of the given resource for this progressionID.
kbProgessionGetTotalWorkCost(int) - Method in class Progression
Returns the total work cost this progressionID.
kbProgressionGetNodeData(int, int) - Method in class Progression
Returns the data at nodeIndex, either UnitID or TechID, depending on the type.
kbProgressionGetNodeType(int, int) - Method in class Progression
Returns the type of node at the given index, either Unit type or technology type.
kbProgressionGetTotalNodes(int) - Method in class Progression
Returns the total number of steps to complete the progression.
kbProgressionIsNodeMinorGod(int, int) - Method in class Progression
Returns true if the given node's data is a minor god.
kbProtoUnitAvailable(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the protoUnit is currently available.
kbResourceGet(int) - Method in class Resource
Returns the current amount of the given resource.
kbResourcesDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI resources debug text
kbSetAICostWeight(int, float) - Method in class Resource
Sets the weight this resource type is given during AI cost calculations.
kbSetAutoBaseCreate(bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the auto base creation value.
kbSetAutoBaseCreateDistance(float) - Method in class Base
Sets the auto base creation distance.
kbSetAutoBaseDetect(bool) - Method in class Base
Sets the auto base detection value.
kbSetAutoBaseDetectDistance(float) - Method in class Base
Sets the auto base creation distance.
kbSetForwardBasePosition(vector) - Method in class Base
Set the explicit position that every forward base will use.
kbSetPlayerHandicap(int, float) - Method in class Player
Sets the indicated player's handicap multiplier (i.e.
kbSetTownLocation(vector) - Method in class Area
Sets the location of the main town.
kbSetupForResource(int, int, float, float) - Method in class Resource
Returns true if amount of resource is within distance of a drop site.
kbTargetSelectorAddQueryResults(int) - Method in class TargetSelector
Sets the list of potential targets to the results in the given query.
kbTargetSelectorAddUnitType(int) - Method in class TargetSelector
Add the UAIT for the given base unit type as a filter.
kbTargetSelectorCreate(string) - Method in class TargetSelector
Creates a target selector and returns the ID.
kbTargetSelectorDestroy(int) - Method in class TargetSelector
Destroys the given target selector.
kbTargetSelectorGetNumberResults() - Method in class TargetSelector
Returns the number of results in the given target selector.
kbTargetSelectorGetResultValue(int) - Method in class TargetSelector
Returns the result value for given index of the current target selector.
kbTargetSelectorResetResults() - Method in class TargetSelector
Resets the current target selector.
kbTargetSelectorSelect(int) - Method in class TargetSelector
Selects the given target selector.
kbTargetSelectorStart() - Method in class TargetSelector
Starts the current target selector.
kbTechCostPerResource(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the cost of the technology for the given resource.
kbTechTreeAddDropsiteUnitIDByResource(int) - Method in class TechTree
Adds the base unit type ID as a dropsite for the given resource.
kbTechTreeAddMinorGodPref(int) - Method in class TechTree
Have progressions preference for this minor god selection.
kbTechTreeClearDropsiteUnitIDsByResource(int) - Method in class TechTree
Clears the list of dropsites for the given resource type.
kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade(int, int, int, int, bool, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the ID of the cheapest unit upgrade technology.
kbTechTreeGetDropsiteUnitIDByResource(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the index'th unitID of the dropsite that takes the given resource.
kbTechTreeGetGPTechID(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the GP techID that is enabled by minorGodTechID.
kbTechTreeGetMatrixUnitTypeIDByIndex(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the matrix unit typeID at the given index.
kbTechTreeGetMinorGodChoices(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the minorGodTechID of the given index, given the age, -1 means the next age.
kbTechTreeGetMinorGodMythUnitByIndex(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the protoID of a myth unit
kbTechTreeGetMinorGodMythUnitTotal(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the total number of myth units enabled by this minor god.
kbTechTreeGetNumberDropsiteUnitIDsByResource(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the number of unit typeIDs for dropsites that take the given resource.
kbTechTreeGetNumberMatrixUnitTypeIDs() - Method in class TechTree
Returns the number of matrix unit type IDs.
kbTechTreeGetNumberObtainProtos(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the number of protos that the given techID can be obtained from.
kbTechTreeGetNumberTrainProtos(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the number of protos that can train the given unitTypeID.
kbTechTreeGetRandomUnitUpgrade() - Method in class TechTree
Returns the ID of a randomly chosen unit upgrade technology.
kbTechTreeGetTotalUnitIDsByFunction(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the total number of unitIDs that performs the given function.
kbTechTreeGetTotalUnitIDsByMatrix(long, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the total number of unitIDs matching the main type that has the given counter type.
kbTechTreeGetUnitIDByMatrixIndex(long, int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the index'th unitID matching the main type that has the given counter type.
kbTechTreeGetUnitIDByObtainIndex(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns index'th unitTypeID of the unit that the given techID, can be obtained from.
kbTechTreeGetUnitIDByTrain(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the unitTypeID of the unit that can train the given unitTypeID.
kbTechTreeGetUnitIDByTrainIndex(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns index'th unitTypeID of the unit that can train the given unitTypeID.
kbTechTreeGetUnitIDTypeByFunctionIndex(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the index'th unitID of the unit that performs the given function.
kbTechTreeGetUnitUpgradeTech(int, int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the index'th upgrade technologies of the unit type.
kbTechTreeGetUnitUpgradeTechTotal(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns the total number of upgrade technologies of the unit type.
kbTechTreeIsMinorGod(int) - Method in class TechTree
Returns true if techID is a minor god technology.
kbTechTreeRemoveMinorGodPref(int) - Method in class TechTree
Removes this minor god as preference in Progressions.
kbTotalResourceGet(int) - Method in class Resource
Returns the total amount of the given resource gathered to this point in the game.
kbUnitCostPerResource(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the cost of the protounit for the given resource.
kbUnitCostPerResource(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the default cost of a unit with given protounit and resource.
kbUnitCount(int, int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns a quick unit count of units for a player.
kbUnitCountConsole(int, int, string, string) - Method in class Unit
Returns a quick unit count of player2's units from player1's perspective.
kbunitDebugText(int) - Method in class Templates
AI unit debug text
kbUnitGetActionType(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the actionTypeID of the unit.
kbUnitGetAreaID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the area ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetArmyID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the army ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetBaseID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the base ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetCurrentAICost(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the current AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetCurrentHitpoints(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the current hitpoints for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetHealth(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the health for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetMaximumAICost(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetMaximumHitpoints(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the maximum hitpoints for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetMovementType(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the movementType for this unitTypeID.
kbUnitGetNumberWorkers(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the number of units currently working on the given unit.
kbUnitGetPlanID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the plan ID for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetPosition(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the position for this unit ID.
kbUnitGetTargetUnitID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the target unit ID of the given unit.
kbUnitGetWorkerID(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the index'th worker unit ID.
kbUnitIsType(int, long) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the unit is of the unitTypeID.
kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(int, int, float) - Method in class UnitPick
Adds an enemy unit typeID to the unit pick combat efficiency calculation.
kbUnitPickAdjustPreferenceFactor(int, int, float) - Method in class UnitPick
Adjusts the preferenceFactor for that unit type (uses 50.0 as the base if the unit pick doesn't exist yet).
kbUnitPickCreate(string) - Method in class UnitPick
Creates a unit pick.
kbUnitPickDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI unit pick debug text
kbUnitPickDestroy(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Destroys the given unit pick.
kbUnitPickGetAttackUnitType(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick attack unit type.
kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberBuildings(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index'th unit type.
kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick desired number unit types.
kbUnitPickGetGoalCombatEfficiencyType(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick attack unit type.
kbUnitPickGetMaximumNumberUnits(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick maximum number units.
kbUnitPickGetMaximumPop(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick maximum pop.
kbUnitPickGetMinimumNumberUnits(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick minimum number units.
kbUnitPickGetMinimumPop(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick minimum pop.
kbUnitPickGetNumberResults(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Returns the number of unit pick results.
kbUnitPickGetPreferenceWeight(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Gets the unit pick preference weight.
kbUnitPickGetResult(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Returns the index'th ProtoUnitID.
kbUnitPickResetAll(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Resets all of the unit pick data.
kbUnitPickResetCombatEfficiencyTypes(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Resets the enemy unit typeIDs for the unit pick combat efficiency calculation.
kbUnitPickResetResults(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Resets the unit pick results.
kbUnitPickRun(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Runs the unit pick.
kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick attack unit type.
kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick combat efficiency weight.
kbUnitPickSetCostWeight(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick cost weight.
kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberBuildings(int, int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index'th unit type.
kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(int, int, int, bool) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick enemy player ID.
kbUnitPickSetGoalCombatEfficiencyType(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick attack unit type.
kbUnitPickSetMaximumNumberUnits(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
kbUnitPickSetMaximumPop(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired max pop.
kbUnitPickSetMinimumNumberUnits(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
kbUnitPickSetMinimumPop(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick desired minimum pop.
kbUnitPickSetMovementType(int, int) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick movement type.
kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(int, int, float) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the preferenceFactor for that unit type.
kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight(int, float) - Method in class UnitPick
Sets the unit pick preference weight.
kbUnitQueryCreate(string) - Method in class Query
Creates a unit query, returns the query ID.
kbUnitQueryCreate2(string, int, int, int, int, vector, bool, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Creates and executes a unit query with the following results and returns the query ID.
kbUnitQueryCreate2(string, int, int, int, int, vector, bool, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Creates and executes a unit query with the following results and returns the query ID.
kbUnitQueryDestroy(long) - Method in class Query
Destroys the given unit query.
kbUnitQueryExecute(long) - Method in class Query
Executes the current query; returns number of results.
kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQuery(long, int) - Method in class Query
Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results.
kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQueryByName(long, string) - Method in class Query
Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results.
kbUnitQueryGetResult(long, int) - Method in class Query
Returns the UnitID of the index'th result in the current query.
kbUnitQueryNumberResults(long) - Method in class Query
Returns the number of results in the current query.
kbUnitQueryResetData(long) - Method in class Query
Resets the given unit query data AND results.
kbUnitQueryResetResults(long) - Method in class Query
Resets the given unit query results.
kbUnitQuerySetActionType(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetAreaID(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetArmyID(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort(long, bool) - Method in class Query
If ascending is true, results are sorted in ascending distance order from the query position.
kbUnitQuerySetBaseID(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(long, float) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID(long, int, bool) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetPosition(long, vector) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(long, bool) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetState(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(long, int) - Method in class Query
Sets query data.
kbUnitVisible(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the unit is currently visible to the player.
KeyValuePair() - Constructor for class GameListService.KeyValuePair
KnowledgeBase - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.
KVP - Variable in class GameListService.Game


LandResource - Variable in class UnitType
lang_br - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Brazilian locale.
lang_ch - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Swiss locale.
lang_de - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate German locale.
lang_en - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate English locale.
lang_es - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Spanish locale.
lang_fr - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate French locale.
lang_it - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Italian locale.
lang_jp - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Japanese locale.
lang_ko - Variable in class LanguageConfig
Activate Korean locale.
LanguageConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to language and locales.
LanguageConfig() - Constructor for class LanguageConfig
LastItemLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Layout - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Provides an overview of how layout XML files are built.
Layout() - Constructor for class Layout
leaveEditorMode() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Leaves the editor mode and returns to the actual game.
leaveEditorMode() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Leaves the editor mode and returns to the actual game.
leaveGame() - Method in class Console
Destroys the world and returns to main menu.
light - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables light.
Light - Variable in class Action
The action of passively giving off light.
Lightning - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Lightning settings.
Lightning - Variable in class Action
LightningAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking by lightning, as done by SoO, Petsochus, etc...
lightningModeGPRechargeSpeedMultiplier - Variable in class GameConfig
Scales how much faster GPs recharge in lightning mode (1.0 is standard).
limitPitch - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the limit of the camera pitch.
ListItem - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Define an item in a ScrollList.
ListItem(String) - Constructor for class ListItem
loadBinaryXml - Variable in class EngineConfig
Attempts to binarize and load XML files in that manner.
loadCamera(string) - Method in class Camera
Load camera from file.
loadCameraOnline(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Load a camera position from a given file.
loadCameraOnline(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Load a camera position from a given file.
loadGame(string) - Method in class Files
Loads in a saved game.
loadMix(string) - Method in class Files
Re-scans all open mix files for new parameters.
loadRecentFile(string) - Method in class Files
Loads the file named, interpreting whether it is a scenario, saved game, etc.
loadSavegameWithCurrentData - Variable in class EngineConfig
Overrides embedded DB info in the savegame with current info.
loadScenario(string) - Method in class Files
Loads in a scenario file.
LocalTaglet - Class in aom.scripting.taglet
This taglet indicates that a command is only executed locally, instead of automatically synchronized.
LocalTaglet() - Constructor for class LocalTaglet
logAIErrors - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Logs AI errors.
logDeviceInfo - Variable in class EngineConfig
Logs device info.
Logic - Interface in aom.scripting.anim
This interface lists all possible logics that can be used in an animation script.
LogicalTypeAbstractVillNotHero - Variable in class UnitType
An Abstract Villager that's not a hero.
LogicalTypeAffectedByChaos - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be affected by the Chaos GP.
LogicalTypeAffectedByFrostGiant - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be frozen by a Frost Giant.
LogicalTypeAffectedByHealingSpring - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be healed by a Healing Spring.
LogicalTypeAffectedByHeroize - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be affected by Heroize, not sure how though...
LogicalTypeAffectedByRestoration - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a affected by Restoration.
LogicalTypeAffectedByTownBell - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be issued to hide inside a building by the Town Bell.
LogicalTypeAffectedByVortex - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be transported using the Vortex GP.
LogicalTypeAutoattackTargetsBuildings - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit will automatically attack Buildings if it sees the chance.
LogicalTypeBuildingNotTitanGate - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building but not a Titan Gate.
LogicalTypeBuildingsNotHouses - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building, Houses excluded.
LogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building but not a Wall.
LogicalTypeBuildingsThatTrainMilitary - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Building that trains Military.
LogicalTypeCanBeHealed - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a can be healed, e.g.
LogicalTypeCanBeStoned - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be petrified by the Medusa.
LogicalTypeCanBeThrown - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be Thrown, e.g.
LogicalTypeCavalryAndScout - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a both some kind of Cavalry And Scout at the same time.
LogicalTypeConvertsHerds - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can convert Herdables.
LogicalTypeDangerousAnimals - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Dangerous Animal.
LogicalTypeDoesNotCreateLush - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit does not create Lush, even when possessed by Gaia.
LogicalTypeEarthquakeAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by an Earthquake.
LogicalTypeEasySelectAvoid - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit will be avoided when Easy Military Select in enabled.
LogicalTypeEscapesFrostOnTransform - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can escape its frozen state when heroized.
LogicalTypeFavoriteMythUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be a Favorite Myth Unit, i.e.
LogicalTypeFavoriteUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be a Favorite Unit, i.e.
LogicalTypeFimbulWinterTCEvalType - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a LogicalTypeFimbulWinterTCEvalType.
LogicalTypeGarrisonOnBoats - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be garrisoned on Transport Ships.
LogicalTypeGates - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Gate.
LogicalTypeGreekHeroes - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Greek Hero.
LogicalTypeHandUnitsAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked using a "Hand Units Attack".
LogicalTypeHandUnitsAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be automatically attacked using a "Hand Units Attack".
LogicalTypeHouses - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of House.
LogicalTypeIdleCivilian - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is possibly an idle Civilian, i.e.
LogicalTypeIdleHero - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is possible an idle Hero, i.e.
LogicalTypeIdleMilitary - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is possibly idle Military, i.e.
LogicalTypeImplodeAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by the Implode GP.
LogicalTypeInvulnerableToGaia - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit cannot be attacked by Gaia's units.
LogicalTypeLandMilitary - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is Land Military.
LogicalTypeMeanPredatorsAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked automatically by mean predators.
LogicalTypeMilitaryUnitsAndBuildings - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a either a Military Unit or a Building.
LogicalTypeMinimapFilterEconomic - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is still shown on the minimap with the economic filter active.
LogicalTypeMinimapFilterMilitary - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is still shown on the minimap with the military filter active.
LogicalTypeMummyMinionTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be converted into a Minion by a Mummy.
LogicalTypeMythUnitNotTitan - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Myth Unit but not a Titan.
LogicalTypeNavalMilitary - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Naval Military.
LogicalTypeNeededForVictory - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a is needed for victory.
LogicalTypeNoFlailOnThrow - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit won't use its Flail animation when thrown.
LogicalTypeNonGreekUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Non-Greek Unit.
LogicalTypeOdinRegenerates - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can enjoy Odin's regeneration bonus.
LogicalTypeParticipatesInBattlecries - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit participates in Battle Cries.
LogicalTypePerseusCanStone - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be petrified by Perseus.
LogicalTypePredatorsAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked using a "Predator Attack".
LogicalTypePredatorsAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked automatically by predators.
LogicalTypeRamAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by some kind of Ram Attack.
LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked using a "Ranged Units Attack".
LogicalTypeRangedUnitsAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be automatically attacked using a "Ranged Units Attack".
LogicalTypeScoutsRespondToAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by a scout in response to an earlier attack launched at that scout.
LogicalTypeScreamsOnSpiderPull - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit screams when pulled into a spiderweb.
LogicalTypeSeaSerpentAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attack by Sea Serpents.
LogicalTypeShipNotFishinghip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Ship but not a Fishing Ship.
LogicalTypeSiegeAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be automatically attacked by Siege.
LogicalTypeSuperPredatorsAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by a Super Predator.
LogicalTypeSuperPredatorsAutoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be automatically attacked by a Super Predator.
LogicalTypeTartarianGateValidOverlapPlacement - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that the Tartarian Gate GP can be casted over this protounit.
LogicalTypeTimeshift - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be Timeshifted.
LogicalTypeTornadoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is can be attacked by a Tornado.
LogicalTypeUnitsNotBuildings - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Unit but not a Building.
LogicalTypeValidBoltTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid bolt target.
LogicalTypeValidDeconstructionTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Deconstruction target.
LogicalTypeValidFlamingWeaponsTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Flaming Weapons target.
LogicalTypeValidForestFireTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be harmed by a Forest Fire.
LogicalTypeValidFrostTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Frost target.
LogicalTypeValidLocustSwarmTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Locust Swarm target.
LogicalTypeValidMeteorTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Meteor target.
LogicalTypeValidReverseWonderTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Reverse Wonder target.
LogicalTypeValidShiftingSandsTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Shifting Sands target.
LogicalTypeValidSPCUnitsDeadCondition - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can resurrect fallen SPC Units.
LogicalTypeValidSpiderTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Spider target.
LogicalTypeValidSpyTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be spied upon.
LogicalTypeValidTraitorsTarget - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a valid Traitors target.
LogicalTypeValidTremorAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by a Shockwave GP.
LogicalTypeVillagersAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attack by a Villager.
LogicalTypeVillagersRespondToAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by a Villager in response to an earlier attack launched at that Villager.
LogicalTypeVolcanoAttack - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be attacked by the Volcano GP.
LokiHero - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Hero of Loki, i.e.
lookAt(float, float) - Method in class Camera
Looks at given (x,z) location on terrain.
lookAtArmy(int, string) - Method in class Camera
Looks at given KB army.
lowEnd - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables a set of low end testing features.
lowLevelSyncCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
lowPoly - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enables low poly models.
lowQualityTextures - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines whether low quality textures should be used.
lushBaseRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the starting tile radius of gaia lush zone.
lushMaxRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the maximum tile radius of gaia lush zone.
lushRadiusDecayRate - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the speed (in ms / tile) of gaia lush decay.
lushRadiusGrowthRate - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the speed (in ms / tile) of gaia lush growth.
lushSizeFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the factor of a buildings obstruction that it projects lush.
lushUpdateInterval - Variable in class GameConfig
Specify the frequency that lush updates are run.


machineName - Variable in class Config
mainEditList_Pos - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the position of the Main Edit List in the editor.
map - Variable in class GameConfig
map(string, string, string) - Method in class Console
Maps an input event to the given command, in the given context.
marketBuy(string) - Method in class Templates
Current market buy rates
marketCostDeltaBuy - Variable in class GameConfig
marketCostDeltaSell - Variable in class GameConfig
marketCostMax - Variable in class GameConfig
marketCostMin - Variable in class GameConfig
marketSell(string) - Method in class Templates
Current market sell rates
marketTradeFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
matchmakingCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
MatchMakingService - Interface in aom.scripting.eso
This is an interface specifying what functionality the MatchMaking Service offers.
MatchMakingService.ContinuousValueParameter - Class in aom.scripting.eso
This class represents a continuous range of rating values.
MatchMakingService.FindMatchResponse - Class in aom.scripting.eso
The Response to a Find Match Request.
MatchMakingService.MatchRecord - Class in aom.scripting.eso
MatchRecord() - Constructor for class MatchMakingService.MatchRecord
matchUpdateStartFrequency(string) - Method in class Multiplayer
Test updating the start frequency for a specific hash code.
Math_abs(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the absolute value of the first argument.
Math_abs(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the absolute value of the first argument.
Math_approx(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns an approximation of the given value to a certain accuracy.
Math_approx(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns an approximation of the given value to a certain accuracy.
Math_atan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -PI/2 through PI/2.
Math_atan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -PI/2 through PI/2.
Math_atan2(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (xy) to polar coordinates (r, theta).
Math_atan2(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates (xy) to polar coordinates (r, theta).
Math_boolToInt(bool) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a bool into an integer.
Math_boolToInt(bool) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a bool into an integer.
Math_cbrt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the cubic root of a given value
Math_cbrt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the cubic root of a given value
Math_ceil(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) int value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Math_ceil(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) int value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Math_cos(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
Math_cos(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
Math_cosec(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cosecant of an angle.
Math_cosec(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cosecant of an angle.
Math_cosech(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cosecant hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_cosech(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cosecant hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_cosh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cosine hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_cosh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cosine hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_cotan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cotangent of an angle.
Math_cotan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cotangent of an angle.
Math_cotanh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric cotangent hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_cotanh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric cotangent hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_degreeToRadian(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a degree into a radian.
Math_degreeToRadian(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a degree into a radian.
Math_dist(vector, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the distance between 2 points in a 3D location.
Math_dist(vector, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the distance between 2 points in a 3D location.
Math_exp(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a float value.
Math_exp(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of a float value.
Math_fact(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the factorial of the given param.
Math_fact(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the factorial of the given param.
Math_floatToInt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a float into an int.
Math_floatToInt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a float into an int.
Math_floor(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Math_floor(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) int value that is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
Math_gcd(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the greatest common divisor of 2 values.
Math_gcd(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the greatest common divisor of 2 values.
Math_GetVectorial(vector, vector, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Unfortunately invent00r forgot what this is for, but he'll try to explain in version 3.
Math_GetVectorial(vector, vector, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Unfortunately invent00r forgot what this is for, but he'll try to explain in version 3.
Math_GetVectorialVector(vector, vector, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Unfortunately invent00r forgot what this is for, but he'll try to explain in version 3.
Math_GetVectorialVector(vector, vector, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Unfortunately invent00r forgot what this is for, but he'll try to explain in version 3.
Math_intToBool(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts an int value into a bool.
Math_intToBool(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts an int value into a bool.
Math_intToFloat(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts an int to a float.
Math_intToFloat(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts an int to a float.
Math_lcm(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the least common multiple of 2 values.
Math_lcm(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the least common multiple of 2 values.
Math_ln(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a float value.
Math_ln(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a float value.
Math_log(float, float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the logarithm with given base of a float value.
Math_log(float, float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the logarithm with given base of a float value.
Math_log10(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the logarithm with base 10 of a float value.
Math_log10(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the logarithm with base 10 of a float value.
Math_log2(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the logarithm with base 2 of a float value.
Math_log2(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the logarithm with base 2 of a float value.
Math_max(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the highest of 2 params.
Math_max(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the highest of 2 params.
Math_min(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the lowest value of 2 params.
Math_min(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the lowest value of 2 params.
Math_mod(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the rest after division of 2 numbers.
Math_mod(float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the rest after division of 2 numbers.
Math_pointIsInRectangle(vector, vector, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Decides whether or not a point in 2D space is part of a rectangle.
Math_pointIsInRectangle(vector, vector, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Decides whether or not a point in 2D space is part of a rectangle.
Math_pow(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
Math_pow(float, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.
Math_QF(float, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Solves the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation.
Math_QF(float, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Solves the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation.
Math_radianToDegree(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a radian into a degree.
Math_radianToDegree(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a radian into a degree.
Math_rand() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns a float value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
Math_rand() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns a float value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
Math_round(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the closest int near the given float.
Math_round(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the closest int near the given float.
Math_sec(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric secant of an angle.
Math_sec(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric secant of an angle.
Math_sech(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric secant hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_sech(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric secant hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_sign(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1 if the argument is greater than zero, -1 if the argument is less than zero.
Math_sign(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1 if the argument is greater than zero, -1 if the argument is less than zero.
Math_sin(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
Math_sin(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
Math_sinh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric sine hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_sinh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric sine hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_sqrt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the square root of a given value.
Math_sqrt(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the square root of a given value.
Math_tan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
Math_tan(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
Math_tanh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the trigonometric tangent hyperbolic of an angle.
Math_tanh(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the trigonometric tangent hyperbolic of an angle.
maximumFlyingUnitHeight - Variable in class GameConfig
The maximum flying unit height.
maxMipMapSize - Variable in class EngineConfig
Maximum MIPmap size (in pixels) that will be loaded.
maxParticles - Variable in class EngineConfig
The max number of particles.
maxRandUpdate - Variable in class EngineConfig
Parameter for variable yet fixed update system.
maxResource(string) - Method in class Templates
Maximum amount of a resource, used to display total availble favor (100 or 200).
maxZoom - Variable in class EngineConfig
The maximum zoom level.
megaPostLoadForceTextures - Variable in class EngineConfig
memoryMappedMesh - Variable in class EngineConfig
Load meshes as memory mapped files.
MenuGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
MenuGadget() - Constructor for class MenuGadget
Meteor - Variable in class Action
migrateSession() - Method in class Multiplayer
Migrate the current session to a new one.
Military - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Military.
Military - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is Military.
MilitaryBuilding - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Military Building.
MinedResource - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Resource that can be mined.
minimapCamera - Variable in class UIConfig
Shows the camera position on the minimap.
minimapCameraTrack - Variable in class UIConfig
Shows the camera track on the minimap.
minimapClipFrustum - Variable in class UIConfig
Clip the minimap frustum to the outer dims of the gadget.
minimapIgnoreFog - Variable in class UIConfig
Minimap does not draw fog.
minimapIgnoreLight - Variable in class UIConfig
Minimap does not show lighting.
minimapNoRotate - Variable in class UIConfig
Disables minimap rotation and fixes its position in the UI.
MinimapPosition - Class in aom.scripting.ui
This MinimapPosition element defines the position of the minimap in the UI.
MinimapPosition(String, Size1024) - Constructor for class MinimapPosition
minimapRotateMode(int) - Method in class Console
Changes the minimap rotation mode.
minimapZoom(float) - Method in class Console
Sets the zoom factor of the minimap.
minimapZoomDelta(float) - Method in class Console
Changes the zoom factor of the minimap up or down by that amount (remaining centered on the current view)
minPrayerEfficiency - Variable in class GameConfig
Prayer never gets less efficient than this.
minRandUpdate - Variable in class EngineConfig
Parameter for variable yet fixed update system.
minTradeAmount - Variable in class GameConfig
If the trade system would normally give you less than this, you get zero instead.
minTradeDistance - Variable in class GameConfig
Determines how far you have to go, in meters, to get any trade benefit.
minZoom - Variable in class EngineConfig
The minimum zoom level.
Mode - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Game Modes (not to be confused with edit modes).
modeEnter(string) - Method in class Mode
Enters the named mode.
modmanagerdetailed - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enabled detailed logging of all modmanager file operations to mod-manager.txt.
mouseExclusive - Variable in class InputConfig
mouseNonExclusive - Variable in class InputConfig
mouseOverText - Variable in class AbstractGadget
mouseScaleX - Variable in class InputConfig
mouseScaleY - Variable in class InputConfig
mouseStartCentered - Variable in class InputConfig
Mouse is moved to the center of the screen on startup.
Move - Variable in class Action
The action of a unit always moving, such as in the case of birds.
moveable - Variable in class AbstractGadget
MoveAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of performing an "attack move".
MoveByGroup - Variable in class Action
The action of a group of units walking.
mpAutoSaveFilenameTemplate - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
Defines the autosaved filename layout.
mpAutoSaveInterval - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines the autosave intervals.
mpCustomScreenSetSavegame(string) - Method in class Multiplayer
Sets the saved game template to use.
Multimedia - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Multimedia: audio, video, images, ...
MultimediaConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to Multimedia (music, sound and video).
multiMon - Variable in class EngineConfig
Multiplayer - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Multiplayer.
multisampleMode - Variable in class EngineConfig
Multisample mode for things like anti-aliasing.
musicOn - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
1 - Sets music on.
musicPlaySong(string, int) - Method in class Console
Play a sound as if it were a music track.
musicSetVolume(float) - Method in class MultimediaConfig
Set the current music volume [0.0 - 1.0]
musicToggleBattleMode() - Method in class Console
Toggles between battle mode and normal mode.
musicVol - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
The volume for the music.
MythUnit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Myth Unit.
MythUnitArcher - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Archer Myth Unit.
MythUnitCavalry - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Cavalry Myth Unit.
MythUnitGodPower - Variable in class UnitType
MythUnitInfantry - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Infantry Myth Unity.
MythUnitSiege - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Siege Myth Unit.


name - Variable in class AbstractGadget
The name of this gadget.
name - Variable in class MinimapPosition
Nature - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is associated with Mother Nature.
NatureClass - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the Nature Class (as found in the editor).
neverTimeOut - Variable in class EngineConfig
Force the multiplayer subsystem to wait indefinitely for timed out players.
newSoundSystem - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Uses the new sound system.
noAA - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables anti-aliasing.
noAmbientSounds - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables ambient sounds.
noAttackWarningSound - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the attack warning sound.
noBattleMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Force battle music to never play.
noBloom - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables bloom.
noChatSound - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables chat sound.
noDatabaseInSaveGames - Variable in class EngineConfig
Does not include a DB in saved games.
noDeviceSelect - Variable in class EngineConfig
Renderer automatically picks a device at startup.
noDirectXCheck - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disable Direct X
noExistsSounds - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables unit exists sounds.
noExitYorN - Variable in class UIConfig
Don't confirm exit.
noGameMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the in game music.
noHighlight - Variable in class UIConfig
Disables unit highlighting.
nohtml - Variable in class EngineConfig
Displays embedded htmlBrowser?
noHyperlinkUnderlines - Variable in class UIConfig
Suppresses the underlining for hyperlinks.
noIntroCinematics - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disable intro cinematics.
noIntroMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the music on the intro screen.
noMinimap - Variable in class UIConfig
Disable minimap.
noMinimapUpdates - Variable in class UIConfig
Disable minimap updates.
noMipMap - Variable in class EngineConfig
Suppresses mip-mapping.
noMotd - Variable in class ServerConfig
Disable the Message of the Day.
noMultiplayerMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the in game music in multiplayer.
noMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the music.
noObscuredUnits - Variable in class UIConfig
Turns off obscured unit display.
noPregameAnythingIMeanIt - Variable in class EngineConfig
Some pissed-off ES employee's personal config.
noPregameScenario - Variable in class EngineConfig
Don't load a background scenario.
noProtoListMeshes - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disable protolost meshes.
noSinglePlayerMusic - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the in game music in single player.
noSound - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disable sounds.
noSpecular - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables specular lighting.
noSSAO - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.
noStreamingMP3 - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Forces the game to load all MP3 sounds fully in memory.
noStreamingSounds - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Forces the game to load all sounds fully in memory.
noStreamingWav - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Forces the game to load all WAV sounds fully in memory.
noTextFileFirst - Variable in class EngineConfig
noUnitLights - Variable in class EngineConfig
Disables lights on units.
noVictorySounds - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disables the victory sounds in the game.
noVideos - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Disable videos.
noWander - Variable in class GameConfig
Turns off animal wandering.
noWaterReflection - Variable in class WaterConfig
Disables water reflections.
noWaterRefraction - Variable in class WaterConfig
Disables water refraction.
numberField - Variable in class TextFieldGadget
numGatherers(string) - Method in class Templates
The number of villagers currently working on the given resource type.
numIdle(string) - Method in class Templates
The number of units of given type that are idle.


ObjectDef - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Object Definitions.
obMgrSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
obscuredUnitToggle() - Method in class UIConfig
Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown.
obscureOnlySelectedUnits - Variable in class UIConfig
Check only selected units when checking if unit is obscured.
oceanWaveStagger - Variable in class WaterConfig
The animation stagger between one wave and the next.
onlinelongtimeouts - Variable in class ServerConfig
When set, makes the unresponsive clients check take a long time, rather than 10 seconds.
orderedChannelCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
outputBlankLine() - Method in class Console
overrideAddress - Variable in class ServerConfig
Override your external internet address.
OverrideAnimation - Variable in class Action


paintGroundOverWater - Variable in class WaterConfig
Allow painting ground over water to raise the ground.
paintSpriteForestAlways - Variable in class EngineConfig
If defined, makes all trees in forests to be sprite-ed.
paintSpriteForestMixed - Variable in class EngineConfig
If defined, makes internal trees in forests sprite-ed.
paletteContentSize1024 - Variable in class PaletteGadget
paletteElemSize1024 - Variable in class PaletteGadget
PaletteGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
PaletteGadget() - Constructor for class PaletteGadget
paletteTitleBottom - Variable in class PaletteGadget
paletteTitleRight - Variable in class PaletteGadget
paletteUseDropdown - Variable in class PaletteGadget
Passkey - Variable in class AccountService.AuthenticateResponse
I assume this Passkey is used later on to encrypt chat messages.
Path - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Paths and Attack Routes.
pathingIronHull - Variable in class EngineConfig
pathingLrp2 - Variable in class EngineConfig
pathingSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
pause(int) - Method in class Console
With no arguments, toggles pause state on/off, otherwise, sets pause state.
PendingRequestCount - Variable in class MatchMakingService.MatchRecord
perfCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
performanceClass - Variable in class EngineConfig
Sets the performance class for this machine.
PI - Static variable in class TriggerLoader
The double value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
PI - Static variable in class TriggerLoaderX
The double value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
Pickup - Variable in class Action
The action of garrisoning the target in itself, as done with relics
Pierce - Variable in class UnitType
placeAnything - Variable in class EngineConfig
Allows all objects to be placed -- must be defined at startup.
Plan - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Plans.
planDebugLines() - Method in class Templates
AI plan debug text
player(int) - Method in class Console
With no arguments, outputs current player.
Player - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Players.
Player - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Players.
Player - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Players.
playerActive(int) - Method in class Templates
Use -1 for current player
playerAge(int) - Method in class Templates
The current player's age, e.g.
playerCivilization(int) - Method in class Templates
The current player's civilization name.
playerColor(int) - Method in class Templates
The RGB-colorvalues of the current player.
playerCulture(int) - Method in class Templates
The current player's culture name.
playerGuid - Variable in class Config
The global unique id of the current profile, generated during installation.
PlayerIDNameString() - Method in class Templates
playerMaxCorpseCount - Variable in class EngineConfig
Maximum amount of corps to show.
playerName(int) - Method in class Templates
The given player's nickname.
PlayerNamestring(int) - Method in class Templates
playerProfileName - Variable in class Config
Name for player profile.
playerResign() - Method in class Console
Resigns the currently controlled player.
playerScore(int) - Method in class Templates
The given player's score.
playerSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
playerTeam(int) - Method in class Templates
The given player's team.
playerTeamScore(int) - Method in class Templates
The given player's team score.
playMovie() - Method in class Console
Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory.
pollMousePosition - Variable in class InputConfig
pop() - Method in class Templates
The current player's population in use.
popcap() - Method in class Templates
The current player's population cap.
populationHelp() - Method in class Templates
The population help text, showing #houses, #TCs etc.
position - Variable in class Layout
postGameEnabled - Variable in class GameConfig
Enables post game.
postGamePlayAgain() - Method in class Console
Restarts the current game from postgame.
PowerLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Possible checks whether a specific God Power is still available.
prayerEfficiencyExpBase - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines favor income parameters.
prayerEfficiencyExponent - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines favor income parameters.
prayerEfficiencyExpScale - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines favor income parameters.
prayerEfficiencyLinearPenalty - Variable in class GameConfig
Defines favor income parameters.
prayerEfficiencyPenalty - Variable in class GameConfig
Each subsequent praying dude is this much less efficient.
pregameUI - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the XML file that contains the pregame layout.
prFilter - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
Defines the XML file that contains the wordfilter definitions.
primary - Variable in class EngineConfig
print(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Outputs a piece of text to the game.
print(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Outputs a piece of text to the game.
productID() - Method in class Templates
Your personal productID.
progressBarBackground - Variable in class ProgressBarGadget
Defines the background of this progress bar.
progressBarBackgroundSize - Variable in class ProgressBarGadget
Defines the size of the background.
ProgressBarGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
This class defines a progress bar gadget.
ProgressBarGadget() - Constructor for class ProgressBarGadget
Creates a new progress bar with default properties.
ProgressBarGadget(String, Size1024, String) - Constructor for class ProgressBarGadget
Creates a new progress bar with the given properties.
progressBarMask - Variable in class ProgressBarGadget
Defines the texture of the mask that indicates the progress.
Progression - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Progressions.
progressionDebugText() - Method in class Templates
AI progression debug text
Projectile - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Projectile.
protoCount(string) - Method in class Unit
ProtoUnit - Enum in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This is an enumeration of all ProtoUnits available in AoT.
PublishedGameCount - Variable in class GameListService.SimpleGameList


qed(String, String, EntityType, GameMode, TimePeriod, int, int, DataGroup) - Method in interface StatsService
Player Units Query.
qer(String, String, EntityType, GameMode, TimePeriod, int, int, int, RanktableName) - Method in interface StatsService
Player Rank Query.
qest(String, String, EntityType, GameMode, TimePeriod, int) - Method in interface StatsService
Player Info Query.
qgs(String, String) - Method in interface StatsService
Game Details Query.
qse(String, String, EntityType, int, int) - Method in interface StatsService
Player Search Query.
qsg(String, String, EntityType, GameMode, int, int) - Method in interface StatsService
Recent Games Query.
Query - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Queries.
QuestVar - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Quest Vars (QVs).


RadioButton - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Defines a Radio Button.
RadioButton(String, String) - Constructor for class RadioButton
radioButtonBorder1024 - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the border size of the radio buttons inside this gadget.
radioButtons - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Contains a list of radio buttons that indicate the possible choices in this RadioSet.
radioCheckedArt - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the image used to indicate a radio button is checked.
radioHighlightArt - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the image used to indicate a radio button is hovered with the mouse.
radioSetButtonSize1024 - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the size of the individual radio buttons inside this gadget, along with their respective label.
radioSetDefaultButtonIndex - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the default selected option in this RadioSet.
RadioSetGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
RadioSetGadget(Size1024, Size1024, int, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class RadioSetGadget
Creates a new RadioSet Gadget with the given properties.
RadioSetGadget(Size1024, Size1024) - Constructor for class RadioSetGadget
Creates a new RadioSet Gadget with some default properties.
radioSetHorizontalLayout - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Sets whether or not this radio button should layout its buttons in a horizontal or vertical fashion.
radiosettitle - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
radiosettitleleft - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
radioUncheckedArt - Variable in class RadioSetGadget
Defines the image used to indicate a radio button is unchecked.
randomConnectionFail - Variable in class EngineConfig
RandomMap - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.
randSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
Range - Variable in class MatchMakingService.ContinuousValueParameter
The maximum range to deviate from the value above.
Ranged - Variable in class UnitType
RangedAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking from range.
RanktableName - Enum in aom.scripting.eso.stats
The name of a table storing up-to-date player ranks.
rawMouseMove - Variable in class InputConfig
realScrollSpeed - Variable in class InputConfig
Speed of normal scrolling.
receiveGame(string, string) - Method in class Multiplayer
Start receiving a broadcasted game.
receiverCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
recordGame - Variable in class GameConfig
Record games.
recordGameViewLock - Variable in class GameConfig
Toggle view lock when replaying a game.
red - Variable in class RgbColor
redo() - Method in class Console
Re-does the last undone operation.
refreshOnReal - Variable in class PaletteGadget
refundTrainsOnDeath - Variable in class GameConfig
Refund trained units of building gets destroyed.
Regenerate - Variable in class Action
The action of regenerating health passively.
regenerationRate - Variable in class GameConfig
Default regeneration rate.
regenerationRateGaia - Variable in class GameConfig
Gaia's regeneration rate.
register(Map<String, Taglet>) - Static method in class EditorTaglet
register(Map<String, Taglet>) - Static method in class LocalTaglet
register(Map<String, Taglet>) - Static method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
register(Map<String, Taglet>) - Static method in class SyncTaglet
RegisterNickname(String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Get a nickname.
RegisterPassportAccount(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Begin Create a new passport account.
reloadMixes() - Method in class Files
Loads in an editor terrain/unit mix file.
removeMPLimit - Variable in class EngineConfig
renderAnisotropic(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
With no arguments, toggles anisotropic filtering state, otherwise, sets it.
renderAreaGroupID(int, int, int) - Method in class AIDebug
Sets the render state of the given area (no integer state toggles).
renderAreaID(int, int, int) - Method in class AIDebug
Sets the render state of the given area (no integer state toggles).
renderAreas(int, int) - Method in class AIDebug
Sets the render state for all areas (no arguments toggles).
renderBaseID(int, int, int) - Method in class AIDebug
Sets the render state of the given base (no int state toggles).
renderDecreaseGamma(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Decreases gamma value by amount (default = 1) in the range [1,254].
renderDisplayBackBufferCount() - Method in class EngineConfig
Displays the current number of back buffers.
renderDisplayMultisampleMode() - Method in class EngineConfig
Displays current multisample mode.
renderFriendOrFoe(int) - Method in class GameConfig
With no arguments, toggles friend or foe colors.
renderGetGamma() - Method in class EngineConfig
Displays the current gamma value.
renderIncreaseGamma(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Increases gamma value by amount (default = 1) in the range [1,254].
renderRefresh(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
With no arguments, changes refresh rate to 75hz in fullscreen.
renderSetBackBufferCount(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
(Attempts to) Set the back buffer count to the indicated number.
renderSetGamma(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets gamma to the specified value in the range [1,254].
renderSetMultisampleMode(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
(Attempts to) Set multisampling to the indicated mode.
renderWindow(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
With no arguments, toggles window/fullscreen.
Repair - Variable in class Action
The action of repairing buildings.
repairFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
The repair speed factor.
RequestMatch(String) - Method in interface MatchMakingService
When you press the START button on ESO, this RequestMatch function is called first.
requiredBuildVersion - Variable in class Config
res(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Changes screen resolution.
resbpp(int, int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Changes screen resolution and bit depth.
Research - Variable in class Action
The action of researching?
researchByID(int, int, int) - Method in class Console
Start the research of techID from ResearchingUnitID.
researchByName(string) - Method in class Console
researchCancelByID(int, int, int) - Method in class Console
Cancel the research techID from UnitID.
resetDefaultPlayerColors() - Method in class Console
Reloads the default player colors from the XML file.
resizeHorizontally - Variable in class PaletteGadget
resizeVertically - Variable in class PaletteGadget
resource(string) - Method in class Templates
The current amount of resources of the current player.
Resource - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Resources.
Resource - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that protothis unit is a Resource.
ResourceLogic(int, int, int) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit (e.g.
resourceMarket(int, string, float, string) - Method in class Console
Trades resources at the market for the given player.
restart() - Method in class Console
Re-launch current scenario.
restartCurrentGame() - Method in class Console
Restarts current game.
RetrieveGames(int, int, String, boolean, GameListService.KeyValuePair[], String[], String[]) - Method in interface GameListService
Retrieves a list of games currently hosted on ESO.
RgbColor - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Defines a color in the RGB colorspace.
RgbColor() - Constructor for class RgbColor
rightClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a right mouse click command.
rightClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a right mouse click command.
rmAddAreaCliffEdgeAvoidClass(int, int, float) - Method in class Area
Adds a class for an area's cliff edge to avoid.
rmAddAreaConstraint(int, int) - Method in class Area
Add specified constraint to an area.
rmAddAreaInfluencePoint(int, float, float) - Method in class Area
Adds an area influence point.
rmAddAreaInfluenceSegment(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class Area
Adds an area influence segment.
rmAddAreaRemoveType(int, string) - Method in class Area
Add an unit type that the specified area removes.
rmAddAreaTerrainLayer(int, string, float, float) - Method in class Area
Adds a terrain layer to an area.
rmAddAreaTerrainReplacement(int, string, string) - Method in class Area
Adds a terrain replacement rule to the area.
rmAddAreaToClass(int, int) - Method in class Area
Add given area to specified class.
rmAddConnectionArea(int, int) - Method in class Connection
Adds an area to the connection.
rmAddConnectionConstraint(int, int) - Method in class Connection
Add specified constraint to a connection.
rmAddConnectionEndConstraint(int, int) - Method in class Connection
Add specified constraint for a connection end point.
rmAddConnectionStartConstraint(int, int) - Method in class Connection
Add specified constraint for a connection start point.
rmAddConnectionTerrainReplacement(int, string, string) - Method in class Connection
Adds a terrain replacement rule to the connection.
rmAddConnectionToClass(int, int) - Method in class Connection
Adds the connection to specified class.
rmAddFairLoc(string, bool, bool, float, float, float, float, bool, bool) - Method in class FairLoc
Adds some fairLoc placement info.
rmAddFairLocConstraint(int, int) - Method in class FairLoc
Add specified constraint to a fairLoc placement.
rmAddObjectDefConstraint(int, int) - Method in class ObjectDef
Add specified constraint to given object def.
rmAddObjectDefItem(int, string, int, float) - Method in class ObjectDef
Add item to object definition.
rmAddObjectDefToClass(int, int) - Method in class ObjectDef
Add given object def to specified class.
rmAddPlayerResource(int, string, float) - Method in class Player
Adds to a player's resource amount.
rmAddTriggerCondition(string) - Method in class Trigger
Add a condition from the trigger(2)\typetest.xml file to the random map.
rmAddTriggerEffect(string) - Method in class Trigger
Add an effect from the trigger(2)\typetest.xml file to the random map.
rmAddUnitsToArmy(int, int, int) - Method in class Trigger
Add the given units to the armyID.
rmAreaFractionToTiles(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts an area from fraction of the map to tile count.
rmAreaID(string) - Method in class Area
Gets the area ID for given area name.
rmAreaTilesToFraction(int) - Method in class Converter
Converts area tile count to fraction of map.
rmBuildAllAreas() - Method in class Area
Simultaneously builds all unbuilt areas.
rmBuildArea(int) - Method in class Area
Builds the specified area.
rmBuildConnection(int) - Method in class Connection
Builds the given connection.
rmClassID(string) - Method in class RandomMap
Gets class ID for given class name.
rmConstraintID(string) - Method in class Constraint
Gets constraint ID for given constraint name.
rmCreateArea(string, int) - Method in class Area
Creates an area and returns the areaID.
rmCreateAreaConstraint(string, int) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area.
rmCreateAreaDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to stay away from an area.
rmCreateAreaMaxDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to remain within a given distance from the areaID.
rmCreateAreaOverlapConstraint(string, int) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area overlap constraint.
rmCreateArmy(int, string) - Method in class Trigger
Create an army for the given player ID.
rmCreateBoxConstraint(string, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a box constraint and forces something to remain in it.
rmCreateClassDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a class distance constraint taht forces something to stay away from everything in the given class.
rmCreateCliffEdgeConstraint(string, int) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff edge.
rmCreateCliffEdgeDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area cliff edge distance constraint.
rmCreateCliffEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area cliff edge max distance constraint.
rmCreateCliffRampConstraint(string, int) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's cliff ramp edge.
rmCreateCliffRampDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area cliff ramp edge distance constraint.
rmCreateCliffRampMaxDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area cliff ramp edge max distance constraint.
rmCreateConnection(string) - Method in class Connection
Creates an connection.
rmCreateEdgeConstraint(string, int) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint that forces something to remain within an area's edge.
rmCreateEdgeDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area edge distance constraint and returns its ID
rmCreateEdgeMaxDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make an area edge max distance constraint.
rmCreateObjectDef(string) - Method in class ObjectDef
Creates an object definition.
rmCreateTerrainDistanceConstraint(string, string, bool, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint to avoid terrain with certain a passability.
rmCreateTerrainMaxDistanceConstraint(string, string, bool, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a constraint to be close to terrain with certain a passability.
rmCreateTrigger(string) - Method in class Trigger
Create a trigger to add to this random map.
rmCreateTypeDistanceConstraint(string, int, float) - Method in class Constraint
Make a type distance constraint.
rmDefineClass(string) - Method in class RandomMap
Define a class with the given name.
rmDefineConstant(string, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Define a constant with given name and value.
rmDegreesToRadians(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
rmEchoError(string, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Echoes an error string to the debugger output, can not be seen in AoT.
rmEchoInfo(string, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Echoes an info string to the debugger output, can not be seen in AoT.
rmEchoWarning(string, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Echoes a warning string to the debugger output, can not be seen in AoT.
rmFairLocXFraction(int, int) - Method in class FairLoc
Gets a player's fairLoc x fraction.
rmFairLocZFraction(int, int) - Method in class FairLoc
Gets a player's fairLoc z fraction.
rmGetNumberFairLocs(int) - Method in class FairLoc
Gets a player's number of fairLocs.
rmGetNumberPlayersOnTeam(int) - Method in class Player
Gets the number of players on the given team
rmGetNumberUnitsPlaced(int) - Method in class ObjectDef
Returns the number of units placed by this objectDefID.
rmGetPlayerCiv(int) - Method in class Player
Gets the civilization of the specified player.
rmGetPlayerCulture(int) - Method in class Player
Gets the culture of the specified player.
rmGetPlayerName(int) - Method in class Player
Gets a player's nickname.
rmGetPlayerTeam(int) - Method in class Player
Gets the team the specified player is on.
rmGetSeaLevel() - Method in class RandomMap
Gets the sea level for the map.
rmGetUnitPlaced(int, int) - Method in class ObjectDef
Returns a unit ID that was placed by the objectDefID.
rmGetUnitPlacedOfPlayer(int, int) - Method in class ObjectDef
Returns the unit ID of a given player that was placed by the objectDefID.
rmMetersToTiles(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts a distance in meters to a number of tiles.
rmMultiplyPlayerResource(int, string, float) - Method in class Player
Multiplies a player's resource amount by the given factor.
rmPaintAreaTerrain(int) - Method in class Area
Paints the terrain for a specified area.
rmPlaceFairLocs() - Method in class FairLoc
Places down a fairLoc and returns whether or not it was succesful.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtAreaLoc(int, int, int, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition for the player at the given area's location.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtLoc(int, int, float, float, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition at specific location for given player.
rmPlaceObjectDefAtRandomAreaOfClass(int, int, int, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition for the player at the location of a random area in the given class.
rmPlaceObjectDefInArea(int, int, int, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition for the player in the given area.
rmPlaceObjectDefInRandomAreaOfClass(int, int, int, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition for the player in a random area in the given class.
rmPlaceObjectDefPerPlayer(int, bool, long) - Method in class ObjectDef
Place object definition per player.
rmPlacePlayer(int, float, float) - Method in class Player
Sets one player location.
rmPlacePlayersCircular(float, float, float) - Method in class Player
Makes a circle of player locations.
rmPlacePlayersLine(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class Player
Makes a line of player locations.
rmPlacePlayersSquare(float, float, float) - Method in class Player
Makes a square of player locations.
rmPlayerLocXFraction(int) - Method in class Player
Gets a player's start location x fraction.
rmPlayerLocZFraction(int) - Method in class Player
Gets a player's start location z fraction.
rmRandFloat(float, float) - Method in class RandomMap
Returns a random float between min and max.
rmRandInt(int, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Returns a random integer between min and max.
rmResetFairLocs() - Method in class FairLoc
Resets fairLoc placement info.
rmSetAreaBaseHeight(int, float) - Method in class Area
Sets the base height for an area.
rmSetAreaCliffEdge(int, int, float, float, float, int) - Method in class Area
Set cliff edge parameters for an area.
rmSetAreaCliffHeight(int, float, float, float) - Method in class Area
Set an area's cliff height.
rmSetAreaCliffPainting(int, bool, bool, bool, float, bool) - Method in class Area
Set cliff painting options for an area.
rmSetAreaCliffType(int, string) - Method in class Area
Sets the cliff type for an area.
rmSetAreaCoherence(int, float) - Method in class Area
Sets area coherence (0-1).
rmSetAreaForestType(int, string) - Method in class Area
Sets the forest type for an area.
rmSetAreaHeightBlend(int, int) - Method in class Area
Sets how smoothly area height blends into surroundings.
rmSetAreaLocation(int, float, float) - Method in class Area
Set the area location.
rmSetAreaLocPlayer(int, int) - Method in class Area
Set the area location to player's location.
rmSetAreaLocTeam(int, int) - Method in class Area
Set the area location to team's location.
rmSetAreaMaxBlobDistance(int, float) - Method in class Area
Sets maximum blob distance.
rmSetAreaMaxBlobs(int, int) - Method in class Area
Sets maximum number of area blobs.
rmSetAreaMinBlobDistance(int, float) - Method in class Area
Sets minimum blob distance.
rmSetAreaMinBlobs(int, int) - Method in class Area
Sets minimum number of area blobs.
rmSetAreaSize(int, float, float) - Method in class Area
Set the area size to a min/max fraction of the map.
rmSetAreaSmoothDistance(int, int) - Method in class Area
Sets area edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighbouring points to consider in each direction).
rmSetAreaTerrainLayerVariance(int, bool) - Method in class Area
Specifies if the area should vary the terrain layer edges.
rmSetAreaTerrainType(int, string) - Method in class Area
Sets the terrain type for an area.
rmSetAreaWarnFailure(int, bool) - Method in class Area
Sets whether the area build process will warn if it fails.
rmSetAreaWaterType(int, string) - Method in class Area
Sets the water type for an area.
rmSetConnectionBaseHeight(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the base height of a connection.
rmSetConnectionBaseTerrainCost(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the base terrain cost for a connection.
rmSetConnectionCoherence(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets area coherence (0.0-1.0).
rmSetConnectionHeightBlend(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets how smoothly connection height blends into surroundings.
rmSetConnectionPositionVariance(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the position variance of a connection.
rmSetConnectionSmoothDistance(int, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets connection edge smoothing distance (distance is number of neighboring points to consider in each direction).
rmSetConnectionTerrainCost(int, string, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the terrain cost for a connection.
rmSetConnectionType(int, int, bool, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the connection type.
rmSetConnectionWarnFailure(int, bool) - Method in class Connection
Sets whether a connection warns on failure.
rmSetConnectionWidth(int, float, float) - Method in class Connection
Sets the width of a connection.
rmSetGaiaCiv(long) - Method in class RandomMap
Sets Gaia's civilization.
rmSetIgnoreForceToGaia(bool) - Method in class ObjectDef
If off, some objects placed will automatically convert to Mother Nature.
rmSetLightingSet(string) - Method in class RandomMap
Sets a lighting set.
rmSetMapSize(int, int) - Method in class RandomMap
Sets the size of the map.
rmSetObjectDefMaxDistance(int, float) - Method in class ObjectDef
Set the maximum distance for the object definition (in meters).
rmSetObjectDefMinDistance(int, float) - Method in class ObjectDef
Set the minimum distance for the object definition (in meters).
rmSetPlacementSection(float, float) - Method in class Player
When placing players in a circle or square, this command allows you to skip part of the circle or square, in essence removing a slice from the pie (maybe you want to fit an ocean in there like in Sea of Worms).
rmSetPlacementTeam(int) - Method in class Player
Sets the team to place.
rmSetPlayerArea(int, int) - Method in class Player
Sets a player's 'official' area.
rmSetPlayerLocation(int, float, float) - Method in class Player
Manually sets a player's starting location.
rmSetPlayerPlacementArea(float, float, float, float) - Method in class Player
Sets the area of the map to use for player placement.
rmSetPlayerResource(int, string, float) - Method in class Player
Sets a player's resource amount.
rmSetSeaLevel() - Method in class RandomMap
Sets the sea level for the map.
rmSetSeaType(string) - Method in class RandomMap
Sets the sea type for the map.
rmSetStatusText(string, float) - Method in class RandomMap
Sets the friendly cool loading screen text
rmSetTeamArea(int, int) - Method in class Player
Sets a team's 'official' area.
rmSetTeamSpacingModifier(float) - Method in class Player
Sets the team spacing modifier.
rmSetTriggerActive(bool) - Method in class Trigger
Sets the current trigger active.
rmSetTriggerConditionParam(string, string, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds a parameter to the current condition.
rmSetTriggerConditionParamArmy(string, int, int, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds an army parameter to the current condition.
rmSetTriggerConditionParamFloat(string, float, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds a float parameter to the current condition.
rmSetTriggerConditionParamInt(string, int, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds an integer parameter to the current condition.
rmSetTriggerEffectParam(string, string, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds a parameter to the current effect.
rmSetTriggerEffectParamArmy(string, int, int, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds an army parameter to the current effect.
rmSetTriggerEffectParamFloat(string, float, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds a float parameter to the current effect.
rmSetTriggerEffectParamInt(string, int, bool) - Method in class Trigger
Adds an int parameter to the current effect.
rmSetTriggerLoop(bool) - Method in class Trigger
Sets the current trigger looping.
rmSetTriggerPriority(int) - Method in class Trigger
Sets the current trigger's priority.
rmSetTriggerRunImmediately(bool) - Method in class Trigger
Sets the current trigger to "run immediately"
rmSetVCFile(string) - Method in class Trigger
Assigns a specific victory condition file to this RMS.
rmSwitchToTrigger(int) - Method in class Trigger
Sets the given trigger as current.
rmTerrainInitialize(string, float) - Method in class RandomMap
Initializes the terrain to the base type and height.
rmTilesToMeters(int) - Method in class Converter
Converts a number of tiles to a distance in meters.
rmTriggerID(string) - Method in class Trigger
Returns the ID for the trigger with as name triggerName
rmXFractionToMeters(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts a fraction of the map in the x direction to meters.
rmXFractionToTiles(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts an fraction of the map in the x direction to tile count.
rmXMetersToFraction(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the x direction.
rmXTilesToFraction(int) - Method in class Converter
Converts tile count in the x direction to fraction of map.
rmZFractionToMeters(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts a fraction of the map in the z direction to meters.
rmZFractionToTiles(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts an fraction of the map in the z direction to tile count.
rmZMetersToFraction(float) - Method in class Converter
Converts meters into a fraction of the map in the z direction.
rmZTilesToFraction(int) - Method in class Converter
Converts tile count in the z direction to fraction of map.
rolloverSound - Variable in class UIConfig
Whether a sound should play when mousing over buttons.
rolloverState - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
rotateWaterLeft(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the rotate water left button has gone up/down.
rotateWaterRight(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the rotate water right button has gone up/down.
roughenAmplitude - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the roughen tool's amplitude.
roughenSettings_Pos - Variable in class UIConfig
Defines the position of the Roughen Settings Gadget.
roughenTolerance - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the roughen tool's tolerance.
Rule - Class in aom.scripting.xs.xs
This class provides a collection of XS commands concerning Rules.
runAsFastAsPossible - Variable in class EngineConfig


saveCamera(string) - Method in class Camera
Save camera to file.
saveCameraOnline(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Saves the current camera position (in-game, not in the editor) to a given file.
saveCameraOnline(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Saves the current camera position (in-game, not in the editor) to a given file.
saveGame(string) - Method in class Files
Saves out a game in progress.
saveLightingSet(string) - Method in class Lightning
Saves the current status of lighting values as a set.
saveScenario(string) - Method in class Files
Saves out a scenario file.
scenarioPlaytestdifficultyLevel - Variable in class GameConfig
sceneManagement - Variable in class EngineConfig
scoreUpdate() - Method in class Console
Causes score to update even if it isn't supposed to yet, time wise.
scoreUpdateTime - Variable in class UIConfig
The time bewteen 2 score updates.
screenshot() - Method in class Console
Take a screen shot.
screenShotHideCursor - Variable in class UIConfig
Hides the cursor during a screenshot.
screenShotHideUI - Variable in class UIConfig
Hides the UI during a screenshot.
ScriptConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to scripting.
scrollSpeed - Variable in class InputConfig
The scroll speed (unused)
scrollTopZone - Variable in class EngineConfig
Top scrolling zone in pixels.
scrollZone - Variable in class EngineConfig
Scrolling zone in pixels.
Selection - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Selections and Finding Units.
Selection - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Selections.
selectionPixelError - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the selection pixel error.
sendChatToAllies(string) - Method in class Chat
Sends chat to allies.
sendChatToEnemies(string) - Method in class Chat
Sends chat to enemies.
sendChatToEveryone(string) - Method in class Chat
Sends chat to everyone.
sendChatToPlayer(int, string) - Method in class Chat
Sends chat to given player.
sendChatToTeam(int, string) - Method in class Chat
Sends chat to a team.
separator - Variable in class SubMenu
Defines whether this menuitem acts as a separator or not.
ServerConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to online gaming.
serviceIDs - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest
sessionCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
SetAnimal - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is an Animal of Set.
setBloomSettings() - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets bloom settings.
setFogSettings(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets fog settings.
setGameFadeIn(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class Lightning
Turn fade in on/off, set color duration.
setGraphicDetail(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets the graphic detail.
setMinimapPosititon(MinimapPosition) - Method in class Layout
setMinimapUnitFilter() - Method in class Console
Sets the minimap filter.
setMultiPlayerSetupFile(string) - Method in class Console
Sets a custom UI definition file for the multiplayer setup screen.
setShadowLevel(int) - Method in class EngineConfig
Set shadow detail level.
setShadowSettings(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets shadow settings.
SettlementsThatTrainVillagers - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a settlement that can train villagers, so not an unclaimed settlement.
setTonemapSettings() - Method in class EngineConfig
Sets tonemap settings.
setWorldDifficulty(int) - Method in class GameConfig
Sets the world difficulty level.
shadeChance - Variable in class GameConfig
The chance a hades unit becomes a shade upon death.
shadeDelay - Variable in class GameConfig
The time delay before a shade appears.
SharedBuilding - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Shared Building, i.e.
sharedDataCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
shiftClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse shift-click command.
shiftClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse shift-click command.
shiftDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse shift-double-click command.
shiftDoubleClickAtPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forces the camera to the given point with zoomToPoint, and issues a left mouse shift-double-click command.
Ship - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Ship.
shipFoundationDamageFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Foundations under attack from ships further have their damage adjusted by this factor.
showAIEchoes - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Enables AI echoes.
showAIOutput - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Enables AI output.
showBrowser(bool) - Method in class Console
Shows or hides the embedded browser.
showCampaignDialog(string, string) - Method in class Campaign
Shows a campaign dialog.
showCommandQueue - Variable in class UIConfig
Show command queue.
showConsole - Variable in class UIConfig
Show given console.
showExtraTechHelp - Variable in class UIConfig
Show extra tech help.
showGameFromPostGame() - Method in class Console
Goes back to the default in-game screen.
showGameMenu() - Method in class Console
Show the in-game menu.
showMilliseconds - Variable in class UIConfig
Shows time on the game clock down to millisecond precision.
shownOnIdle - Variable in class IdleBannerGadget
Indicates that this banner should only be shown when there are idle units.
showRolloverHelp - Variable in class UIConfig
Show rollover help.
showScore - Variable in class UIConfig
Show score.
showTime - Variable in class UIConfig
Show time.
SiegeShip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Siege Ship.
SimpleGameList() - Constructor for class GameListService.SimpleGameList
SinglePlayerTaglet - Class in aom.scripting.taglet
This taglet indicates that a command can only be executed in single player mode.
SinglePlayerTaglet() - Constructor for class SinglePlayerTaglet
size - Variable in class MinimapPosition
size1024 - Variable in class AbstractGadget
Size1024 - Class in aom.scripting.ui
A construct consisting of 4 integers that define the position and size of an object on a 1024x768 screen.
Size1024(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Size1024
sizerel1024 - Variable in class AbstractGadget
skipeso - Variable in class ServerConfig
used during development
skipIntro - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Skips the MS / Skybox splash screen.
skipMipMapLevels - Variable in class EngineConfig
Number of mipmap levels to skip.
skipsteamlogin - Variable in class ServerConfig
used during development
sliderAreaArt - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
The background image of the area the slider moves in.
sliderAreaArt - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
The background image of the area the slider moves in.
sliderButtons - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
Sets whether or not the up/down arrows should be added to both ends of the slider.
sliderButtons - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
Sets whether or not the up/down arrows should be added to both ends of the slider.
sliderDownBtnSet - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
The image used for the down button.
sliderLeftBtnSet - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
The image used for the left button.
sliderPipArt - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
The image used for the slider itself.
sliderPipArt - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
The image used for the slider itself.
sliderPipTextureCoords - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
Defines what part of the slider image should be used.
sliderPipTextureCoords - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
Defines what part of the slider image should be used.
sliderRightBtnSet - Variable in class HorizontalScrollBar
The image used for the right button.
sliderUpBtnSet - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
The image used for the up button.
sliderVertical - Variable in class VerticalScrollbar
Sets whether or not this slider has a vertical orientation.
SlowSpeed - Variable in class UnitType
soundDir - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
Specifies what sound directory the game will use.
SoundEditGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
SoundEditGadget() - Constructor for class SoundEditGadget
Creates a new sound edit dialog.
SoundGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
SoundGadget() - Constructor for class SoundGadget
Creates a new sound gadget.
soundOn - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Enable sound.
soundSampleRate - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Defines the sample rate for the primary sound buffer.
soundVol - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
The volume for the sound.
SpecialPowers - Variable in class UnitType
SpriteLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit should use sprites.
sqrt(float) - Method in class RandomMap
Returns the square root of x.
squadSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
startAutoPatcher(bool) - Method in class Console
Start the auto patcher.
startRandomGame() - Method in class Console
Begins a new random game with default settings.
startRandomGame2(string, int, int, string, bool, int, int, int) - Method in class Console
Begins a new random game with the given parameters.
startRandomGame3(string, int, int) - Method in class Console
Begins a 2 player random map AI versus AI game with the given parameters.
StartTimeAverage - Variable in class MatchMakingService.MatchRecord
StartTimeAverageSet - Variable in class MatchMakingService.MatchRecord
startX - Variable in class Size1024
startY - Variable in class Size1024
stateButtonDefaultState - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
StateButtonGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
StateButtonGadget() - Constructor for class StateButtonGadget
stateButtonUseInternalStates - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
StateEntry - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Defines 1 of the states a StateButton can be in.
StateEntry(String) - Constructor for class StateEntry
Creates a new StateEntry with the given background image.
StateEntry(RgbColor) - Constructor for class StateEntry
Creates a new StateEntry with the given background color.
StatsService - Interface in aom.scripting.eso.stats
This is an interface specifying what functionality the stat server offers related to retrieving certain data.
statusCode - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.XMLBlobResult
statusCodeField - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.StatusCodeResult
StatusCodeResult() - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.StatusCodeResult
stopX - Variable in class Size1024
stopY - Variable in class Size1024
strategicMap() - Method in class Console
For showing/hiding the (big) strategic map.
StrengthBonus - Variable in class UnitType
strict - Variable in class UIConfig
Enforces gadget handle get/release counts.
string - Class in aom.scripting.datatypes
A regular string: an array of characters.
string(String) - Constructor for class string
String_charAt(string, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns a character from a given string at the given position.
String_charAt(string, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns a character from a given string at the given position.
String_length(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the length of a given string.
String_length(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the length of a given string.
String_parseFloat(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a String that only holds a float into a real floating point number.
String_parseFloat(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a String that only holds a float into a real floating point number.
String_substr(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns a substring of a given string from the given start position to the end position.
String_substr(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns a substring of a given string from the given start position to the end position.
String_toLowerCase(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts the input string to lower case [a-z].
String_toLowerCase(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts the input string to lower case [a-z].
String_toString(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts a floating point number to a string.
String_toString(float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts a floating point number to a string.
String_toUpperCase(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts the input string to upper case [A-Z].
String_toUpperCase(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts the input string to upper case [A-Z].
SubMenu - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Defines a SubMenu, a part of a MenuGadget.
SubMenu(String, String, String, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class SubMenu
Creates a new SubMenu with the given properties.
SubMenu(String) - Constructor for class SubMenu
Creates a new SubMenu with given title and default properties.
subMenus - Variable in class MenuGadget
subModeClear(string) - Method in class Mode
Leaves all active submodes of the named mode.
subModeEnter(string, string) - Method in class Mode
Enters the named submode (of the main mode).
subModeLeave(string, string) - Method in class Mode
Leaves the named submode (of the main mode).
subModeToggle(string, string) - Method in class Mode
Changes the state of the named submode (of the main mode).
subModeToggleBetween(string, string, string) - Method in class Mode
Toggles between the two submodes (of the main mode).
subModeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(string, string, string) - Method in class Mode
Toggles between the two submodes (of the main mode), but only if we're not in a multiplayer game.
subModeToggleIfNotMP(string, string) - Method in class Mode
Changes the state of the named submode (of the main mode), but only if we're not in a multiplayer game.
sunColor(int, int, int) - Method in class Lightning
Set sun color to given RGB (0-255)
sunDecreaseInclination(int) - Method in class Lightning
Indicates that the decrease sun inclination key has gone up/down.
sunDecreaseRotation(int) - Method in class Lightning
Indicates that the decrease sun rotation key has gone up/down.
sunGetColor() - Method in class Lightning
Get sun color.
sunIncreaseInclination(int) - Method in class Lightning
Indicates that the increase sun inclination key has gone up/down.
sunIncreaseRotation(int) - Method in class Lightning
Indicates that the increase sun rotation key has gone up/down.
sunkenBevel - Variable in class AbstractGadget
supaScreenshot(int, string) - Method in class Console
Take a screen shot of the whole map, might take a while.
superPredatorWanderRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
How far out super-predators can wander.
Swallow - Variable in class Action
The action of picking up a unit and killing it, like a Cyclops does.
syncCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
SyncConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to synchronization.
syncManagerCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
syncRecord - Variable in class SyncConfig
syncTagControl - Variable in class SyncConfig
Turn on individual sync tag controls.
SyncTaglet - Class in aom.scripting.taglet
This taglet indicates that a command is automatically synchronized with the other players, instead of only executed locally.
SyncTaglet() - Constructor for class SyncTaglet
syncUpdateInterval - Variable in class SyncConfig


TargetLogic(string, string, string) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is targeting a specific unit type.
TargetSelector - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Target Selectors.
Task - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Tasks.
tauntMute - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
Mute all taunts.
techDebugSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
techFlash(int, bool) - Method in class Console
Turns technology buttons flashing on/off.
TechLogic(string, string, string) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether a specific technology has been researched yet.
techNameByID(int) - Method in class Console
techResearchName(int) - Method in class Templates
The string version of a given technology ID.
techResearchPercentage(int) - Method in class Templates
The percentage the given technology ID is researched so far.
techResearchPercentageText(int) - Method in class Templates
techSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
TechTree - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Technologies.
Teleport - Variable in class Action
The action of teleporting, as formerly done by Sphinxes.
Teleporter - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Teleporter.
Templates - Class in aom.scripting.ui
This class provides a collection Templates that can be used in certain UI gadgets, such as the FormatTextGadget.
Terrain - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Terrains, Areas and related tools.
Terrain - Enum in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This is an enumeration of all terrain types.
terrainAdjustGlobalHeight(float) - Method in class Terrain
Adjusts (raise/lower) the terrain height by the specified meters.
terrainAmbient(int, int, int) - Method in class Terrain
Set terrain ambient reflectivity to the given RGB (0-255)
terrainFilter() - Method in class Terrain
Filters the entire terrain.
terrainFilterArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Terrain
Filters a sub-area of the terrain.
terrainFilterVisibility - Variable in class EngineConfig
terrainFlatten() - Method in class Terrain
Flattens the entire terrain.
terrainFlattenArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class Terrain
Flattens a sub-area of the terrain.
terrainGetAmbient() - Method in class Terrain
Get terrain ambient reflectivity.
terrainGrid - Variable in class UIConfig
Turn terrain grid on/off.
terrainGridMajorTick - Variable in class UIConfig
Sets the number of tiles between major ticks on the terrain grid.
terrainGridMinorTick - Variable in class UIConfig
Toggles whether the terrain grid includes minor ticks 8.
terrainHalfDensity - Variable in class EngineConfig
Makes terrain texture density half of normal.
terrainLowLevelSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
terrainPaint() - Method in class Terrain
Paint whole terrain with given texture.
terrainPaintMix() - Method in class Terrain
Paint whole terrain with given mix name.
terrainPasteBufferLoad(string) - Method in class Terrain
Loads a terrain paste buffer.
terrainPasteBufferSave(string) - Method in class Terrain
Saves the current terrain paste buffer.
terrainQuarterDensity - Variable in class EngineConfig
Makes terrain texture density one quarter of normal.
terrainResizeSubtype(int) - Method in class Terrain
Resize current terrain subtype.
terrainSetSubtype(int) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the terrain subtype to paint.
terrainSetType(int) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the terrain type to paint.
TestClass - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the Test Class (as found in the editor).
text - Variable in class DropDownItem
text - Variable in class ListItem
text - Variable in class RadioButton
textColor - Variable in class UIConfig
Set default text color on displays.
TextFieldGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
TextFieldGadget() - Constructor for class TextFieldGadget
textFont - Variable in class AbstractGadget
textFontSize - Variable in class AbstractGadget
textureCachePer64MB - Variable in class EngineConfig
Texture cache = textureCachePer64MB * (MM / 64), eg: 6 * (128 / 64) = 12 MB.
textWrapOff - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
textWrapOn - Variable in class FormatTextGadget
Throw - Variable in class Action
The action of throwing a unit (without picking it up first), as done by the Kraken.
Thrown - Variable in class Action
The action of being thrown, e.g.
tileBackground - Variable in class AbstractGadget
tileBackgroundHorizontally - Variable in class AbstractGadget
tileBackgroundVertically - Variable in class AbstractGadget
tileBasedLoS - Variable in class EngineConfig
TimelineGadget - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Defines a Timeline Gadget, like the one used in postgame.
TimelineGadget() - Constructor for class TimelineGadget
Creates a new timeline gadget.
TimePeriod - Enum in aom.scripting.eso.stats
A list of possible Time Periods for which statistics can be retrieved.
timeSyncCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
timingCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
tis(string, int) - Method in class Unit
Just like trainInSelected, but more abbreviated.
tisID(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Just like trainInSelected, but more abbreviated because it takes a protoID.
titanAttackCameraShakeStrength - Variable in class GameConfig
How much a Titan's attacks shake the camera.
titanCameraShakeRadius - Variable in class GameConfig
How far out from a Titan the camera can shake.
titanHandicap - Variable in class GameConfig
Set titan level AI handicap.
titanMoveCameraShakeStrength - Variable in class GameConfig
How much a Titan's footsteps shake the camera.
title - Variable in class SubMenu
Defines the text that will be displayed on this menu item.
titlebar - Variable in class AbstractGadget
ToDLightSet00 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 0 lightning.
ToDLightSet01 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 1 lightning.
ToDLightSet02 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 2 lightning.
ToDLightSet03 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 3 lightning.
ToDLightSet04 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 4 lightning.
ToDLightSet05 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 5 lightning.
ToDLightSet06 - Variable in class UIConfig
Time of Day stage 6 lightning.
toggleBloom() - Method in class EngineConfig
Toggle bloom.
toggleFXAA() - Method in class EngineConfig
Toggle FXAA.
toggleScore() - Method in class Console
Handles the score toggling.
toggleSSAO() - Method in class EngineConfig
Toggle SSAO.
toggleTime() - Method in class Console
Handles the time display toggling.
toggleUnitLights() - Method in class EngineConfig
Toggle unit lights.
toggleVSync() - Method in class EngineConfig
Toggle V-Sync.
toggleWaterReflect() - Method in class WaterConfig
Toggle water reflections.
toggleWaterRefract() - Method in class WaterConfig
Toggle water refraction.
toolTipDispTime - Variable in class UIConfig
Max tooltip display time.
toolTipFont - Variable in class UIConfig
Default tooltip font.
toolTipFontSize - Variable in class UIConfig
Default tooltip font size.
toolTipHelp - Variable in class UIConfig
Turns tooltip help on.
tooltipText - Variable in class AbstractGadget
toString(Tag) - Method in class EditorTaglet
toString(Tag[]) - Method in class EditorTaglet
toString(Tag) - Method in class LocalTaglet
toString(Tag[]) - Method in class LocalTaglet
toString(Tag) - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
toString(Tag[]) - Method in class SinglePlayerTaglet
toString(Tag) - Method in class SyncTaglet
toString(Tag[]) - Method in class SyncTaglet
toString() - Method in class Command
toString() - Method in class DropDownItem
toString() - Method in class HorizontalScrollBar
toString() - Method in class Layout
toString() - Method in class ListItem
toString() - Method in class MinimapPosition
toString() - Method in class RadioButton
toString() - Method in class Size1024
toString() - Method in class StateEntry
toString() - Method in class SubMenu
toString() - Method in class VerticalScrollbar
towerFoundationDamageFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Foundations under attack from shooting buildings further have their damage adjusted by this factor.
TownBell - Variable in class Action
The action of ringing the town bell.
Track - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Camera Tracks.
trackAddWaypoint() - Method in class Track
Adds the camera's current position and orientation to the current camera track.
trackAdvance() - Method in class Track
Advances the camera track to a specific location.
trackArc - Variable in class EngineConfig
trackClear() - Method in class Track
Clears all tracks.
trackEditWaypoint() - Method in class Track
Edits the currently selected camera track.
trackGotoSelectedEvent(int) - Method in class Track
Moves the camera to the current event.
trackGotoSelectedWaypoint(int) - Method in class Track
Moves the camera to the current waypoint.
trackInsert() - Method in class Track
Adds a new camera track.
trackLoad(string) - Method in class Track
Loads a camera track and makes it current.
trackPause() - Method in class Track
Pauses the current camera track.
trackPlay(int, int) - Method in class Track
Plays the current track, with no arguments uses current duration, otherwise sets duration.
trackPointer - Variable in class EngineConfig
trackRemove() - Method in class Track
Removes selected track.
trackRemoveWaypoint() - Method in class Track
Removes the most recently added track waypoint from the current camera track.
trackSave(string) - Method in class Track
Saves the current camera track.
trackSetSelectedWaypoint(int) - Method in class Track
Sets the current waypoint to the button with the same index.
trackStepBackward() - Method in class Track
Steps the current camera track 1 step backward.
trackStepForward() - Method in class Track
Steps the current camera track 1 step forward.
trackStop() - Method in class Track
Stops the current camera track.
trackToggleShow() - Method in class Track
Toggles rendering of the camera track on and off.
trAddToPlayerCustomScore(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Adds to the player's custom score bonus.
Trade - Variable in class Action
The action of trading as done by Trading Caravans.
TradeableFrom - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is can be traded from.
TradeableTo - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can be traded to.
tradeBonusAlly - Variable in class GameConfig
Trade multiplier when trading with allied TC.
tradeBonusEnemy - Variable in class GameConfig
Trade multiplier when trading with enemy TC.
tradeBonusNeutral - Variable in class GameConfig
Trade multiplier when trading with neutral TC.
trAIFunc(int, string, float) - Method in class Triggers
Fires a function in the current AI file.
Train - Variable in class Action
The action of training?
trainBuildFeedback - Variable in class UIConfig
Governs whether the "unit built." messages display.
trainByID(int, int, int) - Method in class Unit
Start the training of a unit of ProtoUnitID from TrainingUnitID.
trainCancelByButtonIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class Unit
Cancels the training of a unit from TrainingUnitID at the given index.
trainFlash(int, bool) - Method in class Console
Turns train buttons flashing on/off.
trainInSelected(string, int) - Method in class Unit
Tries to train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit.
trainUnitPercentage(int) - Method in class Templates
The percentage the given unitID is trained so far.
transparent - Variable in class AbstractGadget
Transport - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can transport other units.
transportCL - Variable in class EngineConfig
TransportShip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit can transport units over water.
trArmyDispatch(string, string, int, float, float, float, int, bool) - Method in class Triggers
Creates the units in the army specified.
trArmySelect(string) - Method in class Selection
Selects the units in the army specified.
trBlockAllAmbientSounds() - Method in class Multimedia
Blocks all ambient sounds from this point forward.
trBlockAllSounds(bool) - Method in class Multimedia
Blocks all sounds from playing from this point forward.
trBranchScenario() - Method in class Campaign
Generate a yes/no message box.
trCameraCut(vector, vector, vector, vector) - Method in class Cinematic
Puts the camera in the specified location
trCameraShake(float, float) - Method in class Cinematic
Makes the camera shake.
trCampaignAdvance() - Method in class Campaign
Advances the campaign (advance user profile, AND plays the next scenario).
trCampaignAdvanceProgress() - Method in class Campaign
Advances the user progress through the campaign.(updates user profile only).
trCampaignPlayCurrent() - Method in class Campaign
Plays the current scenario in the campaign.
trCamTrackLoad(string) - Method in class Cinematic
Loads a camera track.
trCamTrackPlay(float, int) - Method in class Cinematic
Plays the current camera track.
trChatHistoryClear() - Method in class Chat
Forces the chat history to reset.
trChatHistoryContains(string, int) - Method in class Chat
Returns whether or not the current chat history contains this text of the given player.
trChatSend(int, string) - Method in class Chat
Changes the chat status.
trChatSendSpoofed(int, string) - Method in class Chat
Changes the chat status, but does not append player.
trChatSendSpoofedToPlayer(int, int, string) - Method in class Chat
Changes the chat status, but does not append player.
trChatSendToPlayer(int, int, string) - Method in class Chat
Changes the chat status for one specific player.
trChatSetStatus(bool) - Method in class Chat
Changes the chat status.
trCheckGPActive(string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Returns whether that GP type, for that player, is currently in effect.
trCinematicAbort() - Method in class Cinematic
Returns the abort cinematic status.
trCinematicDoAbort() - Method in class Cinematic
Aborts the cinematic.
trClearCounterDisplay() - Method in class Triggers
Clears a counter display.
trCounterAbort(string) - Method in class Triggers
Abort a counter
trCounterAddTime(string, int, int, string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Start a counter that may or may not fire an event.
trCounterAddUnit(string, int, int, string, string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Start a counter that may or may not fire an event.
trCountUnitsInArea(int, int, int, float) - Method in class Triggers
Returns the number of units in an area that match the params.
trCurrentPlayer() - Method in class Player
Returns the current player
trDamageUnit(float) - Method in class Unit
Does a specific amount of damage to HP in instant typeless damage.
trDamageUnitPercent(float) - Method in class Unit
Does % percent of a unit's total HP in instant typeless damage.
trDamageUnitsInArea(int, int, float, float) - Method in class Unit
All units within distance of the selected reference object that match type take damage.
trDelayedRuleActivation(string) - Method in class Triggers
Adds a rule to the runtime to be activated on the next update.
trEcho(string) - Method in class Triggers
Prints the given string to the RTS3banglog.txt file in the AoM folder.
trEchoStatValue(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Fetch a stat value from the KB and echo to chat.
Tree - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Tree.
trEndGame() - Method in class Triggers
Signal that the game has ended
trEventFire(int) - Method in class Triggers
Cause an event to occur.
trEventSetHandler(int, string) - Method in class Triggers
Sets a handler function f(int status) for an eventID.
trFadeOutAllSounds(float) - Method in class Multimedia
Fades out all sounds over a given duration.
trFadeOutMusic(float) - Method in class Multimedia
Fades out current music over a given duration.
trForbidProtounit(int, string) - Method in class Triggers
Adds protounit to the forbidden list.
trForceNonCinematicModels() - Method in class Cinematic
Forces models to be in non-cinematic mode.
trGameLoadScenario(string) - Method in class Triggers
Start a game using scenario.
trGamePause(bool) - Method in class Triggers
Pause or unpause the game.
trGenerateLush() - Method in class Triggers
Force generation of lush from a pre-placed building.
trGetGPUsedTime(string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Returns the time when that GP was first used, or -1 for unused.
trGetNumberSelectedUnitIDs() - Method in class Selection
Returns the number of currently selected units.
trGetSelectedUnitID(int) - Method in class Selection
Returns the unit ID of the currently selected unit.
trGetStatValue(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Fetch a stat value from the KB
trGetUnitOwner(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the current owner of the unit.
trGetUnitOwner(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the current owner of the unit.
trGetUnitOwnerByID(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the current owner of the unit.
trGetUnitOwnerByID(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the current owner of the unit.
trGetWorldDifficulty() - Method in class Triggers
Returns the world difficulty.
trHidePersistentScoreMessage() - Method in class Triggers
Hide the peristent score message.
tributePenalty - Variable in class GameConfig
The tribute penalty.
tributeWithoutMarket - Variable in class GameConfig
Allows to tribute without a market.
Trigger - Class in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This class provides a collection of RM commands concerning Triggers.
TriggerLoader - Class in
The purpose of this loader is to make the life of AoM trigger scripters easier.
TriggerLoaderX - Class in
The purpose of this loader is to make the life of AoT trigger scripters easier.
TriggerParamType - Enum in
This is an enumeration of all parameter types a trigger can use as input.
Triggers - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands that don't fit in any of the subcategories.
trImmediateUnitGarrison(string) - Method in class Unit
Instantly garrisons units inside another unit without considering distance.
trIsGadgetVisible(string) - Method in class UserInterface
Returns true if gadget is real
trLetterBox(bool) - Method in class Cinematic
Turns letter box mode on or off.
trMessageSetText(string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Displays a message box at the top of the screen with the given message.
trMinimapFlare(int, float, vector, bool) - Method in class Triggers
Sends a Minimap flare to a certain player.
trModeEnter(string) - Method in class Triggers
Enters the mode specified.
trModifyProtounit(string, int, int, float) - Method in class Triggers
Modifies protounit data for this scenario only.
trMusicPlay(string, float, float) - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the music file.
trMusicPlayCurrent() - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the current music.
trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet() - Method in class Multimedia
Sets the current music set.
trMusicSetMood(int) - Method in class Multimedia
Changes the music to mood associated with mood id.
trMusicStop() - Method in class Multimedia
Stops the current music.
trObjectiveSetID(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the objective text.
trOverlayText(string, float, int, int, int) - Method in class Cinematic
Puts up a big movie-credits style text overlay, optionally in a strange location.
trOverlayTextColour(float, float, float) - Method in class Cinematic
Sets the overlay text colour.
trPlayerActive(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the player is active.
trPlayerAtPopCap(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if player is at pop cap.
trPlayerBuildingCount(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the number of buildings for the player.
trPlayerCountBuildingInProgress(int, string) - Method in class Player
Returns true if building is being built.
trPlayerDefeated(int) - Method in class Player
Returns true if the player has been defeated.
trPlayerGetDiplomacy(int, int) - Method in class Player
Gets the diplomacy status between players.
trPlayerGetPopulation(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the player population.
trPlayerGrantResources(int, string, int) - Method in class Player
Grants the given amount a resource to the given player.
trPlayerKillAllBuildings(int) - Method in class Player
Kills all of the buildings of a given player.
trPlayerKillAllGodPowers(int) - Method in class Player
Kills all of the current God Powers of a player.
trPlayerKillAllUnits(int) - Method in class Player
Kills all of the units of a given player.
trPlayerModifiedLOS(int, bool, int) - Method in class Player
Adds/removes LOS between players.
trPlayerResetBlackMap(int) - Method in class Player
Resets the black map for a given human player.
trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers() - Method in class Player
Resets the black map for all human players
trPlayerResourceCount(int, string) - Method in class Player
Returns the number of resources for the player.
trPlayerSetActive(int) - Method in class Player
Sets the active player.
trPlayerSetDiplomacy(int, int, string) - Method in class Player
Sets the diplomacy status between players
trPlayerTechTreeEnabledGodPowers(int, bool) - Method in class Player
Enables/disables the technology tree from granting God Powers to a player.
trPlayerTribute(int, string, int, int) - Method in class Player
Tributes resources to a player.
trPlayerUnitAndBuildingCount(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the number of units and buildings for the player.
trPlayerUnitCount(int) - Method in class Player
Returns the number of units for the player.
trPlayerUnitCountSpecific(int, string) - Method in class Player
Returns the number of proto units for the player.
trPlayMovie(string) - Method in class Multimedia
Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory.
trPlayNextMusicTrack() - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the next song in the music play list.
trQuestVarArmyEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes the army QV to the output.
trQuestVarArmyEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes the army QV to the output.
trQuestVarArmyGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the army assigned to the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmyGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the army assigned to the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmyGetID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the army ID of the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmyGetID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the army ID of the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmyGetPlayerID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the player ID of the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmyGetPlayerID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the player ID of the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmySet(string, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Assigns an army to the given army QV.
trQuestVarArmySet(string, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Assigns an army to the given army QV.
trQuestVarCopy(string, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Copies the value of 1 QV into another.
trQuestVarCopy(string, string) - Method in class QuestVar
Copies value of one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes the value of the given QV to the system.
trQuestVarEcho(string) - Method in class QuestVar
Chats out the value of one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the float value assigned to this QV.
trQuestVarGet(string) - Method in class QuestVar
Retrieve value of a trigger scratch variable, returns zero if unset.
trQuestVarSet(string, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Assigns a float value to the given QV.
trQuestVarSet(string, float) - Method in class QuestVar
Sets one of the trigger scratch variables.
trQuestVarSetFromRand(string, float, float, bool) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets a given QV to a random value in the [min,max] interval.
trQuestVarSetFromRand(string, float, float, bool) - Method in class QuestVar
Sets one of the trigger scratch variables within a random range.
trRateConstruction(float) - Method in class Triggers
Modify construction rate.
trRateResearch(float) - Method in class Triggers
Modify research rate.
trRatesNormal() - Method in class Triggers
Restore all rates to normal.
trRateTrain(float) - Method in class Triggers
Modify training rate
trRenderSky(bool, string) - Method in class UserInterface
Turn sky rendering on/off and set which sky to use...
trRenderSnow(float) - Method in class UserInterface
Controls snow rendering.
trRevealEntireMap() - Method in class Triggers
Shows whole map, similar to how revealed mode works.
trRunEditorConsoleCommand(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Executes a console command that can only run in editor mode.
trRunEditorConsoleCommand(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Executes a console command that can only run in editor mode.
trSetCivilizationNameOverride(int, string) - Method in class Triggers
Override display name of a civilization dynamically.
trSetCounterDisplay(string) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the current fake-counter text.
trSetCurrentPlayerStatus(bool) - Method in class Player
Sets the current player as active or inactive
trSetDisableGPBlocking(bool) - Method in class Triggers
Enable or Disable GP blocking (e.g.
trSetFogAndBlackmap(bool, bool) - Method in class Triggers
Turn fog and black map on/off.
trSetLighting(string, float) - Method in class Triggers
Fades to the specified lighting set over a given fadeTime.
trSetObscuredUnits(bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Sets whether or not units can be drawn obscured or not.
trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow() - Method in class Triggers
Automatically pauses the game if the Objectives windows opens.
trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade() - Method in class Triggers
Automatically pauses the game if the Age Advancement windows opens.
trSetPlayerCustomScore(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the player's custom score bonus.
trSetPlayerDefeated() - Method in class Player
When called, the player is set to defeated on the local machine.
trSetPlayerWon(int) - Method in class Player
When called, the player is set to be victorious on the local machine.
trSetRelicType(int) - Method in class Triggers
Changes the effect of the selected relic to this custom techID.
trSetTimeOfDay(float) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the time of day: 0.0 - 1.0.
trSetTimeOfDayPeriod(float) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the day-night cycle period in seconds.
trSetUnitIdleProcessing(bool) - Method in class Unit
Sets whether or not units can do their idle processing.
trShowCampaignDlg(string, string) - Method in class Campaign
Shows the campaign dialog, with the given message.
trShowChoiceDialog(string, string, int, string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Displays dialog with 2 choices, and activates a trigger in response.
trShowImageDialog(string, string) - Method in class Multimedia
Displays a custom image in a dialog, with a subtitle.
trShowPersistentScoreMessage(int) - Method in class Triggers
Shows the player's kill/loss ratio as the score persistently.
trShowScoreMessage(int, string) - Method in class Triggers
Shows the player's kill/loss ratio as the score.
trShowWinLose(string, string, float) - Method in class Triggers
Shows a win/lose message and plays a sound.
trSoundPlayDialog(string, float, int, bool, string, string) - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the sound associated with the filename.
trSoundPlayFN(string, float, int, string, string) - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the sound associated with the filename.
trSoundPlayPaused(string, float, int, string, string) - Method in class Multimedia
Plays the sound associated with the filename.
trSoundTimer(int, int) - Method in class Multimedia
Creates a high performance sound timer and passes the eventID as data.
trStartGameRecord() - Method in class Triggers
Starts recording the game.
trStopGameRecord() - Method in class Triggers
Stops recording the game.
trStringQuestVarEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes the SQV to the output.
trStringQuestVarEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes the SQV to the output.
trStringQuestVarGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the string assigned to the given string QV.
trStringQuestVarGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the string assigned to the given string QV.
trStringQuestVarSet(string, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Assigns a string to a given string QV.
trStringQuestVarSet(string, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Assigns a string to a given string QV.
trTechGodPower(int, string, int) - Method in class Triggers
Adds X uses to the specified god power.
trTechGodPowerAtPosition(int, string, int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Adds X uses to the specified god power in a specific GP slot (1-4).
trTechInvokeGodPower(int, string, vector, vector) - Method in class Triggers
Invokes the specified god power.
trTechSetStatus(int, int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Sets the technology status for the player.
trTechStatusActive(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Returns true if technology is active for player.
trTechStatusResearching(int, int) - Method in class Triggers
Returns true if technology is being researched for player.
trTime() - Method in class Triggers
Returns the current game time in Seconds.
trTimeMS() - Method in class Triggers
Returns the current game time in Milliseconds.
trUIFadeToColor(int, int, int, int, int, bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Fade in/out using color specified.
trUIFlash(string, bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Flashes a UI element (maybe).
trUIFlashCategory(int, bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Flashes a UI element (maybe).
trUIFlashTech(int, bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Flashes a UI element (maybe).
trUIFlashTrain(string, bool) - Method in class UserInterface
Flashes a UI element (maybe).
trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds() - Method in class Multimedia
Unblocks all ambient sounds that were previously blocked from playing.
trUnblockAllSounds() - Method in class Multimedia
Unblocks all sounds that were previously blocked from playing.
trUnforbidProtounit(int, string) - Method in class Triggers
Removes proto unit from the forbidden list.
trUnitAlive() - Method in class Unit
Returns true if all selected units are alive
trUnitBuildUnit(string, vector) - Method in class Unit
Selects units and makes the build a unit at specified location.
trUnitChangeInArea(int, int, string, string, float) - Method in class Unit
Changes all units in a given radius around the selected units.
trUnitChangeName(string) - Method in class Unit
Set an override name for a specific unit.
trUnitChangeProtoUnit(string) - Method in class Unit
Changes the proto unit for a given set of units.
trUnitConvert(int) - Method in class Unit
Converts the selected units to player.
trUnitCreate(string, string, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class Unit
Creates a new unit.
trUnitDead() - Method in class Unit
Returns true if all selected units are dead.
trUnitDelete(bool) - Method in class Unit
Removes or kills the selected unit(s)
trUnitDestroy() - Method in class Unit
Destroys the selected unit(s).
trUnitDistanceToPoint(float, float, float) - Method in class Unit
Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the point.
trUnitDistanceToUnit(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit.
trUnitDistanceToUnitID(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns the shortest distance between the selected units and the given unit.
trUnitDoWorkOnUnit(string, int) - Method in class Unit
Tasks the selected unit(s) to perform work on the given unit.
trUnitEjectContained() - Method in class Unit
Ejects all contained units
trUnitGarrison(string, int) - Method in class Unit
Tasks the selected unit(s) to garrison into another unit.
trUnitGetContained() - Method in class Unit
Returns the number of units contained.
trUnitGetHeading(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns the units heading.
trUnitGetIsContained(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if this unit is contained by a matching type unit.
trUnitHasLOS(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the player can see the selected unit, otherwise returns false.
trUnitHighlight(int) - Method in class Unit
Does something to highlight the units selected
trUnitIsOwnedBy(int) - Method in class Unit
Determines if the selected units are owned by the player specified
trUnitIsSelected() - Method in class Unit
Returns if the specified unit is selected.
trUnitMoveFromArea(float, float, float, int, bool, int, string, float) - Method in class Unit
Moves all matching units near the selected unit(s) to the given position.
trUnitMoveToPoint(float, float, float, int, bool) - Method in class Unit
Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position.
trUnitMoveToUnit(string, int, bool) - Method in class Unit
Moves the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit.
trUnitOnLush(bool, int) - Method in class Unit
Checks whether the selected units location matches lush for the given player.
trUnitPercentComplete() - Method in class Unit
Returns the percent complete as 0 to 100.
trUnitPercentDamaged() - Method in class Unit
Returns the percent damaged as 0 to 100.
trUnitSelect(string) - Method in class Selection
Adds the given unit to the trigger selection system.
trUnitSelectByID(int) - Method in class Selection
Adds the given unit to the trigger selection system.
trUnitSelectClear() - Method in class Selection
Clears the units in the trigger selection system.
trUnitSetAnimation(string, bool, int) - Method in class Unit
Sets the animations for the selected unit(s) to the given animation.
trUnitSetHeading(int) - Method in class Unit
Sets the units heading.
trUnitSetHP(float) - Method in class Unit
Set the hit points for all selected units.
trUnitSetStance(string) - Method in class Unit
Set the stance for the given set of units.
trUnitTeleport(float, float, float) - Method in class Unit
Moves units from current position to position specified.
trUnitTypeIsSelected(string) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the specified unit is selected.
trUnitVisToPlayer(int) - Method in class Unit
Returns true if the player can see the selected unit, and it is on screen.
trVectorQuestVarEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes the VQV to the output.
trVectorQuestVarEcho(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes the VQV to the output.
trVectorQuestVarGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the vector assigned to the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGet(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the vector assigned to the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetX(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the X component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetX(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the X component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetY(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the Y component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetY(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the Y component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetZ(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the Z component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarGetZ(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the Z component of the given VQV.
trVectorQuestVarSet(string, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Assigns a vector(X,Y,Z) to a VQV.
trVectorQuestVarSet(string, vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Assigns a vector(X,Y,Z) to a VQV.
trWaypointAddPoint(vector) - Method in class Cinematic
Adds the waypoint into the trigger selection system.
trWaypointAddUnit(string) - Method in class Cinematic
Adds the unit's position as a waypoint in the trigger selection system.
trWaypointClear() - Method in class Cinematic
Clears the waypoints in the trigger selection system
trWriteToLog(string) - Method in class Triggers
Writes text to the rts3banglog
trYouLose(string) - Method in class Player
Player loses, specifies message.
trYouWin(string, string) - Method in class Player
Player wins, specifies next scenario to go to and message.


uiAddSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed.
uiAddSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that the add selection button has been released.
uiAddSelectNumberGroup(int) - Method in class Groups
Adds the units in the given number group to current selection.
uiAgeUpDialog(string) - Method in class Console
Brings up the age advancement dialog with a suitable set of minor god choices.
uiAIChatSelectLocation() - Method in class Console
Passes the location selected in the world to the AI Chat dialog.
uiApplyLightingSet(int) - Method in class Lightning
Applies a Lighting Set.
uiApplyWorldEditor() - Method in class Console
Do an application of the current world editor at the cursor's location.
uiBuildAtPointer() - Method in class Unit
Instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the currently active cursor protounit at the pointer location.
uiBuildMode(int) - Method in class Console
Enters building editMode and sets the proper cursor protounit, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player.
uiBuildWallAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with wall-like endpoint behavior.
uiChangeBrushSize(float, float, float, float) - Method in class Terrain
Changes the size of the current brush.
uiChangeBrushType(string) - Method in class Terrain
Changes the brush to the named type.
uiChangeCommandPage() - Method in class Console
Changes page of buttons, options.
uiChangeElevationToSample(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the change elevation to sample button has gone up/down.
uiChangeObserverPerspective(int) - Method in class Console
If a valid index is given, changes the perspective/FOW of the observer player to the indexed player.
uiChatScroll(int) - Method in class Chat
Navigates through chat history, resetting mode as needed.
uiClearAllCinematicInfo() - Method in class Cinematic
Clears all cinematic info including model/texture precache info.
uiClearCinematicInfo() - Method in class Cinematic
Clears cinematic trigger info.
uiClearCursor() - Method in class Unit
Resets the cursor back to the basic pointer.
uiClearGatherPoint() - Method in class Console
Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state.
uiClearMenu() - Method in class Console
Removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget.
uiClearNumberGroup(int) - Method in class Groups
Erases the given number group.
uiClearSelection() - Method in class Selection
Deselects all selected units.
uiCloseDialog() - Method in class Gadget
Closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog.
uiCloseFieldSet() - Method in class Gadget
Closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set.
UIConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to the User Interface.
uiCopyToClipboard() - Method in class Console
Copies the brush selection to the clipboard.
uiCoverTerrainWithWater(float, float, string) - Method in class Terrain
Flattens terrain and paints water over the entire map.
uiCreateNewWorldEditor() - Method in class Console
Creates a new world editor with the given name and type.
uiCreateNumberGroup(int) - Method in class Groups
Creates a number group with the currently selected units.
uiCycleCurrentActivate() - Method in class Gadget
Acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed.
uiCycleGadget(int) - Method in class Gadget
Cycles through the active child gadget of a deluxe gadget.
uiDecPlaceVariation() - Method in class Unit
Decrements the variation to place.
uiDecreaseTextureDensity(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the decrease texture density button has gone up/down.
uiDeleteSelectedUnit(int) - Method in class Unit
Deletes selected unit.
uiDeleteUnits(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the delete units button has gone up/down.
uiDoubleClickSelect(int, bool) - Method in class Selection
Double click select at pointer location.
uiDumpAIIUnitHotKeyMappings() - Method in class Console
uiDumpKeyMappings(string) - Method in class Console
uiDumpUnmappedKeys(string) - Method in class Console
uiEditCurrentWorldEditor() - Method in class Console
Bring up an editing dialog for current world editor.
uiEjectAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit.
uiEjectGarrisonedUnits() - Method in class Console
Sends an ejection command for the selected unit.
uiEmpowerAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position.
uiEnterContext(string) - Method in class Console
Enters the specified UI context.
uiExportTriggers(string) - Method in class Files
Save some triggers.
uiFilterTerrainSelection() - Method in class Terrain
Filter the current terrain selection.
uiFindIdleType(string) - Method in class Selection
Finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindKeyMapping(string) - Method in class Console
uiFindTownBellTC() - Method in class Selection
Finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFindType(string) - Method in class Selection
Finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle.
uiFlareAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Sends out a flare at the pointer position.
uiFlattenTerrainSelection() - Method in class Terrain
F latte n the current terrain selection.
uiGarrisonToPointer() - Method in class Console
Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position.
uiGenericBackground - Variable in class UIConfig
Set generic art.
uiGenericButton - Variable in class UIConfig
Set generic art.
uiGenericDarkBackground - Variable in class UIConfig
Set generic art.
uiGenericDialogBackground - Variable in class UIConfig
Set generic art.
uiGuardAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Sends an guard order.
uiHandleIdleBanner(string) - Method in class Console
Does the right thing.
uiHandleUserTab(string, string) - Method in class Console
Handles toggle of user textures.
uiHelpAtPointer() - Method in class Help
Opens a help topic related to the object at the pointer position.
uiHeroizeUnit(string, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Heroizes the given unit.
uiHideCursor() - Method in class Console
Hides the cursor.
uiHideTributeDialog() - Method in class Console
Hides the tribute dialog.
uiImportTriggers(string) - Method in class Files
Import some triggers.
uiIncPlaceVariation() - Method in class Unit
Increments the variation to place.
uiIncreaseTextureDensity(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the increase texture density button has gone up/down.
uiInitOptionsScreenProfileEditDialog() - Method in class Console
Initializes the Profile Edit Dialog inside the OptionsScreen.
uiLastDetailHelp() - Method in class Help
Goes back to the most recent help entry.
uiLeaveContext(string) - Method in class Console
Leaves the specified UI context.
uiLeaveModeOnUnshift() - Method in class Console
Causes game to return to editMode("none") only when the shift hotkey is released.
uilgnoreNextKey() - Method in class Console
Used when activating a text box with a key to prevent that key from going into the text box too.
uiLoadTriggers() - Method in class Files
Load some triggers.
uiLookAtNumberGroup(int) - Method in class Groups
Moves the camera to see the given number group.
uiLookAtProto() - Method in class Camera
Moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
uiLookAtSelection() - Method in class Camera
Moves the camera to see the first selected unit.
uiLookAtUnit() - Method in class Camera
Moves the camera to see the specified Unit.
uiLookAtUnitByName(string) - Method in class Camera
Moves the camera to see the specified Unit.
uiLowerElevation(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the l o we r elevation button has gone up.
uiLowerTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the lower terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiLowerWater(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the lower water button has gone up/down.
uiMaximizeMainBackground() - Method in class Console
Maximizes main UI.
uiMessageBox(string, string) - Method in class Console
Pops up a message box with some text and an OK button.
uiMinimizeMainBackground() - Method in class Console
Minimizes main UI and brings up the minimized UI.
uiMoveSelectionAddButtonDown() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiMoveSelectionAddButtonUp() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiMoveSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiMoveSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiMoveUnitBackward(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit backward key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitDown(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit down key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitForward(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit forward key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitLeft(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit left key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitRight(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit right key has gone up/down.
uiMoveUnitUp(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the move unit up key has gone up/down.
uiMultiplayerSave() - Method in class Console
Shows the save dialog, but only when in a multiplayer game (and stops playing stupid music at 11pm).
uiNewScenario() - Method in class Console
Creates a new blank scenario.
uiOpenCameraTrackBrowser() - Method in class Track
Open a camera track from the data directory.
uiOpenRecordGameBrowser() - Method in class Files
Open a record game from the saved game directory.
uiOpenSavedGameBrowser() - Method in class Files
Open a game from the saved game directory.
uiOpenScenarioBrowser() - Method in class Files
Open a scenario from the scenario directory.
uiPaint(bool, bool) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the paint button has gone up/down.
uiPaintCliff(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the paint cliff button has gone up/down.
uiPaintTerrainOverlay(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the paint terrain overlay button has gone up/down.
uiPaintTerrainToSample(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the sample terrain button has gone up/down.
uiPaintWater(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the paint water button has gone up/down.
uiPaintWaterArea(int) - Method in class Terrain
Painting water area.
uiPaintWaterObjects() - Method in class Terrain
Paint objects on the currently selected water.
uiPasteFromClipboard() - Method in class Console
Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the brush selection.
uiPatrolAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Sends an patrol order.
uiPitchUnitDown(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the pitch unit down key has gone up/down.
uiPitchUnitUp(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the pitch unit up key has gone up/down.
uiPlaceAtPointer(bool) - Method in class Unit
Places the currently active cursor protounit.
uiRaiseElevation(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the raise elevation button has gone up.
uiRaiseTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the raise terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiRaiseWater(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the raise water button has gone up/down.
uiRandomLightning() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets the lightning completely random.
uiRandomLightning() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sets the lightning completely random.
uiRefreshEditorMenu() - Method in class Console
Reconstitutes the entire editor menu.
uiReleaseDownKeys() - Method in class Console
Pops up all downed keys.
uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup() - Method in class Groups
Removes current selection from any army.
uiRemoveSelectedUnit(int) - Method in class Unit
Removes specified unit, or selected unit if not ID is specified.
uiRemoveTerrainOverlay() - Method in class Terrain
Removes the painted terrain overlay at the given mouse position.
uiRepairAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position.
uiRepairBuilding() - Method in class Console
Repairs the selected building if it's in a failed state.
uiResetCamera() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Resets the camera to its default position.
uiResetCamera() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Resets the camera to its default position.
uiResetWheelRotate() - Method in class Camera
Reset rotation.
uiRollUnitLeft(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the roll unit left key has gone up/down.
uiRollUnitRight(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the roll unit right key has gone up/down.
uiRotateClipboard(int) - Method in class Console
Rotate the clipboard by amount.
uiRotateSelection() - Method in class Unit
Rotates the selected unit.
uiRoughen(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the roughen button has gone up/down.
uiSampleCliffElevationAtPointer() - Method in class Terrain
Samples C lift elevation height at pointer.
uiSampleElevationAtPointer() - Method in class Terrain
Samples elevation height at pointer.
uiSampleTerrainAtPointer() - Method in class Terrain
Samples terrain type at pointer.
uiSaveAsScenarioBrowser() - Method in class Files
Save a scenario to the scenario directory.
uiSaveCameraTrackBrowser() - Method in class Track
Save a camera track to the data directory.
uiSaveCampaignGameBrowser() - Method in class Campaign
Loads the campaign game browser.
uiSaveSavedGameBrowser() - Method in class Files
Save a game to the saved game directory.
uiSaveScenarioBrowser() - Method in class Files
Save a scenario to the scenario directory.
uiSaveTriggers() - Method in class Files
Save some triggers.
uiScaleUnitDown(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the unit scale down key has gone up/down.
uiScaleUnitUp(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the unit scale up key has gone up/down.
uiScenarioLoad() - Method in class Files
Load a scenario, checking dirty bit on world.
uiScrollBrushSize() - Method in class Terrain
Increment the size of the current brush up/down.
uiSelectIdleType(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Selects an idle unit of the given type, but does not focus on it.
uiSelectIdleType(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Selects an idle unit of the given type, but does not focus on it.
uiSelectionButtonDown() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been pressed.
uiSelectionButtonUp() - Method in class Selection
Indicates that selection button has been released.
uiSelectNumberGroup(int) - Method in class Groups
Selects the units in the given number group.
uiSelectType(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Selects a unit of the given type, but does not focus on it.
uiSelectType(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Selects a unit of the given type, but does not focus on it.
uiSelectUnit(int, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
UI selects the unit, i.e.
uiSelectUnit(int, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
UI selects the unit, i.e.
uiSelectUnitByID(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
UI selects the unit, i.e.
uiSelectUnitByID(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
UI selects the unit, i.e.
uiSelectWaterAtPointer() - Method in class Selection
Selects water at pointer location.
uiSendIngameChat() - Method in class Chat
Used by the chat input.
uiSetBrushType(string, float, float, float, float) - Method in class Terrain
Makes the current brush based on the name and parameters.
uiSetBuildingPlacementRender(int, bool) - Method in class AIDebug
Controls rendering of the building placement info for the given ID.
uiSetCliffType(string) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the cliff type by name.
uiSetCliffTypeNum(long) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the cliff type by index.
uiSetClipboardRotation(int) - Method in class Console
Sets the clipboard rotation amount.
uiSetCombatCommands() - Method in class Console
Switches the command panel to show "normal commands".
uiSetCurrentMix(int) - Method in class Console
Chooses which mix to use.
uiSetCurrentWorldEditor(int) - Method in class Console
Chooses which WorldEditor to use.
uiSetForestJype(long) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the forest type by index.
uiSetForestType(string) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the forest type by name.
uiSetGatherPointAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position.
uiSetKBArmyRender(int, bool) - Method in class AIDebug
Render the kbArmy info for the given ID.
uiSetKBAttackRouteRender() - Method in class AIDebug
Render the attackRoute info for the given ID.
uiSetKBResourceRender(int, bool) - Method in class AIDebug
Render the kbResource info for the given ID.
uiSetProtoCursor(string, bool) - Method in class Unit
Sets the cursor to a ProtoUnit.
uiSetProtoCursorID(int) - Method in class Unit
Sets the cursor to a ProtoUnit.
uiSetProtoID(int) - Method in class Unit
Sets the cursor to a ProtoUnitID.
uiSetSpecialPower(int) - Method in class Console
Specifies what god power will be used in the god power editmode.
uiSetTerrainOverlayColor(float, float, float) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the terrain overlay color to the given (R,G,B) color.
uiSetWaterType(string) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the water type by name.
uiSetWaterTypeNum(long) - Method in class Terrain
Sets the water type by index.
uiShowAIDebugInfoArea(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the area info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoAreaGroup() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the area info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoAttackRoute() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the attackRoute info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoBase(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the base info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoEscrow() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the escrow info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBArmy() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the kbArmy info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBResource() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the kbResource info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnit(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the unit info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoKBUnitPick() - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the kbUnitPick info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoPlacement(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the building placement info for the given ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoPlan(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the plan debug text for the given plan ID.
uiShowAIDebugInfoProgression(int) - Method in class AIDebug
Brings up the progression info for the given ID.
uiShowFakeTechTree() - Method in class Console
Shows the fake-o technology tree with the current civilization.
uiShowObjectivesDialog() - Method in class Console
Shows the objectives dialog, if available.
uiShowTributeDialog() - Method in class Console
Shows the tribute dialog.
uiShowVoteDialog() - Method in class Console
Shows the vote dialog.
uiSmooth(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the smooth button has gone up.
uiSpecialPowerAtPointer() - Method in class Console
Use a special power at targeted location.
uiSpewDownKeys() - Method in class Console
uiStartBuildCinematic() - Method in class Cinematic
Start building a cinematic.
uiStartScenarioTest() - Method in class Console
Start testing a scenario.
uiStopBuildCinematic() - Method in class Cinematic
Stop building a cinematic.
uiStopScenarioTest() - Method in class Console
Stop testing a scenario.
uiStopSelectedUnits() - Method in class Unit
Stop selected units.
uiSummonWorkersToSelectedUnit() - Method in class Unit
Issues a command to all workers to work on the currently selected building.
uiTechDetailHelp(int, int) - Method in class Help
Brings up the detail help UI for the given technology node ID.
uiTerrainSelection(int) - Method in class Terrain
Indicates that the terrain selection button has gone up/down.
uiToggleBrushMask() - Method in class Terrain
This is not what you are looking for.
uiToggleBuildingQueue() - Method in class Unit
Toggles whether the current building does repeat building on its train queue.
uiToggleChat() - Method in class Chat
Toggles chat visibility.
uiToggleCombatCommands() - Method in class Console
Toggles the command panel to show either "normal commands" or "combat commands".
uiToggleEditor() - Method in class Console
uiToggleGame() - Method in class Console
Turns off the game UI.
uiToggleObserverFOW(bool) - Method in class Console
Reveals or covers up the entire map's FOW.
uiToggleObserverMode(int) - Method in class Console
Toggle the observer Mode Tab.
uiToggleSelectionButton() - Method in class Selection
Toggles the selection button state (pressed or not).
uiToggleTerrainPasteMode() - Method in class Console
This is not what you are looking for.
uiTopicDetailHelp(string) - Method in class Help
Brings up the detail help UI for the given help topic.
uiTrainUnit(string, string, bool, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Trains a unit using the UI commands.
uiTrainUnit(string, string, bool, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Trains a unit using the UI commands.
uiTransformSelectedUnit(string) - Method in class Unit
Transforms the selected unit into the specified ProtoUnit.
uiUnbuildSelectedUnit() - Method in class Unit
Enter unbuild mode with selected building.
uiUnbuildSelectedUnitAtPointer() - Method in class Unit
Actually unbuild selected building.
uiUnitDetailHelp(int, int) - Method in class Help
Brings up the detail help UI for the given protoID.
uiUnSelectWater() - Method in class Selection
Deselects currently selected water.
uiWheelRotate(int) - Method in class Camera
Rotate with wheel, i.e.
uiWheelRotatePlacedUnit() - Method in class Unit
Rotate placed unit with wheel, i.e.
uiWheelZoom(int) - Method in class Camera
Zoom with wheel -- i.e.
uiWheelZoomFine(int) - Method in class Camera
Zoom fine with wheel -- i.e.
uiWorkAtPointer() - Method in class Unit
Issues a work (e.g.
uiYawUnitLeft(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the yaw unit left key has gone up/down.
uiYawUnitRight(int) - Method in class Unit
Indicates that the yaw unit right key has gone up/down.
uiZoomToMinimapEvent() - Method in class Camera
Zooms to the most recent minimap event.
uiZoomToProto(string) - Method in class Camera
Zooms to the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player.
Unattackable - Variable in class UnitType
Unbuild - Variable in class Action
The action of a building being deconstructed.
unbuildFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Controls how fast deconstruction GP buildings unbuild.
unbuildFactorLinked - Variable in class GameConfig
Controls how fast Kronos buildings and units unbuild.
unbuildFavorCost - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 1 unbuild favor cost.
unbuildFavorCost2 - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 2 unbuild favor cost.
unbuildFoodCost - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 1 unbuild food cost.
unbuildFoodCost2 - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 2 unbuild food cost.
unbuildGoldCost - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 1 unbuild gold cost.
unbuildGoldCost2 - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 2 unbuild gold cost.
unbuildWoodCost - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 1 unbuild wood cost.
unbuildWoodCost2 - Variable in class GameConfig
The category 2 unbuild wood cost.
undo() - Method in class Console
Undoes the last editing operation.
undoSpew - Variable in class EngineConfig
Spew general undo info (ops in queue, etc.)
undoTerrainElevationSpew - Variable in class EngineConfig
Spew detailed info about terrain elev undo.
undoTerrainPaintSpew - Variable in class EngineConfig
Spew detailed info about terrain painting undo.
unicodeStringExport - Variable in class EngineConfig
Turns on the export of a string file with scenario save.
Unit - Class in aom.scripting.ui.console
This class provides a collection of Console commands concerning Units.
Unit - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Units and Protounits.
Unit - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Unit.
Unit - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Units.
unitAction - Variable in class EngineConfig
unitActionSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
unitAI - Variable in class EngineConfig
unitAISync - Variable in class SyncConfig
UnitAITypes - Enum in
Unit AI Types are a collection of flags that define how the low level AI handles unit interactions.
unitBonusBountyModifier - Variable in class GameConfig
Controls how much of earned favor goes into bonus accumulator.
UnitClass - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is part of the Unit Class (as found in the editor).
unitData(int) - Method in class Unit
unitDebugSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
unitDetailSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
unitGroupSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
unitIncVariation(int) - Method in class Unit
Increments the current variation of the given unitID (current selected unit(s) if unitID is -1).
UnitPick - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of KB commands concerning Unit Picks.
unitReturnToWork() - Method in class Unit
Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s).
unitSetFormationBox() - Method in class Unit
Sets the formation for all selected units to box.
unitSetFormationDefault() - Method in class Unit
Sets the formation for all selected units to line.
unitSetFormationMixed() - Method in class Unit
Sets the formation for all selected units to mixed.
unitSetFormationSpread() - Method in class Unit
Sets the formation for all selected units to spread.
unitSetStanceAggressive() - Method in class Unit
Sets the unit stance for all selected units to aggressive.
unitSetStanceDefensive() - Method in class Unit
Sets the unit stance for all selected units to defensive.
unitSetStancePassive() - Method in class Unit
Sets the unit stance for all selected units to passive.
unitSetVariation(int, int) - Method in class Unit
Sets the current variation of the given UnitID (current selected unit(s) if unitID is -1).
unitSetVariation(int) - Method in class Unit
Decrements the current variation of the given unitID (current selected unit(s) if unitID is -1).
unitSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
unitTownBell() - Method in class Unit
Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s).
unitTransform(string, string) - Method in class Console
Replaces all of one with the other, via mutation.
UnitType - Class in aom.scripting.xs.kb
This class provides a collection of all the unit types in the game.
unknownState - Variable in class StateButtonGadget
unlockAllSpcScenarios - Variable in class GameConfig
Unlocks all SPC scenarios for all campaigns.
unlockReplay - Variable in class GameConfig
Unlock the replay functionality.
Unused0 - Variable in class Action
Unused1 - Variable in class Action
Unused2 - Variable in class Action
updateAIs - Variable in class EngineConfig
UpdateGame(GameListService.Game) - Method in interface GameListService
Replaces a game (with the same gameID) published earlier with this updatedGame.
upgradeDamageFactor - Variable in class GameConfig
Controls the efficiency of damage vs upgrading.
UpgradeLogic(int, int, int) - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is being upgraded to the next stage (i.e.
uploadDesyncLog() - Method in class Console
Forces a pre-prepared desync log file to upload.
Use - Variable in class Action
UseableItem - Variable in class UnitType
UsedLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Possible checks whether a specific God Power has been used yet.
useESOnline - Variable in class ServerConfig
Toggles the use of ESO for matchmaking.
useGunMatchmaking - Variable in class ServerConfig
Toggles the use of GUN for matchmaking.
useMinimapSmartUpdate - Variable in class EngineConfig
Use the smart minimap update system.
usePrimaryGCOnly - Variable in class EngineConfig
Only use the primary graphics card.
UserInterface - Class in
useTerrainHeightLimits - Variable in class EngineConfig
Enable terrain height limits.
useWaves - Variable in class WaterConfig
Show waves.
UtilityShip - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a some kind of Fishing Ship.


V - Variable in class GameListService.KeyValuePair
validateChecksum - Variable in class EngineConfig
Validate my build checksum against the host's.
Value - Variable in class MatchMakingService.ContinuousValueParameter
The approximate rating to look for.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DataGroup
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum EntityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum GameMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum RanktableName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum TimePeriod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum UnitAITypes
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Forest
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ProtoUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Terrain
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Water
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum TriggerParamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum DataGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum EntityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum GameMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum RanktableName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum TimePeriod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum UnitAITypes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Forest
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ProtoUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Terrain
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum Water
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum TriggerParamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VariationLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is using one of its variations.
vcCheckConquestVictory() - Method in class VictoryConditions
Checks if a player has no more units marked with "LogicalTypeNeededForVictory".
vcCheckSettlementVictory(int) - Method in class VictoryConditions
Checks if 1 team has claimed all town centers, and fires a counter with given duration.
vcGetGameplayMode() - Method in class VictoryConditions
Returns the current gameplay modeID.
vcStartOrUpdateWonderTimer(int, string, int) - Method in class VictoryConditions
Looks for wonder timers to start.
vector - Class in aom.scripting.datatypes
A vector, consisting of 3 floats (X, Y, Z) where Y is usually the elevation.
Vector - Class in aom.scripting.xs.xs
This class provides a collection of XS commands concerning Vectors.
vector(float, float, float) - Method in class Vector
Create a simple vector.
VerifyTicket(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ZoneAccessService
Verifies that a ticket is valid.
VerticalScrollbar - Class in aom.scripting.ui
Represents a Vertical Scrollbar.
VerticalScrollbar(boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class VerticalScrollbar
Create a new Vertical Scrollbar with the given properties.
VerticalScrollbar() - Constructor for class VerticalScrollbar
Creates a new Vertical Scrollbar with default properties.
VictoryConditions - Class in
This class provides a collection of Trigger commands concerning Victory Conditions (VCs).
viewLockInterpolate - Variable in class EngineConfig
Toggle view lock interpolation when replaying a game.
visibilitySync - Variable in class SyncConfig
voiceVol - Variable in class MultimediaConfig
The volume for the voice.


WalkingWood - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Walking Tree.
Wall - Class in
This class provides a collection of AI commands concerning Walls.
Wander - Variable in class Action
The action of wandering, e.g.
Water - Enum in aom.scripting.xs.rm
This is an enumeration of all water types.
waterAllowPaintDelta - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: epsilon that allows water to be painted on variable terrain heights.
waterAlphaMaxDepth - Variable in class WaterConfig
Depth where water alpha goes to max value.
waterAlphaMaxValue - Variable in class WaterConfig
Water alpha max value.
waterAlphaMinDepth - Variable in class WaterConfig
Depth where water alpha goes to min value.
waterAlphaMinValue - Variable in class WaterConfig
Water alpha min value.
waterBetterFloodFill - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: trying out a better flood fill.
waterBump - Variable in class WaterConfig
Toggle water bumpmapping.
waterColorBlue - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: the blue color for water vertex Color painting.
waterColorGreen - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: the green color for water vertex Color painting.
waterColorPaint - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: for water vertex Color painting.
waterColorRed - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: the red color for water vertex Color painting.
WaterConfig - Class in aom.scripting.ui.config
This class provides an overview of Configs related to water and waves.
waterDecal - Variable in class WaterConfig
Toggle water decal.
waterEnv - Variable in class WaterConfig
Toggle water environment map.
waterEnvTrans - Variable in class WaterConfig
Toggles whether water environment map is in transparency mode.
waterLargeAngle - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: large wave movement angle (degrees) -- must repaint water.
waterLargeMaxAlpha - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: large wave max alpha.
waterLargeMinAlpha - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: large wave min alpha.
waterLargePeriod - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: large wave fade period in secs.
waterLargeSpeed - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: large wave movement speed -- must repaint water.
waterPaintArea - Variable in class WaterConfig
Toggles painting water area vs just painting water.
waterPlaneOffset - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: distance the water plane is below the edge that created the water.
waterRenderHull - Variable in class WaterConfig
DEBUG: render the water hull.
WaterResource - Variable in class UnitType
waterSmallAngle - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: small wave movement angle (degrees) -- must repaint water.
waterSmallMaxAlpha - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: small wave max alpha.
waterSmallMinAlpha - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: small wave min alpha.
waterSmallPeriod - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: small wave fade period in secs.
waterSmallSpeed - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: small wave movement speed -- must repaint water.
waterTest - Variable in class WaterConfig
WATER HACK: turn on water test hack.
wave2AnimFadeInEnd - Variable in class WaterConfig
Wave parameter.
wave2AnimFadeOutEnd - Variable in class WaterConfig
Wave parameter.
wave2AnlmFadeOutStart - Variable in class WaterConfig
Wave parameter.
waveAnimFadeOutEnd - Variable in class WaterConfig
Wave parameter.
waveAnimFadeOutStart - Variable in class WaterConfig
Wave parameter.
WhirlwindAttack - Variable in class Action
The action of attacking by creating a whirlwind, as done by Sphinxes, Avengers and Scorpion Men.
WildCrops - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is some kind of Wild Crops, or at least food units that gather at the same speed as regular berries.
win32Keyboard - Variable in class InputConfig
Use native windows keyboard events instead of DirectInput.
win32Mouse - Variable in class InputConfig
Use native windows mouse events instead of DirectInput.
window - Variable in class EngineConfig
Game starts in a window instead of fullscreen.
windowsCursor - Variable in class InputConfig
Forces Windows cursor to always be displayed and no in-game cursor.
windowZStyle - Variable in class AbstractGadget
Wood - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit contains Wood.
WoodDropsite - Variable in class UnitType
Indicates that this protounit is a Wood Dropsite.
Work - Variable in class Action
WorkedOnLogic() - Method in interface Logic
Checks whether this unit is worked on.
worldSizeX - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the default X-size of new maps generated by the editor.
worldSizeZ - Variable in class EngineConfig
Defines the default Z-size of new maps generated by the editor.
worldSync - Variable in class SyncConfig


xmlBlob - Variable in class ZoneAccessService.XMLBlobResult
XMLBlobResult() - Constructor for class ZoneAccessService.XMLBlobResult
XmlTechFile - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
The XML file that defines the technologies.
XmlTechTree - Variable in class DirectoryConfig
The XML file that defines the techtree.
xorAllSync - Variable in class SyncConfig
xres - Variable in class EngineConfig
Specifies the startup X-resolution, in pixels.
xsAddRuntimeEvent(string, string, int) - Method in class ExternalSubroutines
Sets up a runtime event.
xsArrayCreate(string, int, int, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Creates a new array of float values, with given dimensions and default value.
xsArrayCreate(string, int, int, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Creates a new array of float values, with given dimensions and default value.
xsArrayDelete(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Deletes an X-column from the array.
xsArrayDelete(int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Deletes an X-column from the array.
xsArrayEcho(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes a value in the array to the output.
xsArrayEcho(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes a value in the array to the output.
xsArrayEchoAll(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes all values in the array to the output, in a linear manner.
xsArrayEchoAll(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes all values in the array to the output, in a linear manner.
xsArrayEchoAll2(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Echoes all values in the array to the output, in a matrix formation.
xsArrayEchoAll2(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Echoes all values in the array to the output, in a matrix formation.
xsArrayEqual(string, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns true if both arrays have the same content.
xsArrayEqual(string, string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns true if both arrays have the same content.
xsArrayFill(int, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Fills the given array with a given value.
xsArrayFill(int, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Fills the given array with a given value.
xsArrayFillByName(string, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Fills the given array with a given value.
xsArrayFillByName(string, float, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Fills the given array with a given value.
xsArrayFind(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Tries to find a value in a given row of the provided array.
xsArrayFind(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Tries to find a value in a given row of the provided array.
xsArrayGet(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Gets a value from the given array.
xsArrayGet(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Gets a value from the given array.
xsArrayGetByName(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Gets a value from the given array.
xsArrayGetByName(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Gets a value from the given array.
xsArrayGetDefaultValue(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the default value of the given array.
xsArrayGetDefaultValue(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the default value of the given array.
xsArrayGetID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Converts an array name to an array ID.
xsArrayGetID(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Converts an array name to an array ID.
xsArrayGetSize(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the size of the array.
xsArrayGetSize(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the size of the array.
xsArrayGetSizeByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the size of the array.
xsArrayGetSizeByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the size of the array.
xsArrayGetSizeX(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the X-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeX(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the X-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeXByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the X-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeXByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the X-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeY(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the Y-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeY(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the Y-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeYByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Returns the Y-size of the given array.
xsArrayGetSizeYByName(string) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Returns the Y-size of the given array.
xsArrayResize(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Resizes the given array, filling new spots with the default value.
xsArrayResize(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Resizes the given array, filling new spots with the default value.
xsArraySet(int, float, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets a value of the array.
xsArraySet(int, float, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sets a value of the array.
xsArraySetByName(string, float, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets a value of the array.
xsArraySetByName(string, float, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sets a value of the array.
xsArraySetDefaultValue(int, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets the default value of the given array.
xsArraySetDefaultValue(int, float) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sets the default value of the given array.
xsArraySort(int, int, bool) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sort a given row of the array, in chosen order.
xsArraySort(int, int, bool) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sort a given row of the array, in chosen order.
xsArraySwap(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Swaps 2 columns in the given array.
xsArraySwap(int, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Swaps 2 columns in the given array.
xsArraySwapByName(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Swaps 2 columns in the given array.
xsArraySwapByName(string, int, int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Swaps 2 columns in the given array.
xsDisableRule(string) - Method in class Rule
Disables the given rule.
xsDisableRuleGroup(string) - Method in class Rule
Disables all rules in the given rule group.
xsDisableSelf() - Method in class Rule
Disables the current rule.
xsEnableRule(string) - Method in class Rule
Enables the given rule.
xsEnableRuleGroup(string) - Method in class Rule
Enables all rule in the given rule group.
xsGetContextPlayer() - Method in class ExternalSubroutines
Returns the current context player ID.
xsGetFuntionID(string) - Method in class ExternalSubroutines
Runs the secret XSFID for the function.
xsGetTime() - Method in class ExternalSubroutines
Returns the current game time in milliseconds.
xsInfo - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Show XS info.
xsRestoreContextPlayer() - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Restores the previously saved context player.
xsRestoreContextPlayer() - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Restores the previously saved context player.
xsSaveAndSetContextPlayer(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Sets a new context player, and saves the previous one.
xsSaveAndSetContextPlayer(int) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Sets a new context player, and saves the previous one.
xsSetContextPlayer(int) - Method in class ExternalSubroutines
Sets the current context player ID.
xsSetRuleMaxInterval(string, int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the max interval of the given rule.
xsSetRuleMaxIntervalSelf(int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the max interval of the current rule.
xsSetRuleMinInterval(string, int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the min interval of the given rule.
xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the min interval of the current rule.
xsSetRulePriority(string, int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the priority of the given rule.
xsSetRulePrioritySelf(int) - Method in class Rule
Sets the priority of the current rule.
xsVectorGetX(vector) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorGetX(vector) - Method in class Vector
Returns the x component of the given vector.
xsVectorGetY(vector) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorGetY(vector) - Method in class Vector
Returns the y component of the given vector.
xsVectorGetZ(vector) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorGetZ(vector) - Method in class Vector
Returns the z component of the given vector.
xsVectorLength(vector) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorLength(vector) - Method in class Vector
Returns the length of the given vector.
xsVectorNormalize(vector) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorNormalize(vector) - Method in class Vector
Returns the normalized version of the given vector.
xsVectorSet(double, double, double) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorSet(float, float, float) - Method in class Vector
Set the 3 components into a vector, returns the new vector.
xsVectorSetX(vector, double) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorSetX(vector, float) - Method in class Vector
Set the x component of the given vector, returns the new vector.
xsVectorSetY(vector, double) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorSetY(vector, float) - Method in class Vector
Set the y component of the given vector, returns the new vector.
xsVectorSetZ(vector, double) - Static method in class vector
xsVectorSetZ(vector, float) - Method in class Vector
Set the z component of the given vector, returns the new vector.
xsWarn - Variable in class ScriptConfig
Show XS warnings.


yres - Variable in class EngineConfig
Specifies the startup Y-resolution, in pixels.


z - Variable in class AbstractGadget
ZoneAccessService - Interface in aom.scripting.eso
This is an interface specifying what functionality the Zone Access Service offers.
ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsRequest - Class in aom.scripting.eso
ZoneAccessService.GetMasterAndServiceTicketsResponse - Class in aom.scripting.eso
ZoneAccessService.StatusCodeResult - Class in aom.scripting.eso
A status code indicating the result of the requested operation.
ZoneAccessService.XMLBlobResult - Class in aom.scripting.eso
A blob of XML code, accompanied by a status code.
zoomToPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoader
Forced the camera to look straight down to 1 point.
zoomToPoint(vector) - Static method in class TriggerLoaderX
Forced the camera to look straight down to 1 point.
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